List of Police Officers killed during J6 Reichstag Fire

The January 6 deniers are now in the same category as....... those sad QAnon'r and MAGA's who think that John Kennedy, Jr. is gonna be Don Trump's next VP.

You know, g500, our local assembly of forum posters provides this wonderful opportunity to see, in real time, the goofiness, nuttiness, and Bizzaro nature of that MAGA-world, that QAnon-world, that TeaParty-world.

Gotta love America. We are a Big Tent reality. RWNutters included.
Who said that?
Show us the reportage from a creditable source.
If you cannot provide that underpinning to your allegation then you are.........
The New York Times reported two days after the insurrection that Sicknick took a blow to the head from a fire extinguisher.

That turned out to be false, though he was sprayed by bear spray.

Many strokes are stress-induced.

Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage​

The Times posted a retraction at the top of the article, and updated it:

Law enforcement officials initially said Mr. Sicknick was struck with a fire extinguisher, but weeks later, police sources and investigators were at odds over whether he was hit. Medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official.
The number of tards caught on film attacking the police is almost endless:

The number of tards caught on film attacking the police is almost endless:

They can tailor these reports anyway they like, but that runs beyond your education. Yet, the video demonstrates the misjustice that's occurred. The message was a Judge threw a guy in jail for 45 days, for a petty misdemeanor (literally), for being outside the premises. The Judge figured to make a statement, politically driven.


Did you even watch the video?
They can tailor these reports anyway they like, but that runs beyond your education. Yet, the video demonstrates the misjustice that's occurred. The message was a Judge threw a guy in jail for 45 days, for a petty misdemeanor (literally), for being outside the premises. The Judge figured to make a statement, politically driven.


Did you even watch the video?
Once the terrorists forced their way past the barricades, they were in violation of the law.

The end.
The January 6 deniers are now in the same category as birthers, 9/11 truthers, UFOlogists, psychics, mediums, Bigfoot bleevers, and the fake moon landing hoax.

They will be viewed with disgust down through generations.
And you think you are a real American when you side with the scumbag Left 100% of the time?
One of my friend's favorite intellectual conceits is when people think they're "reasoning from first principles." He says, Friend, it took the Greeks and Arabs hundreds of years to invent the basics of math and logic. You don't get credit for reinventing epistemology just because you came up with a couple novel arguments for why the moon landing was fake.

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