Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.

Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.

This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me

Get off yer high horse, toots.
So, you changed your position from yesterday when you said, and I quote:

wow. let me get this right. the young woman comes out and says it costs 3000 dollars just to make it thru college for contraception rush calls her a slut and rush is wrong?​

well if she can't afford it what makes her think we can? Abstinence Only is starting to look good to those of us who have to pay for all this dreamed up shit you liberals come up with.

She wasn't asking for you or I to pay for it...she was pointing out what the real world consequences are of insurance companies not covering contraception.

Everyone must pay for it through the cost of insurance premiums. Health Care should not include viagra NOR contraception of any kind. That should be left to the indivdual to have to pay for it themselves. I shouldn't have to pay for someone else's chosen lifestyle.
There's no TRUTH is this pile of shit.

She never did. Not once. That did not stop Rush from saying things like this:
Rush said she has boyfriends "Lined up around the block."

He said she said "she was having so much sex she can't afford it."

He asked: "...what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception.

And: "Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex? Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?"

After saying that the Washington, D.C., Department of Health "will send you free condoms and lube," Limbaugh said: "So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Rush asked of Ms. Fluke: "Who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade? Or your contraception. Who bought your contraceptive pills in high school?"

Then: Fluke is "having so much sex, it's amazing she can still walk." He also said Georgetown should establish a "Wilt Chamberlin scholarship ... exclusively for women."

Then, again, Limbaugh defended his previous comments and complained "not one person says that, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?'

Later, Limbaugh said that requiring insurance companies to cover contraception is "no different than if somebody knocked on my door that I don't know and said, 'You know what? I'm out of money. I can't afford birth-control pills, and I'm supposed to have sex with three guys tonight.' "
Fluke never even once talked about her own sexual activity. In, no way, shape or form. In fact, in her testimony, she even said:

“And so, I’m here today to share their voices, and I want to thank you for allowing them – not me – to be heard."

Transcript: Sandra Fluke testifies on why women should be allowed access to contraception and reproductive health care | What The Folly?!

All that came from his mouth was a 3 day long tirade of misogynistic putrid slurs and below-the-belt slander aimed at a woman who testified about a public policy matter.

There wasn't an ounce of truth in his words.

By her behavior Fluke proved the absolute truth of what he said. She wants birth control coverage to the tune of $1,000 a year. As has been ABUNDANTLY made clear, to use that much BC, she has to be having sex so often that it's a wonder how she is getting through school. But that's a matter between the school and the professors.
There's no behavior she engaged in, other than testifying in Washington.

And you have got to be as rock solid stupid as Rush and his dittohead idiots to make a statement like "to use that much birth control."

You fucking dolts don't even understand how the pill works. You take ONE pill a day - if you have no sex, or if you have sex 10 times a week. The cost of the pill has nothing to do with the amount of sex one has.

Christ, some of you have the IQ of lint.
That's what pigs like limbaugh, hannity, and co. work off of. They know they can stir their legion of dolts into a frenzy, so they can get "the base' of dolts to go vote for a clown like Santorum.
A reminder, for the thousandth time:

You pay premiums for insurance. When the insurance company pays a claim, they use the money from the premiums collected to pay it.

Georgetown sells insurance to its students. It charges them a premium for that insurance. When you have a claim, the premiums cover it. Provided the insurance company is run properly, the cost of claims is always equal to or lower than the premiums collected.

If birth control is covered under the plan, then the plan would take the above into account in setting premiums.

yes moron we know, the price of our insurance is going to go up so people can fuck like rabbits, where you been all week?
Funny innit? The party of people who want to convince us they are adult enough to make "REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE" are the same people who aren't adult enough to don a condom or swallow a pill.. :lol::eusa_shhh:

Owweee. lol
boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.

Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.

This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me

Took awhile for joey to show his true coluors, didn't it?
Truely? Well then, it will be easy for you to link such a conversation.

I always like the it's it isn't.... You have playground 101 down pat.

What's funny though, funny meaning stupid, is how liberals always ascribe to anyone else that what they are saying is about themselves. Then when a liberal says something, they are selflessly speaking out for all of mankind. Nothing you ever do is for yourselves, no matter how much it serves your selfish interests.

So I'll pass on the word parsing game you want to play.

Did you read the transcript of here testimony or not?

I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...
By her behavior Fluke proved the absolute truth of what he said. She wants birth control coverage to the tune of $1,000 a year. As has been ABUNDANTLY made clear, to use that much BC, she has to be having sex so often that it's a wonder how she is getting through school. But that's a matter between the school and the professors.
There's no behavior she engaged in, other than testifying in Washington.

And you have got to be as rock solid stupid as Rush and his dittohead idiots to make a statement like "to use that much birth control."

You fucking dolts don't even understand how the pill works. You take ONE pill a day - if you have no sex, or if you have sex 10 times a week. The cost of the pill has nothing to do with the amount of sex one has.

Christ, some of you have the IQ of lint.
That's what pigs like limbaugh, hannity, and co. work off of. They know they can stir their legion of dolts into a frenzy, so they can get "the base' of dolts to go vote for a clown like Santorum.

lol, which "dolts" have started all the threads on Rush and been all hot and bothered over a RADIO HOST..? you people are dumbasses
Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me

Public Hanging? NOpe. Take him off the air and never take him seriously again? Maybe.

Stop cowering in fear of him, as GOP candidates have been doing for years now? Well, that would be a good start. Romney is winning without Rush's help, and so did McCain.

