List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

what is relevant to the Iran deal?

I don't know. I'm just wondering why leftists cannot defend their ideas very well and instead resort to personal attacks, name calling and brushing off legitimate problems with their ideologies.
Well, I looked for previous posts by you that would identify what was lacking in the deal requiring the US to back out, and didn't see anything. I think the deal lacked on missile research and support in Yemen. I don't think we were going to get intl support for that, so the question was whether the deal was still worth doing, and imo it beat the alternative: war. And, I don't see it in Americas interest to concern itself with Hamas or Hezbollah with Israel. And Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria are issues that don't involve nuclear arms

Well, how do we benefit from this deal? it seems like a big risk for very LITTLE if any benefit at all, and I certainly do not believe for a second that the Iranians are not going to take this technology and use it against us at some point in the future, either as leverage or, something else. Insane people are not predictable.

Although we can pretty much say the Iranians will do something insane.
they aren't "insane." They aren't really "anti-American" as to what happens. here. They are definitely "anti-American" to anything in the ME. And they are NOT ok with Israel existing. They will do something and we won't like it.

So when they gather in the streets and shout/chant Death to America, we shouldn't take it personal?
So when they gather in the streets and shout/chant Death to America, we shouldn't take it personal?

Do you take these folks' agenda "personally" or do you cheer them on?

I don't know. I'm just wondering why leftists cannot defend their ideas very well and instead resort to personal attacks, name calling and brushing off legitimate problems with their ideologies.
Well, I looked for previous posts by you that would identify what was lacking in the deal requiring the US to back out, and didn't see anything. I think the deal lacked on missile research and support in Yemen. I don't think we were going to get intl support for that, so the question was whether the deal was still worth doing, and imo it beat the alternative: war. And, I don't see it in Americas interest to concern itself with Hamas or Hezbollah with Israel. And Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria are issues that don't involve nuclear arms

Well, how do we benefit from this deal? it seems like a big risk for very LITTLE if any benefit at all, and I certainly do not believe for a second that the Iranians are not going to take this technology and use it against us at some point in the future, either as leverage or, something else. Insane people are not predictable.

Although we can pretty much say the Iranians will do something insane.
they aren't "insane." They aren't really "anti-American" as to what happens. here. They are definitely "anti-American" to anything in the ME. And they are NOT ok with Israel existing. They will do something and we won't like it.

So when they gather in the streets and shout/chant Death to America, we shouldn't take it personal?
Well, I looked for previous posts by you that would identify what was lacking in the deal requiring the US to back out, and didn't see anything. I think the deal lacked on missile research and support in Yemen. I don't think we were going to get intl support for that, so the question was whether the deal was still worth doing, and imo it beat the alternative: war. And, I don't see it in Americas interest to concern itself with Hamas or Hezbollah with Israel. And Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria are issues that don't involve nuclear arms

Well, how do we benefit from this deal? it seems like a big risk for very LITTLE if any benefit at all, and I certainly do not believe for a second that the Iranians are not going to take this technology and use it against us at some point in the future, either as leverage or, something else. Insane people are not predictable.

Although we can pretty much say the Iranians will do something insane.
they aren't "insane." They aren't really "anti-American" as to what happens. here. They are definitely "anti-American" to anything in the ME. And they are NOT ok with Israel existing. They will do something and we won't like it.

So when they gather in the streets and shout/chant Death to America, we shouldn't take it personal?

Maybe your allies want you to stick to agreements you make. Just a thought.

Congress didn't verify any treaty with the Iranians, did they? Only Congress can do that.

Trump would have been obliged to adhere to a real treaty. Not a stupid worthless agreement between that asshole Kerry, dimwit Obama and the Mullahs.

Of course thanks to the stupidity of Obama and Kerry the Mullahs already got their barrels of cash, haven't they? How stupid an agreement was that?
Yup that makes all the difference. Congress didn't ratify a deal made by the president, so the allies will completely not mind that it's broken without Iran actually breaking the terms of the agreement made.
Why in the hell is it so hard to admit that the US just gave up a huge chunk of what little credibility it has left out of cheer spite?

