List of Fake Scandals In The Last 30 Days

Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

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Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

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I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?
You mean like Hillary did?

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Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
You mean like Hillary did?

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Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
So, was she or wasn't she president? The post I originally quoted claimed she was.
It did? Where?

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Read the thread kid. If you can't follow it get someone else to explain it to you, I'm done holding retarded tRumpling's hands with this crap.
That's away....I knew you were weak from the start son...

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Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

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Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

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I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?
Oh those are "facts" now?

Hint, speculation isn't fact.

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They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
way back when.
How long has it been since they've even been in the same room together?
10-12 years?

Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie

an obvious felony. Call the FBI

Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault

and the woman doesn't even remember it.

Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival

he did?

Trump knew Epstein while Epstein was involved in his naughty deeds. He even commented how Epstein liked them young

Doctoring a weather map to cover up the fact that you made a mistake is an insult to the American Public but just fine with conservatives who don’t expect the truth out of their president

The question is, Did Trump use his presidential powers to offer military aid to Ukraine in return for damaging information against Biden. Let’s hear what the whistle blower reported
Trump never doctored any weather map. At best he was set up when someone gave him a map that had been doctored up.

After all this time we know how democrats lie. Most of the lies are easily identified. They start out with "if true" or "anonymous sources say".
Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

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Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

Actually this issue isn't just about ties into Russian Collusion claims and influence peddling in the Ukraine, the basis for the Mueller Investigation's arrest of Paul Manafort. Trump asking to get to the bottom of it isn't criminal. However, complaining about it is an obvious attempt to cover up wrongdoing by the previous administration.

Yes, that's why Trump is using his campaign to get to the bottom of it, instead of the DoJ or the multiple investigative agencies under his authority. If Trump really thought Biden was dirty, there are legitimate ways to look into it. Trump's re-election campaign isn't one of them.
I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?
Oh those are "facts" now?

Hint, speculation isn't fact.

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Yes, those are facts.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?

But the Ukrainians still haven't investigated shit. They won't because someday they may need to use the Political leverage against Joe or another Dem President. Joe and the Dems owe them big for keeping their mouths and Investigative folders shut, for now anyway!
All this fantasy BS has damaged the Democrats credibility forever. Sooner or later, they will be forced to wake up and rejoin reality. Personally, I call all these fairy tale stories exhibit A in the liberals up and coming insanity plea.
Credibility. Where did Trumpians learn that word?


Have you sunk this low????

K, same place TDS peeps learned 'the word'.

Probably at school.
The burning question is; how can you support Trump and be concerned about credibility? These are mutually exclusive things.
Actually this issue isn't just about ties into Russian Collusion claims and influence peddling in the Ukraine, the basis for the Mueller Investigation's arrest of Paul Manafort. Trump asking to get to the bottom of it isn't criminal. However, complaining about it is an obvious attempt to cover up wrongdoing by the previous administration.


Double standards!!!
As a nation we are in serious trouble, as said about today's media:

"If you don't watch the news, or read a newspaper you are uninformed, if you do, you are misinformed."

Absolutely true.
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.

Are you claiming democrats didn't vote for that war???
Not at all. The understanding was that the invasion was contingent on whether Saddam allowed the UN weapons inspectors into the country and the vote was taken to show Saddam we were serious and it worked. The inspectors failed to find anything that was even a threat to Iraq`s neighbors. We invaded anyway and the blame is on one man and one man alone. The vote was NOT a declaration of war. You`re GOP playbook needs an update. Charlie Manson`s prosecutor, Vince Bugliosi called it murder and wrote a best seller about prosecuting the Bush war criminals.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival

The left is so desperate that every of their throws is Hail Mary.

That is understandable, cause they have no other game.
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.

Are you claiming democrats didn't vote for that war???
Not at all. The understanding was that the invasion was contingent on whether Saddam allowed the UN weapons inspectors into the country and the vote was taken to show Saddam we were serious and it worked. The inspectors failed to find anything that was even a threat to Iraq`s neighbors. We invaded anyway and the blame is on one man and one man alone. The vote was NOT a declaration of war. You`re GOP playbook needs an update. Charlie Manson`s prosecutor, Vince Bugliosi called it murder and wrote a best seller about prosecuting the Bush war criminals.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia

Thanks for the Wiki info, which is liberal slanted these days.

You're another that ASS-U-MEs

'my playbook is GOP'.

You fail.

btw, you best check Congressional records, instead of wiki ( lol! ) for factual information!
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well

Only as well as a cop knows a criminal.....
You forgot to mention he Kicked him the fuck out of his club for solicitation

Imagine that
Trump kicked him out AFTER he was charged with being a pedophile

And...doesn't mean anything. No proof either that either Clinton or Trump had anything to do with Epstein and his pedophilia, just sick people making stupid and ignorant assumptions. So are you among the sick and stupid and other than just knowing Epstein, what proof do you have that Clinton or Trump was involved in any way, shape or form?
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Dont know much or care abut the other three.

But you are wrong about KAvanugh he was not accused of assault again. In this new allegation by Max Stiers Kavanaugh is an alleged victim of assault.
Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did

Lie detectors are not reliable, those that have failed have been cleared, those that have passed have been found guilty.

Why should Kavanaugh have to prove his innocence? When did the burden of responsibility shift from the accuser to the accused? The evidence we have is Ford claiming she was sexually assaulted at a place she can't remember, at a time she can't remember. She claims she was with people who can't remember being their, and no motive other than Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court Judge. It that what we have?

This last accuser, isn't the victim, claimed it happened and the victim said she doesn't remember it.

Not much evidence, a lot less than what the accusers of Bill Clinton had for sexual assault and rape.
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting

Desperate to hide the real Ukrainian collusion.

So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode

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