"List greatest conservative accomplishments last 20 years": The answer he

The triumph of conservativism is the defeat of communism, which ahs meant freedom and prosperity for hundreds of millions of people, from Eastern Europe to South America to Asia.
If your phone bills are a fraction of what they were 30 years, thank a conservative
If your plane fares are lower than they were 30 years ago, thank a conservative.
If your stock brokerage commissions are lower, thank a conservative.
If your ability to own and carry guns is greater now than 20 years ago, thank a conservative.
If there are fewer people on welfare now, thank a conservative.

The list goes on and on. Because conservatism is the antithesis of big government. It is nothing less than freedom itself.
"If your phone bills are a fraction of what they were 30 years, thank a conservative"
for my phones that don't work properly. After a 1 hour wait to speak to someone in a foreign country who understand nothing, my carrier tells me my phones are bad. The phone manufacturer says there is nothing wrong with my phones but they will be happy to exchange my phones for replacements that won't work.
If your plane fares are lower than they were 30 years ago, thank a conservative
for overcrowded planes, understaffed and overworked employees, charges to make a reservation, charges to cancel a reservation, charges to change a reservation, charges to check bags, charges to carry on bags, charges for food, charges to board the plane, and mustn't forget the newest charge, a charge to use the toilet.
If your stock brokerage commissions are lower, thank a conservative
for a AAA bond that's worthless after 2 years due to lack of regulations.
If there are fewer people on welfare now, thank a conservative for 4% of Americans that go to bed hungry and 14 million without jobs.

Oh, I got forgot to say thanks. Thanks for nothing.

Really desperate, aren't we?
Nope, just some of the daily frustrations from Republican deregulation. There are savings from deregulation but there are costs, costs that are not always measured in dollars and cents.
"If your phone bills are a fraction of what they were 30 years, thank a conservative"
for my phones that don't work properly. After a 1 hour wait to speak to someone in a foreign country who understand nothing, my carrier tells me my phones are bad. The phone manufacturer says there is nothing wrong with my phones but they will be happy to exchange my phones for replacements that won't work.
If your plane fares are lower than they were 30 years ago, thank a conservative
for overcrowded planes, understaffed and overworked employees, charges to make a reservation, charges to cancel a reservation, charges to change a reservation, charges to check bags, charges to carry on bags, charges for food, charges to board the plane, and mustn't forget the newest charge, a charge to use the toilet.
If your stock brokerage commissions are lower, thank a conservative
for a AAA bond that's worthless after 2 years due to lack of regulations.
If there are fewer people on welfare now, thank a conservative for 4% of Americans that go to bed hungry and 14 million without jobs.

Oh, I got forgot to say thanks. Thanks for nothing.

Really desperate, aren't we?
Nope, just some of the daily frustrations from Republican deregulation. There are savings from deregulation but there are costs, costs that are not always measured in dollars and cents.

Nope. Totally wrong.
Progressives are the nastiest, most bitter, soulless and joyless people I've ever met and the more I deal with them the uglier they look.

Progressives have had a virtually uninterrupted 100 year counterrevolution starting with imposing an income tax, a central bank, New Deal, Great Society and now ObamaCare and the take over of our financial institutions and auto industry.

And do they celebrate? No! It's like they're drinking a cocktail of spit and gastric juice. Given their record of failure and misery, I guess that's only natural.

Because they used public money to buy votes and create a dependency on government, Progressive giveaways have given us whole states with multibillion deficits, an educational system when the vast majority of students can identity 3 judges on American Idol before they can name 3 Founding Fathers.

Progressive lie to cover their failures. A New Deal that prolonged a recession and turned it into a Depression eclipsing the 7 Biblical Lean Years. There's nothing new about it either, the Soviets centrally planned their economy and what do they have to show for it? Progressives then gave us a "Great Society", (I guess the newness wore off of the New Deal) great because government stood in between a patient and doctor and used government power to transfer wealth. What's so great about that?

And then most of all Progressives lie about Conservatives and Conservatism. We haven't had a Conservative government in this country in my lifetime. The last time we did was in 1920 and we ended a horrific recession in a year. Then we had Reagan who cut taxes, revitalized the economy and dismantled the Soviet Union. He also reminded us how great we could be, and that was his real lasting contribution.

