List Of Charges Against Manafort and Gates Linking Orange Campaign To Russia

(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.
Not on day one. If you knew ANYTHING and obviously you don’t they work up to the big fish..
Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

It's illegal to meet with Russians?

I bet you believe collusion is illegal.
yes it is illegal. You have to disclose meetings with a foreign power during a campaign. Funny you’re still sticking up for these criminals.
Trump first then America for you.

I love this one. Apparently, this practice is rampant.

View attachment 157423
This is what Mueller has on Flynn, and most likely Kushner, among others.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

Did they? What made theses conversations illegal?

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

If Hillary did this, you'd be screaming it's all a VRWC
I see you were too much a coward to answer my question.
Figures mods are on the criminals side.
OK, don't do that. He's not an un-American treason supporter because he's a mod, it's because he's a sycophantic Trump bootlicker.

Get it right!
I think we are beginning to see why Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

Money laundering.

Manafort: "Trump taught me everything I know!"
The OP is a liar and his Thread Title is a lie.

Mueller's indictments have absolutely NOTHING to do with the Trump Administration or the 'Trump Collusion' LIE.

These indictments thus far equate to Mueller's 'Scooter Libby' - a desperate attempt at justification for the on-going witch hunt and a desperate hope that one of those indicted will give him something he does not have - evidence to support the bs claim of Trump collusion.

If Mueller had anything on Trump he would have indicted Trump by now.

This desperate media-whore circus show today is also an attempt by Mueller to make himself look like a HERO, which he desperately needs after evidence released last week shows he hid Russian crimes until after the Uranium One deal went through in 2009-2010.
Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

If Hillary did this, you'd be screaming it's all a VRWC
I see you were too much a coward to answer my question.
Figures mods are on the criminals side.
OK, don't do that. He's not an un-American treason supporter because he's a mod, it's because he's a sycophantic Trump bootlicker.

Get it right!

and you're a moron..

but then...

that's not news to anyone on the board
If you are interested in national security issues, Marci Wheeler is an excellent source. She rarely appears on TV but she's very good.

Until this tweet I had no idea SKYPE was involved in surveillance. One could have guessed, but I never saw it confirmed by a reporter.

View attachment 157417
Here's another pro tip: Don't hire Russian hookers to piss on you.
Since I don't want wingnuts calling you a liar, let's get it right:

Trump had Russian hookers pee on the bed that Obama slept in. Trump himself is a noted germaphobe and would never let someone pee on him. Until this POTUS campaign he refused to shake hands with people, and has advocated ending handshakes as a way of greeting for years.

But he's a sick puppy who thinks peeing on that bed is a personal victory over Obama, who embarrassed him at the Correspondents Dinner.
Among the overlapping connections is the 2015 deal in which Kushner paid $295m to acquire several floors of the old New York Times building at 43rd street in Manhattan from the US branch of Leviev’s company, Africa Israel Investments (AFI), and its partner Five Mile Capital. The sale has been identified as of possible interest to the Mueller investigation as Kushner later went on to borrow $285m in refinancing from Deutsche Bank, the German financial house that itself has been embroiled in Russian money laundering scandals and whose loans to Trump are coming under intensifying scrutiny.

Jared Kushner sealed real estate deal with oligarch's firm cited in money-laundering case
DOJ Settled Massive Russian Fraud Case Involving Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr.

Democratic congressmen on the House Judiciary Committee want to know why Attorney General Jeff Sessions abruptly settled a money laundering case in May involving the same Russian attorney who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the presidential election to offer “dirt” on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

The civil forfeiture case was filed in 2013 by Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York — who was fired by Trump in March.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

Did they? What made theses conversations illegal?

The contents of those conversations, caught on wiretap of Manafort, who lived at Trump Tower the past 12 years without paying a cent.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

not one connection to trump

swing and miss
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.
then please explain the link to any of these and RUSSIA!!!

i'll listen.
You trump whores just don’t get it. His presidency is severely tainted already with 2 indictments and one pleading guilty AFTER ONLY 9 MONTHS IN OFFICE.
Much more embarrassment to come.

Riddle me this batman, If Manafort was on the FBIs radar for so long, why didn't they give the leading republican candidate a heads up when he was considering hiring him?

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seems more like a tax fraud and lobbying on behalf of a foreign government issue from over a decade ago. the orange baboon isnt directly involved. we need something that will stick to trump. dws isnt on the hook for her IT guy from pakistan. mueller needs more on trump.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

not one connection to trump

swing and miss

We are seeing the beginning of a money laundering case against Trump and his family.

That's why Trump won't release his tax returns, and that's why he's in full panic mode right now.
Among the overlapping connections is the 2015 deal in which Kushner paid $295m to acquire several floors of the old New York Times building at 43rd street in Manhattan from the US branch of Leviev’s company, Africa Israel Investments (AFI), and its partner Five Mile Capital. The sale has been identified as of possible interest to the Mueller investigation as Kushner later went on to borrow $285m in refinancing from Deutsche Bank, the German financial house that itself has been embroiled in Russian money laundering scandals and whose loans to Trump are coming under intensifying scrutiny.

Jared Kushner sealed real estate deal with oligarch's firm cited in money-laundering case
If I'm not mistaken Kushner now owes close to a billion dollars in payments for NY properties. Money he doesn't have. I think the default date is approaching soon.

Perhaps that's what his recent, undisclosed trip to Saudi Arabia was about?

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