You are confused. Let me guess. You have been reading Democratunderground?

The US never had any credibility making such a terrible deal with the Iranians Mullahs. We were the laughing stock of the world giving them barrels of cash up front and no verifiable agreement. Only an idiot would have made that terrible deal. We certainly had idiots in the White House and in the State Department, didn't we?

Meanwhile Trump has just served notice to Kim that he is serious about negotiating a real verifiable deal.

That is the difference between having a weak President that gives away the store and a strong President that knows The Art of the Deal.
Lol I am the rest of the world, I'm European. Here of the last 2 president one is indeed considered an idiot, although a dangerous one. I'll give you a tip for whom it is. It's the white one.

Obama was the worst President this country ever had. A weak piece of shit.

Only Crooked Hillary had the potential to be worse.

Obama's legacy is in the toilet as well it should be. He was an idiot negotiating that unverifiable agreement and giving the Iranian Mullahs billions in cash up front. No wonder he didn't have the courage to ask the Congress to make a real treaty that would have the force of law. He knew Congress would just laugh at him.

These Moon Bats were morons electing that worthless affirmative action asshole.

Our allies know that the deal was terrible. They have a choice now of going along with the Mullahs or aligning themselves with Uncle Sugar Daddy.

Oh please. Obama is well respected here and overseas with impeccable records and accomplishments.

You may want to ask countries and majority of Americans what they think of this apprentice POTUS. Disgusting like a little kid.

So the question was: What do we gain from abandoning the nuclear agreement with Iran?
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

You have been wrong since Trump first entered the GOP primaries. Instead of stepping back and reevaluating while you are so consistently wrong on so many issues, your hatred of the president keeps you on course...

Iran is the biggest contributor and financier of terror in the Middle East and, quite possible, the world. What do we gain from making toothless deals that secure billions of dollars that are now being spent to fund terror and murders?
So the question was: What do we gain from abandoning the nuclear agreement with Iran?

Thank you....THAT simple question was the intent of the O/P.......

What we gain? Since you are incapable of critical thinking or acknowledging the basic premise that Iran is a sponsor and financier of terror, I don't think explaining that negotiating from positions of weakness and giving billions of dollars to help fund terror activities is not a good won't understand. This is way above your head.
Obama literally bowed to the royalty of Islamic countries, stood in front of the UN and stated "the future will not belong to those that insult the prophet Mohammed", thus insinuating the future will belong to the pedophile Mohammed and his incest-bred followers.

Obama was a spineless leader looking for any opportunity to insult America and help the enemies of this country advance in their goals.

Trump is a president that negotiates from positions of power, with a track record of kept promises, and will not allow the terror state of Iran to continue to use this deal as a shield while continuing to finance terror.
There are lists of what was wrong with the previous administration, and lists of what is wrong with Iran, and list about what 'liberals' are crazy for.
Where are the gains, the tangible progress for America in this otherwise seemingly ego based unilateral action?
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

You have been wrong since Trump first entered the GOP primaries. Instead of stepping back and reevaluating while you are so consistently wrong on so many issues, your hatred of the president keeps you on course...

Iran is the biggest contributor and financier of terror in the Middle East and, quite possible, the world. What do we gain from making toothless deals that secure billions of dollars that are now being spent to fund terror and murders?
You've never heard of Saudi Arabia and Wahhabis?
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
There was no reason to accept the original deal. Iran only agreed to the deal on the stipulations that:
1. No IAEA inspectors were allowed to inspect military bases, as the Iranians insisted they would have their own people inspect the bases.
2. The IAEA had to give 24 hour advance notice of any upcoming inspections.
Those two stipulations ensured that Iran could actually develop nuclear weapons technology and the deal was worthless.

These 2 stipulation does NOT ensured Iran can complete their nuclear ambitions. It’s IMPOSSIBLE. Currently Iran has only 2 nuclear facilities located in Fordo and Natanz which are sitting idle.

