List Press Apologies to President Trump since April 10, 2019 for Carrying Lies

Where is the decency of the Press in regard to carrying lies drummed up by the Obama Administration?

  • The Press can and should apologize if they haven't already because they did not investigate.

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • I will wait to see if the Press is sorry for hurting Trump, Staff and family.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The press does not owe an apology to the President.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • None of the above. My response is below.

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
l are doing the same stupid shit you did with the USMC stuff = trying to play it off/not manning up and own up to your mistake--..this is like Smollet.....the mistake is not as bad as not owning up to it

I did not make a mistake, lying about a blowjob is not really that serious, even when it was perjury. The only people that gave a fuck are partisan sheep like you that gave a fuck because a Dem did it.

"even when it was perjury"

And you fancy yourself an intellectual....perjury is perjury. There are not "degrees" of perjury.

oh please. nobody but you mindless sheep cared, and you only cared because of your loyalty to your political always comes first.
.....all of your posts are tainted now because of your UNDENIABLE USMC screw don't own up to your mistakes

You're the one who is lying here. Yes, the subject of the lie matters. Clinton lied about a personal matter between him and Ms. Lewinsky. Not the same thing as saying you were not involved in a multi-billion business deal, which involved ties to a foreign government while running for President.

Trump tower was part of a business deal that was started several years before he ran for President.
The meetings were about not going through with it and doing the legal business paper work of ending it.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Too bad you just lied again. NO collusion, NO obstruction, NO evidence, NO indictment. You lose and don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You and every other lefty here needs to apologize for 2+ years of lies. But that would require you to do the right thing for once.
No I didn't. I told the truth. President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

Hillary, on the other hand, sicked her staff on a Russian agent to get poop on Trump. When she was told she committed a felony by her lawyer pals, she got some Clorox, put on her old rags and scrubbed her computer, took a hacksaw and an axe to it and swung like Lizzie Borden. hahahaha

You idiots can't fool all of the people all of the time, but nice bunt. Unfortunately, your team already has three strikes and you're out. You can yell anything you like, shriek to your heart's content, but you can't make innocent people guilty so you can convert a free nation to your socialism né communism. Too tough bananas.

I don't believe you lied. I agree with you. My response was to dragonlady and her claims.

Mueller wasn’t looking for “collusion”, because it’s not illegal. He was looking for a criminal conspiracy. He found both but the was insufficient evidence that Trump staffers knew they were dealing with members of the GRU in their dealings with Russians to lay criminal charges of conspiracy.

What that means is the Mueller found some evidence of a conspiracy, which is a far far cry from the “complete exoneration” that Trump has claimed and you Russian sheep keep bleating in unison.

Trump colluded, conspired and obstructed and Mueller said so. Barr ran cover for Trump for a month and tried to spin it in Trump’s favour. Barr has destroyed his reputation and his career with these lies.

Your full of shit. Even MSNBS had to say they found nothing. It’s done, except for him coming back for the sources that leaked these lies in the first place. I suggest that you don’t vote for him again, if you are not happy.

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This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.
If I was suspected of killing a frog, but there was not enough evidence to prove that I killed a frog, should I be found guilty of killing the frog and apologize?
In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty. BTW, I have never killed a frog.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

No ,it says no collusion.
The not sufficient evidence is obstruction.
Mueller's two bosses cleared that up. Attorney General reviewed his findings and found that he found no obstruction, which he declared publicly not that many hours ago. Mueller was kind of like a hostile witness against Donald Trump from information on his behaviors. But since Rosenstein advised Trump to bring him in as Special Counsel, and Rosenstein also advised Trump to fire the former Attorney General, it created a delusional scenario that Trump just liked to fire people. That's not how it happened. It's no wonder people are so not clear of the circumstances of having a parade of bad cops in the FBI who maintained their loyalty to the Obama Clinton white house who were charged with finding garbage on Trump so he would not win the election. Their findings were not based on either neutrality (required from FBI members) or reality, it was just a dirty political trick, using Federal Employees to get a political rival. That's on Clinton and Obama, and not on President Trump, who miraculously weathered this coup attempt and why the Democrats would be wiser to put this problem to rest, since they've also involved the taxpayer by increasing next year's tax payments from $25 to $40 million in this two-year harassment performed on a sitting President which could carry jail time for those involved if President Trump decides the illegal use of Federal agents to go after him demands justice. He should, because he was right on the straight arrow when he said "This should not ever happen again to another President of the United States." Some Constitutional lawyer people are pretty unhappy with this bad use of the Constitution on the part of President Obama and his Secretary of State. Just sayin'. Lawyers are mad, and some even call this "Mediagate," and the media folk who punished President Trump with this leaky FBI are not apologizing, although some of their channels have lost a lot of viewers who hate to be lied to.

That's why I started this thread, to just see if people here could find any press apologies that might apologize for their error, provided they did not know beforehand that they were being fed a constant stream of lies on the part of the Clinton-Obama administration.

