Lindsey Graham Doesn't Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances

So his a faggot. So it's ok to use that word when talking about republicans?
PMH is a typical liberal hypocrite.
I use the word because you people don't, even though it's exactly what you mean. If he wasn't GOP I couldn't list in a dozen pages how many times you'd call him a fudge-packer.
But it's you liberals who claim to be the party of tolerance, yet you never miss a chance to call gay conservatives "faggots", or call conservative women "*****", or black conservatives "Uncle Toms". It's your hypocrisy we're highlighting more than your hatred and bigotry.
We miss the chance a lot, but we aren't afraid to. Calling a spade a spade is a good thing. And the hypocrisy is your is this case, not calling that fag what you call all others.

You're the one doing the Gay bashing..

Sheesh, you are sooo desperate, I almost feel pity for you...:laugh:
When that little faggot gets real, I will only bash him for being a dick, not sucking them or taking them up the ass. See how that works?

And stop being so PC BTW, it's annoying to grownups.
The little faggot and his rent-boys playing catch the Lincoln bedroom? Yeah Lindsey, ain't gonna happen.
So his a faggot. So it's ok to use that word when talking about republicans?
PMH is a typical liberal hypocrite.
I use the word because you people don't, even though it's exactly what you mean. If he wasn't GOP I couldn't list in a dozen pages how many times you'd call him a fudge-packer.

PMH is a typical liberal hypocrite.
I use the word because you people don't, even though it's exactly what you mean. If he wasn't GOP I couldn't list in a dozen pages how many times you'd call him a fudge-packer.
But it's you liberals who claim to be the party of tolerance, yet you never miss a chance to call gay conservatives "faggots", or call conservative women "*****", or black conservatives "Uncle Toms". It's your hypocrisy we're highlighting more than your hatred and bigotry.
We miss the chance a lot, but we aren't afraid to. Calling a spade a spade is a good thing. And the hypocrisy is your is this case, not calling that fag what you call all others.

You're the one doing the Gay bashing..

Sheesh, you are sooo desperate, I almost feel pity for you...:laugh:
When that little faggot gets real, I will only bash him for being a dick, not sucking them or taking them up the ass. See how that works?

And stop being so PC BTW, it's annoying to grownups.

That's rich :)

You are no "grownup". you post like an angry, rebellious teenager.

Your latency is the reason for your vitriol, you hate yourself for two things...

1) What you are
2) Your lack of courage to face what you are.

I actually feel bad for you, at least Jenner butched up and came out.
PMH is a typical liberal hypocrite.
I use the word because you people don't, even though it's exactly what you mean. If he wasn't GOP I couldn't list in a dozen pages how many times you'd call him a fudge-packer.
But it's you liberals who claim to be the party of tolerance, yet you never miss a chance to call gay conservatives "faggots", or call conservative women "*****", or black conservatives "Uncle Toms". It's your hypocrisy we're highlighting more than your hatred and bigotry.
We miss the chance a lot, but we aren't afraid to. Calling a spade a spade is a good thing. And the hypocrisy is your is this case, not calling that fag what you call all others.

You're the one doing the Gay bashing..

Sheesh, you are sooo desperate, I almost feel pity for you...:laugh:
When that little faggot gets real, I will only bash him for being a dick, not sucking them or taking them up the ass. See how that works?

And stop being so PC BTW, it's annoying to grownups.

Well, let's just see what the future holds, will you straighten out your liberal friends on the subject, my vote is ... not a chance
More gay bashing from the champions of gay rights and tolerance. They reveal themselves every time.
I don't know if Graham is gay but liberals sure want to invade his bedroom and check.

This thread is proving that Democrats are just plain ole homo-phobes, bigots and wallowing in hypocrisy....
Oh no, gays encroaching in your territory.
All the moronic lib homophobia aside, He is wrong, being single would hurt him.

But he does not really have a shot. His best chance was long ago.
What chances? Graham is very unlikely to get the nod.
"Lindsey Graham Doesn't Think Being Single Will Hurt His White House Chances"

Likely not.

But being wrong on the issues and a reprehensible war-monger will.
I'm sure the LGBT community will support him........................NOT........................
Jerry Brown didn't think being single would hurt his chances when he ran for president either but I don't recall seeing or hearing about anyone attacking him for being gay, especially other Democrats.
More gay bashing from the champions of gay rights and tolerance. They reveal themselves every time.
I don't know if Graham is gay but liberals sure want to invade his bedroom and check.

This thread is proving that Democrats are just plain ole homo-phobes, bigots and wallowing in hypocrisy....
Oh no, gays encroaching in your territory.

I'm sure there's plenty of gays in the Republican Party, big deal

Of course, NAMBLA is all Democratic Party.
The little faggot and his rent-boys playing catch the Lincoln bedroom? Yeah Lindsey, ain't gonna happen.
Well, well... look who's TRASHING HOMOS NOW, one of the biggest fag supporters on the board.

Can you say "HYPOCRITE?"

Good Lord you fucking progtards are disgusting sons a bitches.
Jerry Brown didn't think being single would hurt his chances when he ran for president either but I don't recall seeing or hearing about anyone attacking him for being gay, especially other Democrats.

Is Jerry Brown a closet gay?
Jerry Brown didn't think being single would hurt his chances when he ran for president either but I don't recall seeing or hearing about anyone attacking him for being gay, especially other Democrats.

Is Jerry Brown a closet gay?
What do you think?

I don't know. I never saw him hanging around with Graham, McCain and Lieberman - or Rudy Julieannie.
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Jerry Brown didn't think being single would hurt his chances when he ran for president either but I don't recall seeing or hearing about anyone attacking him for being gay, especially other Democrats.

Is Jerry Brown a closet gay?
What do you think?

I don't know. I never saw him hanging around with Graham, McCain and Lieberman.
Petition California s Gay Governor Lesbian First Lady OUT Jerry Brown
I was not aware being single and never married was a disqualification for the Job of President. The current and previous President are married can't say that made a difference for the better in how they have done in the job.
Jerry Brown didn't think being single would hurt his chances when he ran for president either but I don't recall seeing or hearing about anyone attacking him for being gay, especially other Democrats.

Is Jerry Brown a closet gay?
What do you think?

I don't know. I never saw him hanging around with Graham, McCain and Lieberman - or Rudy Julieannie.

Don't you love to see republicans trashing gays calling them fags in public. It all gets around you know
Democrats are going to follow Graham around demanding that he admit he's gay. The New York times will dig around looking for lovers. Hillary Clinton will advertise for any gay willing to say they had an affair, true or not.

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