List of Fake Scandals In The Last 30 Days

So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode
Trump knew Epstein while Epstein was involved in his naughty deeds. He even commented how Epstein liked them young

Doctoring a weather map to cover up the fact that you made a mistake is an insult to the American Public but just fine with conservatives who don’t expect the truth out of their president

The question is, Did Trump use his presidential powers to offer military aid to Ukraine in return for damaging information against Biden. Let’s hear what the whistle blower reported

Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.
As I recall, Pocahontas voted for that war.
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode
View attachment 280587

Then why won’t Trump release what the whistleblower reported?
He denies everything but won’t report what he is denying
The Democratic party of today....


I watched as Lewandowski shredded this POS in the Hearing last week. Go ahead and ban .50 caliber AR15's what a dumbass! Who votes for these people and how can someone that stupid even be allowed to hold an Elected Office.

"I have no obligation to be honest with the media" - I hear Lewandowski is going to use that as his campaign slogan.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.
Fake? Which one is fake? They all seem to be easily verifiable as true.

Which one has been verified?
Credibility. Where did Trumpians learn that word?


Have you sunk this low????

K, same place TDS peeps learned 'the word'.

Probably at school.
The burning question is; how can you support Trump and be concerned about credibility? These are mutually exclusive things.

There is no burning question.

You ASS-U-ME incorrectly, whoops!
Please cite an example of Trump's solid credibility.
Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.
As I recall, Pocahontas voted for that war.

You just pulled that from your caboose. She wasn't in Congress at the time.
Forget about that crazy white winger he would argue that the sun never shines if his idiot 44 said it.
Like what for example?
Admit it you have never been right.

What has Obama said that needs to be covered up?
Oh I don't know. Maybe that he would have more flexibility after the election. Perhaps that Americans would save $2500 a year. That climate change was a crisis. Bragging about killing so many by drone. Probably a few hundred others.

But the whole part is that you have a warped sense of right and wrong and never seem to understand that your spin on right and wrong is never correct.
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Kinda like a dim or two I recall hearing say Blasey Ford’s story seemed believable, or some bullshit like that.

Well, she did take lie detector test performed by unnamed former FBI agent that her lawyers paid. Totally legit.

All this fantasy BS has damaged the Democrats credibility forever. Sooner or later, they will be forced to wake up and rejoin reality. Personally, I call all these fairy tale stories exhibit A in the liberals up and coming insanity plea.
Credibility. Where did Trumpians learn that word?


Have you sunk this low????

K, same place TDS peeps learned 'the word'.

Probably at school.
The burning question is; how can you support Trump and be concerned about credibility? These are mutually exclusive things.
It's only a burning question if you are part of the 1% who think burning and stupid are synonymous.
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Dont know much or care abut the other three.

But you are wrong about KAvanugh he was not accused of assault again. In this new allegation by Max Stiers Kavanaugh is an alleged victim of assault.
Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did

Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did

Ford took a lie detector?

How much of it was "I don't remember"

Is she still afraid of flying?
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Dont know much or care abut the other three.

But you are wrong about KAvanugh he was not accused of assault again. In this new allegation by Max Stiers Kavanaugh is an alleged victim of assault.
Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did
Wow, didn't know she to a lie detector test. Thanks for the info.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode
View attachment 280587

Then why won’t Trump release what the whistleblower reported?
He denies everything but won’t report what he is denying


They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Dont know much or care abut the other three.

But you are wrong about KAvanugh he was not accused of assault again. In this new allegation by Max Stiers Kavanaugh is an alleged victim of assault.
Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did
Wow, didn't know she to a lie detector test. Thanks for the info.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

From the link:

"The August 7 examination, held in a Maryland Hilton Hotel, consisted of a one-page, handwritten statement by Ford, an interview and two questions: Is any part of your statement false? And, Did you make up any part of your statement?

She answered both with a no.
The Virginia-based examiner, Jeremiah Hanafin, noted both answers were deemed "not indicative of deception," according to the report obtained by USA TODAY. "

Totally legit. :D
All this fantasy BS has damaged the Democrats credibility forever. Sooner or later, they will be forced to wake up and rejoin reality. Personally, I call all these fairy tale stories exhibit A in the liberals up and coming insanity plea.
Credibility. Where did Trumpians learn that word?


Have you sunk this low????

K, same place TDS peeps learned 'the word'.

Probably at school.
The burning question is; how can you support Trump and be concerned about credibility? These are mutually exclusive things.
It's only a burning question if you are part of the 1% who think burning and stupid are synonymous.
A side step, a deflection. But not an explanation.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.
Fake? Which one is fake? They all seem to be easily verifiable as true.
Verified by whom? Others working to smear this president?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
It's just facts kid. For instance tRump is on video tape telling the world Epstein is a great guy with good taste in women, and he held a news conference with his altered map. These things aren't fake, they are true.

Are you kids really this far out of touch with reality?

So that means that Trump is a pedophile? That is quite a jump. Clinton flew on Epstein's jet. Does that mean Clinton is a pedophile? All you have is speculation based on one sentenced made many years ago. Ann Rule sat next to Ted Bundy at work and thought he was a nice guy, so Ann Rule must of been a serial killer by your logic.
Forget about that crazy white winger he would argue that the sun never shines if his idiot 44 said it.
Like what for example?
Admit it you have never been right.

What has Obama said that needs to be covered up?
Oh I don't know. Maybe that he would have more flexibility after the election. Perhaps that Americans would save $2500 a year. That climate change was a crisis. Bragging about killing so many by drone. Probably a few hundred others.

But the whole part is that you have a warped sense of right and wrong and never seem to understand that your spin on right and wrong is never correct.
Isn’t that just acknowledging what can’t be done in an election year?
It has worked that way for centuries
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode
View attachment 280587

Then why won’t Trump release what the whistleblower reported?
He denies everything but won’t report what he is denying



Yes, that is an obligation of someone in government that sees an ethical violation or illegal act.
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Dont know much or care abut the other three.

But you are wrong about KAvanugh he was not accused of assault again. In this new allegation by Max Stiers Kavanaugh is an alleged victim of assault.
Let’s have Kavanaugh take a lie detector like Ford did
Wow, didn't know she to a lie detector test. Thanks for the info.
Here's the polygraph test Christine Blasey Ford took on her allegations against Kavanaugh

From the link:

"The August 7 examination, held in a Maryland Hilton Hotel, consisted of a one-page, handwritten statement by Ford, an interview and two questions: Is any part of your statement false? And, Did you make up any part of your statement?

She answered both with a no.
The Virginia-based examiner, Jeremiah Hanafin, noted both answers were deemed "not indicative of deception," according to the report obtained by USA TODAY. "
I know I read it, thank you.
Totally legit. :D

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