List of Fake Scandals In The Last 30 Days

Oh I don't know. Maybe that he would have more flexibility after the election. Perhaps that Americans would save $2500 a year. That climate change was a crisis. Bragging about killing so many by drone. Probably a few hundred others.

But the whole part is that you have a warped sense of right and wrong and never seem to understand that your spin on right and wrong is never correct.
Isn’t that just acknowledging what can’t be done in an election year?
It has worked that way for centuries
And once again you are wrong.
Not really
Politicians are constrained in an election year
Come on stop acting like you have no intelligence. If Trump ever said that you and every other leftist would be ready to crucify him, not one of you would be saying like politicians are restrained in an election year.
But because you happen to worship him you are making excuses.
You are reaching

Given the magnitude of the things Trump has said, that would be an improvement
And you still prove that you are wrong. But hey no matter you really have nothing but to make excuses and argue endlessly that you are not.
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well, called him a terrific guy who had the same taste in women
Trump did doctor a weather map with a Sharpie
Kavanaugh once again is accused of sexual assault
Trump used his power as president to obtain damaging information against a political rival
Trump kicked Epstien out of his establishment.
Trump copied NOAA predictions on a map.
Kavenaugh was once again lied about.
Trump as accused of legally seeking a criminal investigation by someone that didnt hear it.

Damn... Tards are scraping the bottom of the Fake Scandal barrel.

Then why won’t Trump release what the whistleblower reported?
He denies everything but won’t report what he is denying



Yes, that is an obligation of someone in government that sees an ethical violation or illegal act.

What was the violation?

Nothing! Trump is going to show us how "pitch perfect" the call was:

Grisham: Trump 'willing' to release Ukraine call transcript, but it could set 'bad precedent'

I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist. Trump will never release the transcript. Not a true, complete one, anyway.

Again, what was the violation? Answer it.

He doesn't have to release the transcripts. Even if he asked Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden business in Ukraine, which he's denying, he's done nothing illegal. Beside, I don't have a problem with sitting president trying to find out that former vice president is corrupt.

Biden bragged how he obstructed the investigation into his son and his business, he demanded firing of the prosecutor that was doing the investigation and threaten to block American billion dollar funding to Ukraine.
Are you saying Trump does not know what the word “terrific” means?

Trump is free to draw pictures on his weather map. But when he uses that doctored map to deceive the public he once again loses his credibility

We will find out exactly what Trump asked for and what he offered in return. A sitting President using Presdential power to gain information on his opponent is an a abuse of office
You mean like Hillary did?

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Hillary is president? Do tell!
She was doing so while running no? The fact she lost is her problem.

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What is it you imagine she used her non-existent presidential powers for?
It's not imaginary, it was reported.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
But it is imaginary. Unless you can tell me when Hillary Clinton had presidential powers to abuse.

Then why won’t Trump release what the whistleblower reported?
He denies everything but won’t report what he is denying



Yes, that is an obligation of someone in government that sees an ethical violation or illegal act.

What was the violation?

Nothing! Trump is going to show us how "pitch perfect" the call was:

Grisham: Trump 'willing' to release Ukraine call transcript, but it could set 'bad precedent'

I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist. Trump will never release the transcript. Not a true, complete one, anyway.

He doesn't have to release the transcripts. Even if he asked Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden business in Ukraine, which he's denying, he's done nothing illegal. Beside, I don't have a problem with sitting president trying to find out that former vice president is corrupt.

Biden bragged how he obstructed the investigation into his son and his business, he demanded firing of the prosecutor that was doing the investigation and threaten to block American billion dollar funding to Ukraine.

Why did Trump withhold Congressionally-authorized aid from Ukraine? Why did he subsequently release it, after the administration learned of the whistleblower complaint?
Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

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Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Really? Some of your tRumpkin comrades have already claimed to know everything.
Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
So, was she or wasn't she president? The post I originally quoted claimed she was.
She might have been the President of area 51 but nothing else.
So then why did you jump in a defend the idiot who claimed she was?
The "idiot"? Who the hell are you talking about dumbass?

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Whoever it was who originally claimed Hillary Clinton abused her presidential powers.

Was that you? You tRumplings all look alike on the internet.
Fuck , yeah, we collude with foreign powers. Suck it, snowflakes.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

Actually this issue isn't just about ties into Russian Collusion claims and influence peddling in the Ukraine, the basis for the Mueller Investigation's arrest of Paul Manafort. Trump asking to get to the bottom of it isn't criminal. However, complaining about it is an obvious attempt to cover up wrongdoing by the previous administration.
Wow, you've tied it all up in one neat little conspiracy theory.

Alex Jones would be proud.
Sooo... to Recap:

1) Biden, admittedly while cameras were rolling, witheld $1 bn in U.S. funds to pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor. That as it happens was seeking an investigation into Biden's sons employer in Ukraine.
THIS IS OK... no problem.

