Lindell The Loser

OP, you were allowed to back any candidate you wanted without repercussion. Why do you find pleasure in punishing some one that supported who they liked?
That's a lie. You people are calling it cancel culture.

Despite your dishonest editing, the objection is to the extortion and intimidation by you Nazis to his supplier base, to distributors, to websites that promote his products, the deplatforming by ALL the fascist media sites, etc. You don't "boycott," you attack anyone who has any interaction.

The ONLY way this criminal shit you Nazis engage in stops is if we do the same to you. Don't just boycott Nike, boycott the stores that sell Nike, boycott shipping companies that transport the slave made shoes, boycott TV shows that advertise Nike. I would say go after suppliers of materials, but that's the Communist Chinese Government, so that won't work.

Decent people have to start treating you Nazis the way you treat us.

What that means is NEVER be civil to a Nazi, never be respectful, never cooperate.

Fuck all Nazis.
That's a lie. You people are calling it cancel culture.

Despite your dishonest editing, the objection is to the extortion and intimidation by you Nazis to his supplier base, to distributors, to websites that promote his products, the deplatforming by ALL the fascist media sites, etc. You don't "boycott," you attack anyone who has any interaction.

The ONLY way this criminal shit you Nazis engage in stops is if we do the same to you. Don't just boycott Nike, boycott the stores that sell Nike, boycott shipping companies that transport the slave made shoes, boycott TV shows that advertise Nike. I would say go after suppliers of materials, but that's the Communist Chinese Government, so that won't work.

Decent people have to start treating you Nazis the way you treat us.

What that means is NEVER be civil to a Nazi, never be respectful, never cooperate.

Fuck all Nazis.

Blah blah blah. You people called it cancel culture. You're wrong.

Address that or shut the fuck up.
Its a lesson to everyone in business

be good little nazi’s or the lib cancel culture will get you
A better lesson would be to keep your politics (and religion) to yourself.
That's why come here under a handle. I do not touch politics with a ten foot pole on the block anymore. I run a buissiness and will not alienate perspective clients.
Lindell can do whatever he wants. That's up to him.

And a majority of the country is free to giggle at it.
That's why come here under a handle. I do not touch politics with a ten foot pole on the block anymore. I run a buissiness and will not alienate perspective clients.

Aren't you a democrat? A Nazi?

It's only bad if decent Americans do it - Nazis are welcome to spew venom at Trump and anyone who supports the Constitution.
That's why come here under a handle. I do not touch politics with a ten foot pole on the block anymore. I run a buissiness and will not alienate perspective clients.

Aren't you a democrat? A Nazi?

It's only bad if decent Americans do it - Nazis are welcome to spew venom at Trump and anyone who supports the Constitution.
Lol , the lying peice of trash white supremist calling me a nazi. Hillarious. Go fuck your self.
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...Almost makes me not feel bad for never having bought any of his crap in the first place...
Lol , the lying peice of trash white supremist calling me a nazi. Hillarious. Go fuck your self.

There we go, the Nazi shrieks "JUDEN" (white supremacist) at me.

Again, you'll face no boycotts or cancellation as long as you hate Der Juden (whites) and vomit bile against Trump and the Bill of Rights.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...Almost makes me not feel bad for never having bought any of his crap in the first place...

Yes, he is an enemy of the Reich. He must be UTTERLY DESTROYED!

Seig Heil, Uber Alles Democrat
Lol , the lying peice of trash white supremist calling me a nazi. Hillarious. Go fuck your self.

There we go, the Nazi shrieks "JUDEN" (white supremacist) at me.

Again, you'll face no boycotts or cancellation as long as you hate Der Juden (whites) and vomit bile against Trump and the Bill of Rights.
Bla,bla, bla. Can't wait for you to face Saint Pete. You gunna have some splainin to do. Again fuck off.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy...Almost makes me not feel bad for never having bought any of his crap in the first place...

Yes, he is an enemy of the Reich. He must be UTTERLY DESTROYED!

Seig Heil, Uber Alles Democrat
He had his moment of shame I hope he enjoyed the aftermath....

Like the LeBron the slave master? Oh, but that's different. That the SJW uses slaves in China while spewing his racism here over slavery 180 years ago isn't an issue...

Decent Americans MUST treat you Nazis the way you treat us. Never civil, never respectful.

Fuck all Nazis.
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

Bible prophecy. Your Prog Party does not even know that you are the bad guys and growing in numbers. You are denying others. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves as you are doing to others what some may have done to you.
Lindell the Loser says he lost a bundle. His KOOK behavior and snuggling up to Trump has hurt him. Not such a smart guy, as many here seem to believe. PR nightmare.

"Speaking to Insider this Monday, MyPillow CEO and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell said that boycotts resulting from his mass voter fraud claims have cost him $65 million in revenue."

"I lost 20 retailers, and it's cost me $65 million this year that I won't get back, OK?" Lindell said. "There's your story. Print it right. Don't try and twist this."

he is also a conspiracy nut job who believes we need martial law based on total idiocy. Just like half the Republican party. Change the channel for crying out loud.

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