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Limbaugh's weaker than water "apology"

What's the current advertiser number of advertisers who've dropped their ads from Limbaugh's show? Last I heard, it was 7.

Limbaugh's net worth is $350 million
Doubtful if he gives a shit
....Until he's gotta start shoppin' for the next "wife" (....while he's still payin' the others to keep their mouths shut)!

He surely could save some money by comin' outta the closet.​
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What's the current advertiser number of advertisers who've dropped their ads from Limbaugh's show? Last I heard, it was 7.

Limbaugh's net worth is $350 million
Doubtful if he gives a shit

Don't be a fool. That's why Limbaugh apologized. After all, what do you think Rush is going to do if he ever loses his show. As far as I can tell, aside from golf, cigars, and stuffing his face, Rush has no other interests.
.....Besides those....​


"Boys, Boys, Boys
Long legs and burgundy lips
Dancin' down on Sunset Strip
Red lips, fingertips"​
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When did AOL advertise for him? Ive listened to his show on occasions and never heard an advertisement from them.

Rush came on his show today and once more groveled to the liberal Lamestream media.

Sad that a once proud conservative has been brought to this
The Lonesome Roads effect.

Uhhhhhhhhh.....that's Rhodes.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ5RZWttmoA]1957 Face in the Crowd /message in movie - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS0E7A_05RE]Worst Person In The World! - Lonesome Rhodes Beck! - YouTube[/ame]​
Does Rush's apology remind anyone of Letterman's apology for calling Sarah Palin a slut or Bill Maher calling Palin a c***' or Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingram a slut, or Cloris Leachman calling Palin a slut, or how about Montel Williams ask the question of why doesn't Bachmann kill herself or how about Fallon's song about Bachmann, calling her a lyin ass bitch? What about Maher saying "If you showed Michelle Malkin Obama’s resume without saying who it was, she’d name her vibrator, “Obama.”"

Did Obama call any of these ladies after they were called these names, like he did Miss Fluke?

The liberal double standard and fake outrage are mind numbing to anyone with a brain.

Of course there is a double standards. Because the right has standards. We expect more of ourselves. As well we should.
Yeah.....We can tell.



I love it, the lying POS is blaming his lies about Sandra Fluke on the.....

Wait for it...

The Left.

That's right, it's the Left's fault he's a lying POS.

Yep, Hannitard and the republican candidates he interviewed on his show had the same rehearsed answer, blame the liberals and the "Rush did the right thing." CRAP.
AOL also pulled their ads. Is that 8 now?

Let's see how much bigger Rush can dig his hole today, shall we?
It seems only the local affiliate ads and the GOP political ads are running.

Our local station here started adding a disclaimer that the views of "this show" (Rush's) does not represent the views of Sinclair communications. I don't know if this is coincidental or a new protocol.
Even lefties dismiss Bill Mahr as a hate filled nut case obsessed with Sara Palin but he never apologized for insults directed at her and her family and even her Down's Syndrome baby whom he calls "retarded". You don't have to get too deep in goggle to find all sorts of examples of left wing abuse of women. The current secretary of state once headed up "the bimbo eruption squad" when her philandering husband was running. Neither Hillary nor Carville ever apologized for what they did to Paula Jones. Even left wing artists Danziger, Oliphant and Trdeau escaped criticism for their shockingly racist cartoons about Dr. Condie Rice. Ed Schultz couldn't contain his hatred when it bubbled up last November and he called Laura Ingraham "a right wing slut" on his MSNBC show. Shultz did apologize though and it was good enough for the left. It ain't about the word is it? Lefties want to silence the opposition and they will go as far as they can to try to take Rush off the air. All they did was to make him pissed and renew his energy
The American Spectator : Rally for Rush*

Hat Tip to: Rambunctious: http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/211647-fans-of-limbaugh-must-read.html#post4916514

* EXCERPT of that piece:

Now. Carbonite really deserves some special attention.

David Friend is making his attack on Rush sound like he's one upset Dad with a couple of nice young daughters. And oh, yes, he wants a "more civilized public discourse."

Is that all there is to Mr. Friend? Quite aside that he gives a pass to Sandra Fluke for her obnoxiously intolerant behavior when it comes to the free speech of others, is there anything else going on here?

Yes. Of course.

Take a look here at this link to Bloomberg/Business Week which profiles Mr. Friend and affirms him as "General Partner" of an investment group called "Orchid Partners" in Boston, Massachusetts. And Orchid Partners? Yes indeed, they are the venture capital firm behind… Carbonite.

Where Mr. Friend is listed as "Co-Founder, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President."


So when you cross check Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston with the Federal Election Commission, one finds -- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh shocker!……… that a Mr. David Friend of Orchid Partners in Boston has been a contributor to… ready? Here's the list of just where David Friend spends his political money:

MoveOn.org, America Coming Together and Democracy for America, all three listed here as George Soros funded groups, the latter set up by Howard Dean. Texans for Truth also drew Mr. Friend's support. This group, according to Wikipedia, was set up by MoveOn.org spin-off Drive Democracy.org in 2004. Why? To… wait for it… challenge then-President Bush's service in the Texas National Guard. The precise same stunt for which CBS fired Dan Rather after documents were discovered to have been forged. The Bush-Cheney campaign said of Texans for Truth that it was "a smear group launching baseless attacks on behalf of John Kerry's campaign that will be rejected by the American people." They were. But that didn't quench Mr. Friend's affection for either the smear campaign or supporting leftist candidates such as Howard Dean, and John Kerry.

And get a load of this. Take a look right here at Ed "Laura Ingraham is a slut" Schultz's site for his radio show. Who is listed as a Schultz sponsor? That's right: Carbonite. Like Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz apologized. The difference? If Rush uses the word "slut" to illustrate the absurdity of the left-wing Sandra Fluke's views -- David Friend is outraged. But when Ed Schultz refers in hostile fashion out of the blue to conservative and Catholic Laura Ingraham as a "slut" -- hey, no big deal for Carbonite.

In other words, to put it politely, Mr. Friend's woe-is-me I'm-withdrawing-my-company's sponsorship-from-Rush Limbaugh-because of-my-lovely-daughters is as close to certifiable BS as one can imagine. Mr. Friend, one can only suspect, placed Carbonite's ads with Rush Limbaugh because he knew it would make him money -- which he obviously then funneled to MoveOn and the rest. Meanwhile, he keeps advertising on the Ed Slut Show… sorry… Ed Schultz Show. His daughters? His daughters? What a deeply cynical man.

Not to mention Friend's chutzpah calling for a "more civilized public discourse" when he is busy contributing to MoveOn.org, the self-same group that put together this charming video comparing George W. Bush to Hitler. Not to mention MoveOn's "Bush Lied" routine. This is pathetic.
-- The American Spectator : Rally for Rush
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