Occassionally, government has to take one side over another.

The sides here are a

1) Average working or going to school at institutions owned by the Church, who seek comprehensive health care as they were promised when hired.


2) A bunch of old guys in dresses who didn't show nearly this much concern when their clergy were molesting children.

Sorry, if there was a side to be picked in this fight, Obama picked the right one. This isn't a first amendment issue. The first amendment is not a "get out of obeying the law free card."

Why the GOP let itself get sucked into this trap is the more interesting question, although I think the answer will be quite depressing.
I always like the it's it isn't.... You have playground 101 down pat.

What's funny though, funny meaning stupid, is how liberals always ascribe to anyone else that what they are saying is about themselves. Then when a liberal says something, they are selflessly speaking out for all of mankind. Nothing you ever do is for yourselves, no matter how much it serves your selfish interests.

So I'll pass on the word parsing game you want to play.

Did you read the transcript of here testimony or not?

I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...

IOW, you didn't. And it shows.
Did you read the transcript of here testimony or not?

I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...

IOW, you didn't. And it shows.

You just showed the liar is you, dumb ass. That was a direct story from her testimony.
I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...

No, her school doesn't pay her.

She pays her school. She pays $30,000 in tuition. Part of that tuition is comprehensive health coverage for the time she is there.

There are only two parties that should be having this conversation.

1) Medical professionals.
2) Patients.

Chruches, Governments, universities, Employers and Insurance companies shouldn't be involved in the conversation at all.
The man apologizes yet the Left-Bots still go on feigning outrage. Look here's the deal Left-Bots, the horse has been dead for awhile on this one. So continuing to beat it, aint gonna get you anywhere. Looks like you'll just have to invent a new phony outrage. Good luck with that.
She’s a moocher and a tool of the Nanny State. She’s a poster girl for the rabid Planned Parenthood lobby and its eugenics-inspired foremothers.

she's not stupid either. she can get BC from walmart for 10 bucks a month or a 100 bucks buys a years supply of IUD's. and she knows it. which proves she's a plant.

Limbaugh should mount a massive attack. which I support 110%
boy I don't know where you have been, but they all have come out and said it was a good thing Rush apologized.

Fluke is just a rich feminist who thinks people should be ENTITLED to others monies because then they crow how much more they CARE.

This whole kabuki theater was a set up to take the heat off the Obama and his huge blunder (that will COST HIM, not Rush) with religious people and organizations

Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me

Taking one citizens side over another?

Are you suggesting that he should have taken Rush's side?
There are only two parties that should be having this conversation.

1) Medical professionals.
2) Patients.

Right, the people being forced to pay for it have no say, we need to STFU. If she's paying her own bills, you're dead on. But when they are handed to the rest of us, you're damned straight we're involved in the discussion. Liberalism, stupidity in action...

If you weren't such a dumb ass you'd realize you gave a good reason she should pay her own bills. Then it wouldn't be our business.
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I always like the it's it isn't.... You have playground 101 down pat.

What's funny though, funny meaning stupid, is how liberals always ascribe to anyone else that what they are saying is about themselves. Then when a liberal says something, they are selflessly speaking out for all of mankind. Nothing you ever do is for yourselves, no matter how much it serves your selfish interests.

So I'll pass on the word parsing game you want to play.

Did you read the transcript of here testimony or not?

I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...
Yeah, I bet you busted a gut laughing about the woman who lost A FUCKING OVARY because some backward repressed neanderthals were squabbling about whether they should pay of for birth control pills that would have helped her cysts. Now she's going through early menopause and may never get pregnant.

You probably had a good guffaw reading about the extremely painful condition of endometriosis Fluke relayed - the kind of pain which makes you feel like a bullet was shot through your uterus - and that BC pills can help relieve, but the "moral" jackaass Jesuits couldn't see fit to cover.

Bet it was just ruckus laughter in your house as you got your big FU off suffering women.
Saying "it's good he apologized" isn't good enough. They should have gone a lot further. What Limbaugh (whom by the way I listen to occassionally and find sometimes even insightful) said was so beyond the pale of discourse, much harsher condemnation is called for.

But that's the trap the GOP has gotten itself into. It has for decades played these games with the most extreme religious people, in order to win elections, and now they can't go against them, even on matters that have been effectively settled.

Birth Control was a settled issue 45 years ago. It has reordered our society, for good or for ill.

Obama played this splendidly. Do you really think THIS is the issue Mitt Romney wants to be talking about right now?

What do you suggest, a public hanging.
and it doesn't bother you that your President stoops to this level of pettiness that you call, splendid, taking one citizens side over another? and here I thought he was suppose to REPRESNT ALL..pretty pathetic if you ask me

Taking one citizens side over another?

Are you suggesting that he should have taken Rush's side?

Here's a clue, he could of kept his stupid mouth SHUT. Then it wouldn't be perceived as him taking one citizens side over another. but I guess that would be asking him to act LIKE A PRESIDENT who REPRESNTS ALL THE PEOPLE
I read as far as I could until I couldn't see through the tears of laughter. What a heartbreaking story. Girls want to get laid and they're embarrassed and ashamed in pharmacies when they learn that they have to pay for their own contraception. It would be bad even if it were a joke. But she's serious. Her school doesn't pay for her to have sex. My heart bleeds...

IOW, you didn't. And it shows.

You just showed the liar is you, dumb ass. That was a direct story from her testimony.

You obviously didn't read it ALL, dipshit.

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