Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim

It's no coincidence that Obama was "born" five months after the moderate Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Borujerdi died and Ayatollah Khomeini replaced him. (-:

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse!
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater!
I used to joke that Barack Obama would put a copy of his original birth certificate in his Presidential library just as a big 'fuck you' to Birthers.

Well he provided a copy of the original birth certificate as a big 'fuck you' to Trump and Birthers still don't believe it.

Like yourself- Birthers will never believe anything- any document- unless it is a forged document by a convicted forgerer who claims it shows Obama was born in Kenya.

I jumped for joy when I saw the copy. Because we all know Obama would never ever lie about anything.



Is that what the Donald's investigators found in Hawaii?
He doesn't want to talk about that anymore.
"Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim"

It's remarkable that 40 percent of republicans are so stupid as to believe there's something 'wrong' with being either Kenyan or Muslim.
I would never, ever, ever, ever consider changing my heritage for Muslim or for Kenyan heritage. It's remarkable your IQ lets you use the internet.
You state your personal preference and somehow his IQ is in question?
Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya. There's no way he would have been accepted to anything other than a Community college as an American -- but a Kenyan! Wow!

I wonder: is this as big a deal as when Reagan told the Israeli prime minister he was at the liberation of Nazi death camps?
"Lindsey Graham: Trump Leading Because 40% Of GOP Voters Think Obama Is Kenyan Muslim"

It's remarkable that 40 percent of republicans are so stupid as to believe there's something 'wrong' with being either Kenyan or Muslim.
I would never, ever, ever, ever consider changing my heritage for Muslim or for Kenyan heritage. It's remarkable your IQ lets you use the internet.
You state your personal preference and somehow his IQ is in question?
How many times did they make you say Kenya was equal to the United States before you believed it, genius?
Then wouldn't GOP voters pick ANYONE that was a republican? Lindsey is just sad he has 0%. Hey look on bright side Lindsey when you FINALLY come out as a woman trapped in a man's body you won't have to change your first name :)
It is a known fact that Hawaii is ran by democrats and democrats tend to collude with each other in a very unhealthy way. I wouldn't be surprised if the democrat in charge of birth certificates didn't fake it. Can you explain why no one else but the government of hawaii is allowed to look?
Oh jebus christo, TWO REPUBLICAN heads of the Hawaiian Department of Health/ Administrators said they saw his ORIGINAL Birth Certificate and with no doubts, he was born in Hawaii.

The doctor who signed it, died a few years ago in a "plane crash" coincidence ??????

and Obama's grandmother died a few days after he "visited" her, coincidence??

He visited her *because* she was dying.

Sen. Barack Obama will cancel his presidential campaign stops and return here Thursday and Friday to visit his maternal grandmother who raised him, the woman he calls "Toot," whose health has suddenly deteriorated.

Madelyn Dunham, 85, recently had to be hospitalized after a fall, and "things have taken a serious turn," said Obama supporter Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii. "It's an accumulation of several difficulties. She's faced a lot of challenges.

Obama leaving campaign trail to visit ill grandmother

But hey, why bother with actually informing yourself when you can insinuate yet another batshit conspiracy that you can't possibly back up with evidence.

I mean, an ill 86 year old dying.......inconceivable!

She is also the person who told an interviewer that Barry was born in Kenya. Coincidence, you decide.

Except you're completely full of shit yet again, desperately lying to back yet another failed and utterly batshit conspiracy theory.

Show us the grandmother Obama visited in Hawaii *ever* saying he was born in Kenya.

You'll find you just traded your credibility and integrity for absolutely nothing.
Show us Hillary saying this. Link to where you're drawing the quote from.

If it happened over and should be easy. Yet you've never managed to do it.

Then why can't you show us Hillary saying this? Every time I ask you to SHOW us, with a give us an excuse why you can't.

Odd that. Its almost like you're trying to keep something from us. The only question now is what will your next excuse be.
hillary was remarkably inconspicuous, until the hearing, and what difference does it make.

however, she was there & blamed that video when America received the bodies of our fallen Heroes, made false promises to the families, some true as with sending the maker of innocence of muslims.

she is culpable/complicit within the parameters of the cover up conspiracy, this will be transparently promulgated, by myself, and other conservative political operatives, in the coming election year.

What 'conspiracy cover up'? Again, quote her. If she's culpable, it should be remarkably easy for you to do so. But like Redfish and his desperate can't actually quote her. You'll quote yourself. But not Hillary.

I gave you a cite where all the Hillary quotes can be found.

Nope. That was a Breitbart blog post about a Benghazi report. This quote "the Benghazi attack was caused by a video" wasn't in the link you offered. Which, of course, you knew when you offered it.

Its been what? 10 posts on the topic? And still you can't actually quote Hillary and back that quote with anything.

Try again.

you are probably the only person in the world who did not hear her blame it on a video. But here is another cite for your perusal

And again, your blog post doesn't include the quote you claim. This would be the second time you've offered us a blog post you KNEW didn't include the quote you offered.

And this immediately after you lied about Obama's grandmother in Hawaii claiming Obama was born in Hawaii. Which, of course, there's no evidence that she ever said.

Your lies are coming sloppier and more frequently.
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya
If he did it was undoubtedly to get some type of financial aid, or benefit to foreign born students.

Could be. Many suspect that.


Can you show us any evidence that Obama received foreign student aid?

Of course not. All you can do is *insinuate* the claim, backed by jack shit. All while ignoring the State of Hawaii that has affirmed Obama's place of birth as Hawaii no less than 5 times. can't fix stupid.
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya
If he did it was undoubtedly to get some type of financial aid, or benefit to foreign born students.

Could be. Many suspect that.


Can you show us any evidence that Obama received foreign student aid?

Of course not. All you can do is *insinuate* the claim, backed by jack shit. All while ignoring the State of Hawaii that has affirmed Obama's place of birth as Hawaii no less than 5 times. can't fix stupid.

Why else would he keep his records sealed?

Why else would he put Kagan on SCOTUS? Was it because when the vacancy opened she called the WH to ask to speak to her favorite foreign student?
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya
If he did it was undoubtedly to get some type of financial aid, or benefit to foreign born students.

Could be. Many suspect that.


Can you show us any evidence that Obama received foreign student aid?

Of course not. All you can do is *insinuate* the claim, backed by jack shit. All while ignoring the State of Hawaii that has affirmed Obama's place of birth as Hawaii no less than 5 times. can't fix stupid.

Why else would he keep his records sealed?

For the same reason Reagan kept his 'sealed'. And Clinton. And Bush 1. And every president before Obama, none of which have ever voluntarily released their college records.

Why else would he put Kagan on SCOTUS? Was it because when the vacancy opened she called the WH to ask to speak to her favorite foreign student?

Because she's qualified.

Remember, you can't actually back any portion of your batshit conspiracy theory. So you make up NEW conspiracies you can't back up to support the OLD conspiracies you can't back up.

Its like a tin foil circle jerk.
Well, in fairness, Obama did tell his colleges and Universities that he was born in Kenya
If he did it was undoubtedly to get some type of financial aid, or benefit to foreign born students.

Could be. Many suspect that.


Many are idiots.
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