You can call this a fault on my part if you want, but I can't watch all 25 channels of talking heads at once, and I sure can't abide listening to talking heads who do not check their facts and just go with whatever people notorious for telling lies to the public say. It's hard enough for me to channel in on people who are telling the truth and whom the facts, when they come out, back up their reporting. That's why I'm asking those who can listen to people who lie and can deal with it, if any of them apologized.

In the meantime, the left is putting Nadler in charge of keeping the public upset, confused, and mad by pretending the $mega millions spent on this lying bullshit of a scandal did not tell the truth. The truth is there was NO collusion, President Trump DID NOT OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and has been nothing but cooperative with Mueller, who has made no secret of his hatred for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, the FBI, several of whom were insiders in the attempted Coup to get rid of President Trump, and some of who will likely be facing the bar about losing their lawyer privileges in the near future, which happened to Bill Clinton immediately after his impeachment trial was over. I think Nadler is in the loop of the Deep State Players. The FBI and several members of Congress could be in some trouble. The bad cops in the FBI truly need to be dealt with. I'm not so sure it's smart to do too much about liars in Congress. That's their home state's job if they're not scared to death of their power.

President Trump has good advisers at this time. This I know.
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This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.
List the lies first.
You cannot be that stupid, I guess your just blind.
Post'em up. Prove I'm blind.
I'm waiting you to provide the lies.
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.
List the lies first.
You cannot be that stupid, I guess your just blind.
Post'em up. Prove I'm blind.
I'm waiting you to provide the lies.
There aren't any.

See how easy that was?
Quit being such a snowflake.
Let me run that through my spin machine to get rid of the gunk in your leftist/socialist slightly lunatic head:

OMG They caught onto us! How do we ever marginalize these perceptive people? I know! We'll act like they're unimportant lightweights! Snowflake! Yeah! That's a good 'un! That way we can throw the onus off our corrupt leaders, since we know that Obama and Hillary colluded by having a staff member contact the Russians to find poop on President Trump! Nobody will ever guess our lies broke numerous laws and is a felony! Yeah, haha, snowflake.

Gator is another Prog pretending to be a Conservative.
Like Romney? Oh. :laughing0301:
The press should but they won't. Their objection is to sow seeds of discord and division.
Hopefully there will come a time when the Press has to account to a fair-minded editor who insists they must display journalistic propriety, not throw-away-good-people-just-because-they're-not-Democrats-like-us. But I'm not holding my breath. You'll know the good ones who understand the importance of not biting the hand that feeds you. They will apologize. If they don't, they have no business being part of the brainwashing deal rampant in the Democrat/Socialist/Communist world. I guess that's why Americans do not respect the leftist lockstep press who takes their marching order from the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi at present. I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants that job so she can charge people she hates 70% on their income taxes for every pet project in her book of make-me-rich-I'm-better-than-everyone-else and right now, too. :rolleyes:
This thread is to list and discuss any press apologies to President Trump since or around April 10, 2019, for carrying accusatory lies against him by the Democrat Party Leaders lying, and the Press's failure to listen to President Trump who said that he was not guilty of Collusion with the Russians.

Try reading Mueller’s actual report. Mueller says that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians but there is “not sufficient evidence” that Trump staffers knew that they were coordinating with members of Russian intelligence to lay criminal charges.

Trump lied every time he said “no collusion”. Trump should apologize to the American people for HIS lies. The press told the truth.

Thé Mueller report documented numerous cases where the press was telling the truth and Trump lied about fake news
That's not the same as colluding with Russia. Mueller's job was to find collusion with Russia. He found none. Nothing else matters with re to President Trump other than the stated purpose of the request, remember?

Well....using past special prosecutors as a guide, lying about a blow job had nothing to do with the stated purpose of Ken Starr's investigation, yet we all know how that ended up.
and Bill actually committed a serious crime

Lying about a blow job is a terrible crime?

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Usually it is the guy saying he got one when he didn’t
Thé only reason Trump was not prosecuted was his people refused his orders to break the law
The press created the mess. I think they should be prosecuted.
Trump created his own mess
You're mistaken. Deep State Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their dervish lockstep followers who are losing their security clearances as things disappear, one by one are to blame for this deception against the American people. Mueller knew after a couple of days that Donald Trump was innocent, it's just that he was one of the members of the deep state making savvy Democrat lawyers working for him more paranoid than users, like a conductor trying to make bad music sound good to connoisseurs. He knew Trump was innocent, but he had to fulfill his deep state duties to a former President and former Secretary of State for God only knows what reason, because I don't, and it would be speculative to say that Hillary knew some secret about his life or career that she agreed to keep hidden, considering her propensity to solicit and get FBI files. Maybe he was her mole, but there I go again, speculating in a room the leftist lock-steppers really don't want to know. :muahaha:
I did not make a mistake, lying about a blowjob is not really that serious, even when it was perjury. The only people that gave a fuck are partisan sheep like you that gave a fuck because a Dem did it.

"even when it was perjury"

And you fancy yourself an intellectual....perjury is perjury. There are not "degrees" of perjury.

oh please. nobody but you mindless sheep cared, and you only cared because of your loyalty to your political always comes first.
.....all of your posts are tainted now because of your UNDENIABLE USMC screw don't own up to your mistakes

You're the one who is lying here. Yes, the subject of the lie matters. Clinton lied about a personal matter between him and Ms. Lewinsky. Not the same thing as saying you were not involved in a multi-billion business deal, which involved ties to a foreign government while running for President.

