List Of Charges Against Manafort and Gates Linking Orange Campaign To Russia what the OP omits is that 90% of the charges, at least, are related to matters while he worked for numerous Democrat candidates...including Joe Biden.
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.
then please explain the link to any of these and RUSSIA!!!

i'll listen.
You trump whores just don’t get it. His presidency is severely tainted already with 2 indictments and one pleading guilty AFTER ONLY 9 MONTHS IN OFFICE.
Much more embarrassment to come.

Riddle me this batman, I Manafort was on the FBIs radar for so long, why didn't they give the leading republican candidate a heads up when he was considering hiring him?

Who said he was on the FBI radar "for so long"?
Deep in Debt, the Kushners Hunted for Cash Across the Globe

The mortgage on their tower is due in 18 months. This has led to concerns that Kushner could use—or has perhaps already used—his official position to prop up the family business despite having divested to close relatives his ownership in many projects to conform with government ethics requirements. Federal investigators are examining Kushner’s finances and business dealings, along with those of other Trump associates, as they probe possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. Kushner has already testified twice before closed congressional committees and denies mixing family business with his official role.
Deep in Debt, the Kushners Hunted for Cash Across the Globe

Federal investigators want to know if the Fifth Avenue building’s finances came up in a post-election meeting Kushner had with the head of Russia’s state-controlled development bank.
Federal investigators know that Kushner met with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in Trump Tower last December and later met with Sergey Gorkov, head of the Kremlin-controlled VEB bank in two meetings that he didn’t, at first, disclose publicly or on his application for his national-security clearance.
Deep in Debt, the Kushners Hunted for Cash Across the Globe

The mortgage on their tower is due in 18 months. This has led to concerns that Kushner could use—or has perhaps already used—his official position to prop up the family business despite having divested to close relatives his ownership in many projects to conform with government ethics requirements. Federal investigators are examining Kushner’s finances and business dealings, along with those of other Trump associates, as they probe possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. Kushner has already testified twice before closed congressional committees and denies mixing family business with his official role.
Thanks! That's exactly the article I was remembering.
Remember, kids. The mass murdering thug Al Capone was brought down by tax evasion.

Let's see Trump's tax returns!
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
But it would not be a US tax crime if Trump took an investment by a Russian oligarch/state actor to purchase an interest in a Trump project ... and showed that on his tax return along with a profit or loss ... or it wouldn't be unless there was a sanction in place prohibiting a US business from doing so. But it could still be "money laundering" in that the Russian had no legitimate source for the income.

Overview Money Laundering | Internal Revenue Service

Trump denied that he had biz in Russia. Yet he may have taken actions favorable to Russian entities. Did he have a motive to do so, and did they have a motive to help him win the EC? And did they work together?
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"

The IRS has examined each of Trump's tax returns since 2002. Are you saying they've ignored money laundering by Trump or his businesses?
A money launderer, by definition, is someone who hides things from an audit. That's the whole point of money laundering.

But once an investigator knows what to look for, that's when things begin to fall apart for the crook.

If Manafort and Trump were both laundering Russian money, then the methods were probably the same, and so Manafort can give some insightful direction to the investigators.
I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

Did they? What made theses conversations illegal?

The contents of those conversations, caught on wiretap of Manafort, who lived at Trump Tower the past 12 years without paying a cent.

OK, now would you like to actually answer the question?

i am not seeing the russia connection. i want this stuff to stick. ukraine is not russia. it is a soverign nation populated by 80% ukrainian people. it has been independent since august 24 1991. manaforte stil should go to prison for tax evasion.

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