2) Trump, through second hand undisclosed sources, said something to Ukraine President about Biden, we don't know what, so he should be impeached. (Still main headline on despite new admitted Biden scandal)

THIS IS NOT OK...because...well...Orange man bad.
Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
Hillary is president? Do tell!
Hillary has no time for the Presidency now. She spends all day wearing her Capillis hat and hoping it grows brain cells as well as hair.
So, was she or wasn't she president? The post I originally quoted claimed she was.
It did? Where?

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Read the thread kid. If you can't follow it get someone else to explain it to you, I'm done holding retarded tRumpling's hands with this crap.
That's away....I knew you were weak from the start son...

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Ain't nobody runnin' away Junior, I just got better things to do than spoon-feed you so you don't get lost.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Trump not only knew the Epsteins, he partied with them. Trump was accused of raping a 14 year old (multiple times) at the Epstein property.

How dare Trump lie to the American people. I see you think that this is OK.

It was witnessed. Giving Kavanaugh an excuse because his dick was so pathetic that it was not noticed?

The supposed corruption ( since dubunked) happened years ago, You think Biden is over there now? He isn't the VP, you know that, right?.

It's purely coincidental that when news of the whistleblower broke, every Trumpkin became an instant expert on Biden's corruption.
No......the fake whistleblower story was designed to head-off the breaking news of Biden's corruption. But like everything else they come up with it blows up in their faces.... and they invent another hoax to take the attention of the media off of their last hoax.
I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?
Oh those are "facts" now?

Hint, speculation isn't fact.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Lol, no son. Those are actually facts.

Just in case you don't know facts are things that actually happened, like the things he mentioned did.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?
Oh those are "facts" now?

Hint, speculation isn't fact.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Yes, those are facts.
tRump has screwed their perception over so badly they can't even define "fact" anymore.
I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Foreign policy? Seeking dirt on Biden isn't foreign policy, comrade. Is to laugh.

You don't even know any facts of these one does.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I know congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine was blocked by the Trump administration, Trump had a phone call with the Ukranian in which he discussed alleged corruption by Biden (admitted by Trump), and then the aid was released.

What facts do you know?

But the Ukrainians still haven't investigated shit. They won't because someday they may need to use the Political leverage against Joe or another Dem President. Joe and the Dems owe them big for keeping their mouths and Investigative folders shut, for now anyway!
And how do you know this?
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.
Fake? Which one is fake? They all seem to be easily verifiable as true.

Which one has been verified?
I asked first kiddo.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Trump not only knew the Epsteins, he partied with them. Trump was accused of raping a 14 year old (multiple times) at the Epstein property.

How dare Trump lie to the American people. I see you think that this is OK.

It was witnessed. Giving Kavanaugh an excuse because his dick was so pathetic that it was not noticed?

The supposed corruption ( since dubunked) happened years ago, You think Biden is over there now? He isn't the VP, you know that, right?.

It's purely coincidental that when news of the whistleblower broke, every Trumpkin became an instant expert on Biden's corruption.
No......the fake whistleblower story was designed to head-off the breaking news of Biden's corruption. But like everything else they come up with it blows up in their faces.... and they invent another hoax to take the attention of the media off of their last hoax.

Thanks for the report from Area 51.
Anybody notice that that's how the narrative is shifting?

"Yeah, we did it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Openly flaunting the law is the new tRumpling technique.

I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.
As I recall, Pocahontas voted for that war.

You just pulled that from your caboose. She wasn't in Congress at the time.
They just make shit up and hope you'll buy it. Just like tRump does to them.
You mean like Hillary did?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Hillary is president? Do tell!
She was doing so while running no? The fact she lost is her problem.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
What is it you imagine she used her non-existent presidential powers for?
It's not imaginary, it was reported.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
But it is imaginary. Unless you can tell me when Hillary Clinton had presidential powers to abuse.
She was Secretary of state.

Still a crime.
I particularly like politicians saying, 'there was no pressure', while $250 million was being blocked for 'review'.

Yep, no pressure there.
This highlights why liberal progressives suck at foreign policy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
It wasn`t the liberal progressives who were responsible for 25,000 casualties in a search for WMDS that didn`t exist.
As I recall, Pocahontas voted for that war.

You just pulled that from your caboose. She wasn't in Congress at the time.
They just make shit up and hope you'll buy it. Just like tRump does to them.

They've trusted in Trump since he told them the birth certificate was a forgery. Habits die hard.
Sooo... to Recap:

1) Biden, admittedly while cameras were rolling, witheld $1 bn in U.S. funds to pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor. That as it happens was seeking an investigation into Biden's sons employer in Ukraine.
THIS IS OK... no problem.

2) Trump, through second hand undisclosed sources, said something to Ukraine President about Biden, we don't know what, so he should be impeached. (Still main headline on despite new admitted Biden scandal)

THIS IS NOT OK...because...well...Orange man bad.

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