Conservative greatest accomplishment of any time is to remind us how great we are as a people and how little we really need from government. I'll put that against anything Progressives have ever done, any time, any place.
For the record, I'm as liberal as they come, but didn't Nixon open up relations with China? I don't know if that's what you were looking for, but I would like to see more listing and less bickering, since that's what the OP asked for.

Also, I know many Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act, since that was more of a North/South split, not a Republican/Democratic split.

Come on guys, even if you're not conservative, at least put some effort into it.
The greatest accomplishment of conservatives in the last 30 years is getting the military back to the best in the world! It started with Reagan and today no one can stand toe to toe with the US on the battle field.:salute:
Progressives are the nastiest, most bitter, soulless and joyless people I've ever met and the more I deal with them the uglier they look.

Which would be fine except for the fact they want everyone, through the govt gun point (ie legislation) to be as miserable as they are.
The greatest accomplishment of conservatives in the last 30 years is getting the military back to the best in the world! It started with Reagan and today no one can stand toe to toe with the US on the battle field.:salute:

How's Iraq and Afghanistan going for ya....:cool:
Lefties, oh poor lefties, you guys just don't grasp the concept. Some of you put up examples of "My grandpa is not in debt and he worked for unions his whole life" etc etc.

Well, if grandparents are debt free, it's because they spent wisely, stayed out of trouble, SAVED money, etc. Those are conservative values, NOT Republican values. So they can vote Dem all they want, but that doesn't mean they are practicing some conservative values. Remember, "conserve" means "save". Be responsible.

Now, grandpas union might be bankrupting states like Illinois, NJ, NY, CA etc, but hey, at least he retired in good shape, right?

More conservative success stories? The State of South Carolina, which I've pointed out for bringing BMW, Boeing recently, as well as many other big business sites, added 7,000 good jobs through Boeing and another couple thousand through Dept of Energy plant. New today on GoUpstate.com is breaking news that 1,000 high paying jobs are locating to Greenville to build car transmissions, and it is predicted that up to 4,000 more jobs will arrive through foreign companies locating their business in SC...........due to low taxes and non-union work. So, while CA, Illinois, NY, NJ try to figure out how not to go into blackhole bankruptcy, South Carolina is expanding with large growth in high paying jobs because of, lets call it, NON-LIBERAL policies.

If you are atheist, but live according to the 10 commandments anyway, you are practicing conservative values.
If you believe exporting jobs while importing workers is a bad math equation, you are thinking conservative values.
If you think societies function better with the nuclear family rather than the breakdown of the nuclear family, you not only are thinking like a conservative, but agreeing with proven sociological studies.

And finally, to answer those who were confused about my cop/soldier example, well, to acknowledge that is to acknowledge that there is evil in the world, evil that is evil regardless of how nice we treat it or how much we plead for it to be nice, and evil that will pursue the weak, innocent and defenseless with a non-stop relentless drive, and only men armed with big f'in guns can stop that evil. And according to the liberal ideology, that evil does not exist, but is only misunderstood through our own context and perspective. So the men who pick up a gun and take that oath are acknowledging that evil and the need to stop it, not the need to just sit down and ask the evil what is making it so upset and what can we all agree on to make it play nice.
The greatest accomplishment of conservatives in the last 30 years is getting the military back to the best in the world! It started with Reagan and today no one can stand toe to toe with the US on the battle field.:salute:

How's Iraq and Afghanistan going for ya....:cool:

Well, in fact, it seems Iraq is doing quite well. You won't hear it in the media, because that might accidentally make Bush look like he was on the right path and had courageous resolve to see it through.

Afghanistan? Well, it was also doing well. Until Obama took over, and troop morale plummeted. It's hard to ask guys to go risk their lives there, while also announcing to their enemy when they'll be leaving. It's hard to ask our troops to win the hearts and minds of the locals who have also been told of the departure date of the troops, and then let the locals decide if they are gonna align with the temporary American troops vs the Taliban..........or align with the permanent Taliban who will be taking notes of which villagers supported the newly departed US forces in 2 years.
Elton John thinks this loser thread is gay!!
There are no achievements so you fake them with people doing the right thing have to be conservatives.
The Cinncinatti Bengals thinks that's for losers.
So political conservatism is a meaningless phrase?