1. This is the same agreement we made with Russians. Nothing new. Why would you allow foreign countries checking out your military installations?

2.A True. But nuclear materials it’s not that simple to hide or move. IAEA already knew how much/many high and low grade enriched uranium completed. Low grade enriched uranium (3 to 4% concentration of U-235 ) is to fuel nuclear plant. High grade is 90% concentration of U-235 for weapon grade material. To start and to stop nuclear facility is not that simple.

2.B. Before the agreement Iran with all the sanctions applied they were able to complete a total of 20,000 centrifuges. With the agreement now reduced to only 1,000 for medicine, isotopes and science purposes only.

2.A. The bottom line. Those nuclear weapon grade uranium are worthless without the completion of the hard water nuclear facility in Arak.

Trump is idiot.
So the question was: What do we gain from abandoning the nuclear agreement with Iran?

Thank you....THAT simple question was the intent of the O/P.......

What we gain? Since you are incapable of critical thinking or acknowledging the basic premise that Iran is a sponsor and financier of terror, I don't think explaining that negotiating from positions of weakness and giving billions of dollars to help fund terror activities is not a good won't understand. This is way above your head.

You are not answering the question directly.
The question was: What do we gain from withdrawing from the agreement?
Iran is the biggest contributor and financier of terror in the Middle East and, quite possible, the world.

Just for fun.........

How may of the 9-11 terrorist/highjackers were Iranians?....
How much money did these terrorists receive from Iran?

After writing your little, cute post, you surely MUST have answers to the above 2 questions....don't you think? (or do you ever think on your own?)
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What we gain? Since you are incapable of critical thinking or acknowledging the basic premise that Iran is a sponsor and financier of terror, I don't think explaining that negotiating from positions of weakness and giving billions of dollars to help fund terror activities is not a good won't understand. This is way above your head.

Ahhhhh, the "old-I-don''ll-hide-behind-the-"you-won't-understand" stupidity........LOL

You're funny......
Well, Obama gifting them billions of our tax dollars didn't slow down their desire to be the first to nuke Israel. Let's see what NOT PAYING them billions and making them a target instead works out....

Obama NEVER gave them billions of tax payers money as a gift. That was Iranians money. Please stop lying. You are inflicting your self with ignorant. Like Willowtree.

Remember with the sanctions and other restrictions. Look how far they got in completing their nuclear ambitions. Very close. At least right now we have full time inspectors in that country monitoring any cheating to the agreements.
The IAEA inspectors consist of mostly US scientists and so far they have NOT reported any complaints or cheating. Except Bibi that wants to go to war at the expense of American boys.
Again. Why did we have Iran’s money?

At least you're admitting it's Iran's money and not "hard earned tax dollars". That's a step forward.
I admitted nothing. I asked a question. Can you answer it or not moron? How do ewe like that language? Nice huh?

Why do you think you deserve an answer? You've been lying about the situation from the get go. You don't even know what you're spewing about. Can't fix stupid. It's futile to even try at this point.
Well, Obama gifting them billions of our tax dollars didn't slow down their desire to be the first to nuke Israel. Let's see what NOT PAYING them billions and making them a target instead works out....

Obama NEVER gave them billions of tax payers money as a gift. That was Iranians money. Please stop lying. You are inflicting your self with ignorant. Like Willowtree.

Remember with the sanctions and other restrictions. Look how far they got in completing their nuclear ambitions. Very close. At least right now we have full time inspectors in that country monitoring any cheating to the agreements.
The IAEA inspectors consist of mostly US scientists and so far they have NOT reported any complaints or cheating. Except Bibi that wants to go to war at the expense of American boys.
Again. Why did we have Iran’s money?

At least you're admitting it's Iran's money and not "hard earned tax dollars". That's a step forward.
I admitted nothing. I asked a question. Can you answer it or not moron? How do ewe like that language? Nice huh?

Why do you think you deserve an answer? You've been lying about the situation from the get go. You don't even know what you're spewing about. Can't fix stupid. It's futile to even try at this point.

Ouch. That hurts.

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