List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.

We are working on it
How verifiable can it be with no Americans, three weeks notice and several military installations off limits?

We have seen from the Israelis how the Iranians are liars. How can they be trusted?

That asshole Obama signed a terrible deal. Like the worst ever signed.

Thank goodness Trump is not a weak minded Muslim loving dumbass like that affirmative action nitwit Obama.

So what's your alternative?

Now that we undid the terrible deal do what Trump said in his speech. Put sanctions and pressure on Iran and then renegotiate to create a verifiable treaty. A deal that is not an embarrassment to the US or our allies.

That is what Trump was working with the French and Germans the last couple of week.

If the Iranians continue then use our military power to take out their production. A few cruise missiles and it is over.

Don't you agree with me that Obama and Kerry were imbeciles to give the Iranians cash up front and agree to a very weak verification? How could anybody be that stupid?
Clock is ticking on Trump to renegotiate a better deal

What is Iran’s incentive to negotiate at all?
Sanctions that will destroy Iran's already faltering economy.
They negotiate stronger by having a nuclear program
Trump just pushed them in that direction
Any evidence of Iran pursuing nuclear weapons will lead to severe attacks by Israel and perhaps the US, perhaps even by the Saudis. For the regime now, it's negotiate or die, slowly by the failing economy starving the country and destabilizing the regime or by military action.
Another Obama legacy item bites the dust. Worthless President, wasn't he?

Kerry was made looking like a fool. His daughter's Iranian father in law is probably really pissed. Maybe not. Maybe he got a share of those billions of dollars in cash that Kerry sent.

However, the real idiots are the dumbasses that elected the worthless affirmative action Negro to be President and give us terrible deals like that.
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.

Ainchu jus all bad and shit? Why didn't Iran sign the "agreement"?
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.
So, is it a lie that Iran screams death to America and death to Israel? And you still back Iran. Is it because they are not screaming death to you? You see America and Israel as expendable do you?
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.
You mean the “allies” we bribe to be our “allies”?
No I think he means the "allies" who will look for other "allies", if they feel their current "ally" can't be trusted.
The world is a dangerous place if your alone, something Trump seems to seek.

Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
WHat no one wants to comment on this?????????

People here are saying it was their money (Iran's)
It stems from assets that Iran had in the U.S. to expedite payments to U.S. military contractors throughout the 1970's.
In 1979, the United states temporarily froze the account.

1) The account had outstanding debts owed to U.S. firms. Congress enacted a law that provided authorization to pay those firms debts owed from the account.
2) After paying debts, there was just over $400 million left.
3) Congress passed another bill that granted authorization to use the funds to pay victims of families from the hostage situation of 1979.

Iran said they don't agree with what the United States did with the money.
The U.S. Government overwhelmingly agreed by Congress said too bad, we don't owe you a dime.

Obama took it upon himself to disagree with 30 years of previous arrangements and handed over not only what Iran claimed - BUT MORE THAN WHAT THEY EVER HAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your facts straight.
"Donnie the Dealmaker" had now provided Iran and the E3 with incentive to negotiate.

Moron.....Iran has a "need" to negotiate for what??

They have complied with inspections, etc.......Your orange buffoon wants to impose additional sanctions.....what do idiots like you want for Iran to do a Trump tower in Teheran as a show of deep, new found love for the clown?
The President has been quite clear about what he is demanding, a deal that makes it impossible for Iran to pursue nuclear weapons permanently and a withdrawal of Iranian troops and proxies from other countries. This is what the US demanded before the idiot Obama trashed all the non proliferation protocols and turned a blind eye to Iranian imperialism to save his disastrous deal.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.
You mean the “allies” we bribe to be our “allies”?
No I think he means the "allies" who will look for other "allies", if they feel their current "ally" can't be trusted.
The world is a dangerous place if your alone, something Trump seems to seek.

Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.
Shouldn’t Donnie Dealmaker have negotiated a better deal BEFORE he trashed the old one?
lol Why would Iran or the E3 negotiate unless they were faced with the present situation? "Donnie the Dealmaker" had now provided Iran and the E3 with incentive to negotiate.