Conservatism is nothing but all the good things in life?

Like so, conservatism is when the fire department takes a cat out of a tree?

Or, it's like when a parent teaches their kids how to tie their shoes?

Okay, that's an interesting POV.

Entirely irrelevant to political thought, but gee! what a nice story.

Thanks for sharing.
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The greatest accomplishment of conservatives in the last 30 years is getting the military back to the best in the world! It started with Reagan and today no one can stand toe to toe with the US on the battle field.:salute:

Profligate military spending would be a conservative detriment, not an accomplishment.
that's lie number one: it's because of social security, a LIBERAL accomplishment. Before it existed, 50% of all senior citizens lived in poverty.

Nobody lives a comfortable retirement off of Social Security. You can barely get by on that. It does pad one's retirement, however, but cannot be used as the sole tool for retirement.

If there kids are in school, not jail, you can thank the public school system...

Thank the school, but not the parents? Don't you think the parents are the ones primarily responsible for shaping the lives of their kids? If children are successful in school the odds are they have parents at home who actively participate in their education and encourage them to succeed. The kids that don't usually have parents who don't take the time to give a crap.

Almost nobody makes the minimum wage. Even high school students tend to find jobs that pay more than that.

80% of millionaires are self made.


Again, that's speculation. You don't know that the single mother at home isn't encouraging her child to get out of the ghetto. I do agree, though, in this scenario a good teacher likely plays a role.

Very true.

no...it's because by definition accomplishment is forward thinking, not regressive...

I would argue that some of what is considered progressive is in itself regressive as well.

there hasn't been a conservative solution to any problem... ever.

That's not true. We've had very successful economic booms due to more conservative economic policies. Presidents like John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George Bush 43 understood what made an economy tick and all of them practiced fairly conservative economic policies when it came to limits on taxation and enabling growth.

Bear in mind, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here I am neither conservative nor liberal, but both political ideologies have their good points and bad points. I don't think either one of you have made a very compelling case.

Reagan is the father of the modern day massive deficit. He singlehandedly ruined this country fiscally.
List the social conservatism causes of 20 years ago that have measurably advanced between then and now.

List the social conservatism causes of 20 years ago that have measurably retreated in the last 20 years.
The OP restates a common Conservative delusion that God is on their side

They believe that people raising their children, working hard and maintaining moral values is somehow related to conservativism. These are American values that are exercised by people of all political persuasions. Atheists can have strong moral values, Liberals serve in the military as do thousands of Americans who grew up under that evil welfare umbrella and went on to serve their country.
Conservatives have the same struggles with family values that every American has. They cheat on their wives, use drugs...their children have babies without being married
Some Conservatives are even gay or have gay children
See, when we landed on America, it was just dirt and trees. It's now rich. Thats because poor people worked hard and got rich. Passing wealth along to one's children so they can live a good life is a NOBLE thing not to be ashamed of.
Actually. There were many thousands of people here living off the land and respecting the natural resources.
You inbred fuckwads came in and proceeded to slaughter them, either with weaponry or your filthy diseases.
Once you got them dead or controlled you lazy , syphilis infested, assholes bought yourselves a bunch of Africans to whip ass on and do your work for you.
Then you began to rape the natural resources and sell to your Jew/Brit masters.
That's where your "wealth" came from.
You wouldn't understand because you're a brainwashed, murkin idiot.
Have a nice day.
See, when we landed on America, it was just dirt and trees. It's now rich. Thats because poor people worked hard and got rich. Passing wealth along to one's children so they can live a good life is a NOBLE thing not to be ashamed of.
Actually. There were many thousands of people here living off the land and respecting the natural resources.
You inbred fuckwads came in and proceeded to slaughter them, either with weaponry or your filthy diseases.
Once you got them dead or controlled you lazy , syphilis infested, assholes bought yourselves a bunch of Africans to whip ass on and do your work for you.
Then you began to rape the natural resources and sell to your Jew/Brit masters.
That's where your "wealth" came from.
You wouldn't understand because you're a brainwashed, murkin idiot.
Have a nice day.

From what corner of your diseased brain did you actually dream up this fantasy?

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