Lindsey Graham Stabs Trump In The Back With Woodward Interview

Looking for a humorous silver lining to this disaster, Donald Trump thought he was just fine sitting down with Bob Woodward.

I think the reality is much more mundane....

That could be it. On one hand, he's clearly so desperate for self-approval and the approval of others, and he makes absolutely no effort to hide it. You'd think that's a signal that at some level he feels inferior.

On the other hand, I don't know of another answer here: He must think he's too smart for Bob Woodward, and wasn't aware that he was badly intellectually outmatched.

This really reminds me of another example: I don't know if you know who Christopher Hitchens was (RIP Hitch), but he was one of my favorite thinkers/intellects, incredibly articulate. Sean Hannity interviewed him a couple of times, and it was just brutal. Like a child and a professor. But clearly, Hannity thought he wiped the floor with Hitchens, and so did his fans. (They're on YouTube, if you're curious)

I don't know what this is. I call it "arrogant ignorance", but I'm sure it goes much deeper.
I don't know what this is. I call it "arrogant ignorance", but I'm sure it goes much deeper.
Narcissism. Excessive selfishness, vanity, self-entitlement, and lack of empathy. Obsession with getting ahead rather than getting along. Inability to cope emotionally with criticism and shame.

Unfortunately, way too many men still find such models appealing, though a disturbing percentage of women must also. I think it goes all the way back to hunter-gatherer, survival of the fittest mentality. We haven't evolved much emotionally, if at all. Bear in mind that porn still sustains the internet. We are a sick bunch of puppies with all too few notable exceptions.
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"Stab in the back" is a bit dramatic don't you think? Graham made a mistake.
Looking for a humorous silver lining to this disaster, Donald Trump thought he was just fine sitting down with Bob Woodward.

I think the reality is much more mundane....

Only because you think you are so smart .

"Tucker Carlson has blamed Senator Lindsey Graham for encouraging President Donald Trump to speak to Watergate journalist Bob Woodward for his latest book about the White House. Carlson said that Trump should never have agreed to the interviews for the book in the first place, and pointed the finger at the North Carolina senator for encouraging the president to sit down with Woodward -- "What is surprising is that Donald Trump participated in making the book. The president sat for repeated interviews with Bob Woodward. Why in the world would he do that?"

According to Tucker, unnamed sources told him that Lindsey Graham convinced Trump to do the interview -- the same Lindsey Graham that convinced the war-loser McCain to hand over the Steele dossier to the FBI....As Tucker brilliantly pointed out -- Lindsey has been against everything Trump campaigned on -- from ending illegal immigration, ending foreign wars and maintaining law and order at home -- and he has been against it more than the Democrats have, according to Tucker...

However, Trump is a brilliant warrior (perhaps the greatest warrior in American history) with a strong powerful mind -- and he uses his mind very powerfully -- so I am sure he is playing Lindsey Graham in order to expose him as a fraud -- and this Woodward interview is another chess move from Trump to expose the fact that Biden conspired with China to create this virus to hurt Trump....but we all know Biden is too dumb to pull that off, so it makes sense that Lindsey Graham helped him..
Trump is a brilliant warrior (perhaps the greatest warrior in American history) with a strong powerful mind -- and he uses his mind very powerfully

I’m speechless

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