Why negotiate with someone who will not stand by his obligations

Iran complied with the terms, Trump did not
Trump was under no obligation to uphold Obama's disastrous deal. It was an executive agreement because the Congress never would have ratified it, so Iran now understands that if it ever hopes for sanctions relief it must negotiate a deal that can be ratified by the Congress.
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.
The incentive of NOT having sanctions on about every imported good. But please answer the question posed by Nat. What does the US gain by pulling out? Doesn't seem to be a complicated question.

Trump is doing his best to undo the damage that asshole Kerry and worthless affirmative action Negro did in giving away the store to the Mullahs. How dumb was it to give them barrels of cash of front and agree to no American inspectors and giving them three weeks notice before any weak UN inspection? How can anybody be that dumb?

It serves notice that the US is not the stupid country headed by Obama any more.

The Iranians lied already and the verification is worthless so we need to start over from a position of strength to keep a belligerent country from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Obama's stupid deal did nothing to assure that the Iranians won't have nuclear weapons but it gave them a lot of money.

Obama was a disaster. Kerry is a traitorous piece of shit whose daughter is married to a filthy ass Iranian.

Really? The whole world knew that we have a stupid president. They look at us like ignorant morons and bullies. Like this link. Who the fuck in the world would say something like that? Let alone a POTUS.
From corners of China all the way to Africa US as it lowest point when this idiot took over. A total embarrassment.

Trump's 'shameful' NRA speech slammed by France, sparks anger in the U.K.

Obama was an asshole and an embarrassment to this nation.

It is no foreign country's business what our Presidents says at a NRA meeting.

That was a great speech by the way. Not as good as Diamond and Silk but good never the less.

Thank goodness we have a President willing to undo the damage that the worthless affirmative action Negro did to our country.

MAGA Baby! The time of an incompetent Muslim President giving away the store to the Iranian Mullahs is over.

Opinions coming from your hatred towards a black president doesn’t mean a squat of credibility. So your opinion is worthless. Start all over.

You may want to update yourself who is well respected POTUS around the globe.

Poll: Under Trump, global approval of U.S. leadership hits historical low

Obama remains most admired man in the world: poll
What incentive do the Iranians have to not produce nuclear weapons?

The deal that the asshole Kerry and incompetent affirmative action Negro did gave them the money up front and no verifiable inspections.

Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.
You mean the “allies” we bribe to be our “allies”?
No I think he means the "allies" who will look for other "allies", if they feel their current "ally" can't be trusted.
The world is a dangerous place if your alone, something Trump seems to seek.

Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
turned a blind eye to Iranian imperialism to save his disastrous deal.

How many countries has Iran occupied in their imperialistic quest?

Then, compare to how many countries the U.S. is currently occupying....
Last edited:
Can ewe tell me why we had possession of Iran’s money or not?

Nitwit....we have frozen Iranian assets since 1979 for their taking US hostages............

NOW, can morons like you tell us WHY the Iranians took the U.S. hostages???

Because another Pussy Dem interfered in their Country's bidness.

Poor nat, we both know it's true Carter pulled shit that caused them to pull the trigger on it.
Trump was under no obligation to uphold Obama's disastrous deal. It was an executive agreement because the Congress never would have ratified it, so Iran now understands that if it ever hopes for sanctions relief it must negotiate a deal that can be ratified by the Congress.

China and Russia will NOT cooperate with those sanctions.....Its is actually a BOOST to those 2 countries' exports to
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

It weakens the US.
Makes other countries lose even more trust in us.
It puts our service people and what few ambassadors we still have in grave danger.
Huts US businesses.
It give Iran the green line to get their nukes.
Further destabilizes the region.
Closer to the war Putin's Puppy has said he wants.

Yep. For the right, its more of trump's winning.
No wonder the RWNJs are so happy.
Yes there is a verifiable inspections signed with other allies. We have American scientist inspectors right now full time in Iran. What in the world are you talking about?

Dude you’ve been listening too much of Hannity.
You mean the “allies” we bribe to be our “allies”?
No I think he means the "allies" who will look for other "allies", if they feel their current "ally" can't be trusted.
The world is a dangerous place if your alone, something Trump seems to seek.

Maybe our allies will decide to be on our side rather than the Iranian Mullahs.
Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?

Iran never even signed it.

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