List Of Charges Against Manafort and Gates Linking Orange Campaign To Russia

I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

Man, you tards can't even make a half-assed attempt at logic.

If they have odds in Vegas regarding Drumpf going down I would bet the house that he walks. This would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP. Look for several people to fall on their swords to protect the orange one.

There is nothing to protect. This is a pathetic witch hunt from the side that just won't let it go. The American People voted Trump because you people mocked the notion that your side should be held accountable for things far more corrupt vs. failure to file papers.

People are not going to fall on their swords. The Left is going to make people pay for Trump winning.
If they have odds in Vegas regarding Drumpf going down I would bet the house that he walks. This would be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP. Look for several people to fall on their swords to protect the orange one.

There is nothing to protect. This is a pathetic witch hunt from the side that just won't let it go. The American People voted Trump because you people mocked the notion that your side should be held accountable for things far more corrupt vs. failure to file papers.

People are not going to fall on their swords. The Left is going to make people pay for Trump winning.
Watch how many people fall on their swords. This will stop just short of Drumpf going down.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.
then please explain the link to any of these and RUSSIA!!!

i'll listen.
You trump whores just don’t get it. His presidency is severely tainted already with 2 indictments and one pleading guilty AFTER ONLY 9 MONTHS IN OFFICE.
Much more embarrassment to come.

Riddle me this batman, I Manafort was on the FBIs radar for so long, why didn't they give the leading republican candidate a heads up when he was considering hiring him?

Who said he was on the FBI radar "for so long"?

They had a FISA warrant for wiretaps as early as 2014, investigations had to precede that warrant.

Link to them having wiretaps in 2014, please.
Did they? What made theses conversations illegal?

The contents of those conversations, caught on wiretap of Manafort, who lived at Trump Tower the past 12 years without paying a cent.

OK, now would you like to actually answer the question?

I did. The contents of the conversations were wiretapped. What they discussed was criminal acts.

Really, I'm sure you have proof of that, right?


Meet the notorious characters who call Trump Tower home

And that has what to do with conversations that were wiretapped and what was discussed being illegal?

Trump denied that he had biz in Russia. Yet he may have taken actions favorable to Russian entities.
He didn't have to have any biz in Russia. He laundered money here. One example is the Palm Beach property that he sold to that Russian for way, way, way over market value, and the Russian never occupied or even furnished.
But so long as he claimed the profit for tax purposes, that is not a IRS crime. Which is the point, as to hunarcy. When "money laundering" is bandied about as a term it may or may not be a crime of US tax evasion. As Hunarcy correctly notes, there is not much chance committed a tax crime. He's been audited for decades, and by his own admission has taken such Yuuuuge losses, he doesn't pay tax. I'd think the IRS has looked pretty closely.

But Putin may have him by the shorthairs, and I suspect that is actually the situation
It is if he was laundering money. There is no evidence that he claimed the profits. And there is no evidence he didn't. But you can bet Mueller's team knows.
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
But it would not be a US tax crime if Trump took an investment by a Russian oligarch/state actor to purchase an interest in a Trump project ... and showed that on his tax return along with a profit or loss ... or it wouldn't be unless there was a sanction in place prohibiting a US business from doing so. But it could still be "money laundering" in that the Russian had no legitimate source for the income.

Overview Money Laundering | Internal Revenue Service

Trump denied that he had biz in Russia. Yet he may have taken actions favorable to Russian entities. Did he have a motive to do so, and did they have a motive to help him win the EC? And did they work together?

I'll leave that for Mueller to investigate, if there is evidence of such behavior. So far, no word that such things happened.
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

LOL! Good luck with that.
Defiant finds nothing wrong with collusion with Russians to win an election.
That’s why they’re called deplorables

Nothing illegal.
And you don't have to disclose meetings unless you win and get a job that requires clearance.
That's false. It's illegal to receive anything of value from a foreign government when running for U.S. office.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

Man, you tards can't even make a half-assed attempt at logic.


Oh I forgot, then both denied financing the dossier. So you might have to add perjury to the money laundering and possible campaign finance violations. Logic that tard.

I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

Man, you tards can't even make a half-assed attempt at logic.


LOL! Are you sad that people won't follow you down the rabbit hole because the reality doesn't conform to your wishes? That's too bad.

I've been saying for months that this was not going to lead anywhere. I have suggested again and again that instead of focusing on this distractions, Progressives should focus like lasers on policies that benefit the people. Distractions like this, especially when it wasn't based on anything real, is what is making the Democratic Party as unpopular as the Republican Party!
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

You've got to turn off Propaganda TV, dude. The ultra-conservative Washington Free Beacon has already admitted that they paid Fusion GPS.

Google them, since FOX won't tell you the truth.
Big Breaking Update!

Mueller makes critical error in indictments.

An indictment filed by special counsel Robert Mueller Monday incorrectly identifies Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko as a former Ukrainian president when she is in fact a former prime minister.

Mueller Makes Key Error In Manafort Indictment

That's not a big deal. They'll just amend the indictment when it's noticed in official circles.
then please explain the link to any of these and RUSSIA!!!

i'll listen.
You trump whores just don’t get it. His presidency is severely tainted already with 2 indictments and one pleading guilty AFTER ONLY 9 MONTHS IN OFFICE.
Much more embarrassment to come.

Riddle me this batman, I Manafort was on the FBIs radar for so long, why didn't they give the leading republican candidate a heads up when he was considering hiring him?

Who said he was on the FBI radar "for so long"?

They had a FISA warrant for wiretaps as early as 2014, investigations had to precede that warrant.

Link to them having wiretaps in 2014, please.

CNN reported Monday night that the FBI obtained a warrant to listen in on Manafort’s phone calls back in 2014. The warrant was part of an investigation into U.S. firms that may have performed undisclosed work for the Ukrainian government. The surveillance reportedly lapsed for a time but was begun again last year when the FBI learned about possible ties between Russian operatives and Trump associates.

Opinion | The FBI wiretap on Paul Manafort is a big deal. Here’s why.

I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

You've got to turn off Propaganda TV, dude. The ultra-conservative Washington Free Beacon has already admitted that they paid Fusion GPS.

Google them, since FOX won't tell you the truth.

Their contract ended before Steel was engaged by Fusion and they only requested domestic open source research. You folks can keep lying, but it won't change the facts.

I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

You've got to turn off Propaganda TV, dude. The ultra-conservative Washington Free Beacon has already admitted that they paid Fusion GPS.

Google them, since FOX won't tell you the truth.

Their contract ended before Steel was engaged by Fusion and they only requested domestic open source research. You folks can keep lying, but it won't change the facts.

And how is that money laundering, tard?

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