Perjury is perjury dumbass.

So a person who says I didn’t eat that cake under oath, is just as evil as the one who says I didn’t kill and dismember the 20 victims.

Bill Clinton told one lie, under oath. Trump has told over 10,000 provable lies to the American people. Lies about Russia, lies about policy and its implications.

The American public wasn’t harmed by Clinton’s lie about a blow job. But it has been harmed by his lies about the Caravan. That lie led a terrorist to attack the Tree of Life Synagogue and murder people.

Trump’s lies about his “enemies” lead another zealot to send letter bombs to those enemies.

Trump’s lies about the press have lead in increased attacks on members of the press. The USA is now in the top 5 most dangerous countries for reporters.

Freedom of the press, and reporters’ lives are being endangered by Trump’s lies. Just as the lives of everyday Americans are endangered because this President cannot be honest with the people.
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"even when it was perjury"

And you fancy yourself an intellectual....perjury is perjury. There are not "degrees" of perjury.

oh please. nobody but you mindless sheep cared, and you only cared because of your loyalty to your political always comes first.
.....all of your posts are tainted now because of your UNDENIABLE USMC screw don't own up to your mistakes

You're the one who is lying here. Yes, the subject of the lie matters. Clinton lied about a personal matter between him and Ms. Lewinsky. Not the same thing as saying you were not involved in a multi-billion business deal, which involved ties to a foreign government while running for President.

Perjury is perjury dumbass.

So a person who says I didn’t eat that cake under oath, is just as evil as the one who says I didn’t kill and dismember the 20 victims.

Bill Clinton told one lie, under oath. Trump has told over 10,000 provable lies to the American people. Lies about Russia, lies about policy and its implications.

The American public wasn’t harmed by Clinton’s lie about a blow job. But it has been harmed by his lies about the Caravan. That lie led a terrorist to attack the Tree of Life Synagogue and murder people.

Trump’s lies about his “enemies” lead another zealot to send letter bombs to those enemies.

Trump’s lies about the press has lead in increased attacks on members of the press. The USA is now in the top 5 most dangerous countries for reporters.

Freedom of the press, and reporters’ lives are being endangered by Trump’s lies. Just as the lives of everyday Americans are endangered because this President cannot be honest with the people.
stop being stupid.....perjury is serious
....if someone lies about eating cake and lies about murder--the perjury is the SAME
it's perjury
stop the STUPID shit--your theory is so ridiculous you make yourself look stupid
..murder is ''more evil''--but the perjury is the same
This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility
The press created the mess. I think they should be prosecuted.
Trump created his own mess
You're mistaken. Deep State Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their dervish lockstep followers who are losing their security clearances as things disappear, one by one are to blame for this deception against the American people. Mueller knew after a couple of days that Donald Trump was innocent, it's just that he was one of the members of the deep state making savvy Democrat lawyers working for him more paranoid than users, like a conductor trying to make bad music sound good to connoisseurs. He knew Trump was innocent, but he had to fulfill his deep state duties to a former President and former Secretary of State for God only knows what reason, because I don't, and it would be speculative to say that Hillary knew some secret about his life or career that she agreed to keep hidden, considering her propensity to solicit and get FBI files. Maybe he was her mole, but there I go again, speculating in a room the leftist lock-steppers really don't want to know. :muahaha:
Quite a mouthful

Care to explain how politicians out of office for years manage to conduct investigations within the Justice Dept?
"even when it was perjury"

And you fancy yourself an intellectual....perjury is perjury. There are not "degrees" of perjury.

oh please. nobody but you mindless sheep cared, and you only cared because of your loyalty to your political always comes first.
.....all of your posts are tainted now because of your UNDENIABLE USMC screw don't own up to your mistakes

You're the one who is lying here. Yes, the subject of the lie matters. Clinton lied about a personal matter between him and Ms. Lewinsky. Not the same thing as saying you were not involved in a multi-billion business deal, which involved ties to a foreign government while running for President.

Perjury is perjury dumbass.

So a person who says I didn’t eat that cake under oath, is just as evil as the one who says I didn’t kill and dismember the 20 victims.

Bill Clinton told one lie, under oath. Trump has told over 10,000 provable lies to the American people. Lies about Russia, lies about policy and its implications.

The American public wasn’t harmed by Clinton’s lie about a blow job. But it has been harmed by his lies about the Caravan. That lie led a terrorist to attack the Tree of Life Synagogue and murder people.

Trump’s lies about his “enemies” lead another zealot to send letter bombs to those enemies.

Trump’s lies about the press has lead in increased attacks on members of the press. The USA is now in the top 5 most dangerous countries for reporters.

Freedom of the press, and reporters’ lives are being endangered by Trump’s lies. Just as the lives of everyday Americans are endangered because this President cannot be honest with the people.

Lying under oath is lying under oath.
The context of the lie has nothing to do with anything.

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