List of elite American executives dining with genocidal communist “Guest of Honor” Xi Jinping last night for $40,000 in San Francisco.

No, becausei am am educated person who knows history, not an uneducated, squealing cultist who thinks piss yellow hair and orange cake makeup project strength.
education or not you are still a feminine homosexual that is guided by emotion .
Love a list OP .
But what is it supposed to show and what problems does it raise in your mind ?
I do not like the names on the list but I cannot see what wrong they did .
If you now think you have discovered potentially "traitorous" behaviour , you are a few years late .
Nice to see whose has our back.

They gave him a lengthy standing ovation. After all, these guys have made a lot of money with Chinese slave labour.

It's not the government which sold out the American worker. It was their employers, and their shareholders. They're the ones who moved your jobs to Third World countries so they could make more money.

You blamed greedy unions, and environment law. It was your business leaders who pushed for the trade deals, and the laws to make it all possible. Those guys you all trust for your news, and everything else. The billionaires. Standing and cheering for the man who is making them rich President Xi.

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