List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial


VIP Member
Jan 8, 2019
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
There’s already been 8 investigations into Benghazi. How many more you think you’re gonna need?
I want to know if the man on the grassy knoll was actually bigfoot's and Amelia Earhart's love child's second cousin.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.
Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
There’s already been 8 investigations into Benghazi. How many more you think you’re gonna need?

Until ALL of these loose ends are tied up and we have answers for these questions, PARTICULARLY the one posed by Sen. Graham starting at about 2:30.

'You didn't know how long the battle would last.'

Start @ 2:30

Next, is there a reason the President would have been so inattentive to an ongoing attack on an Embassy outpost where the Ambassador's life was at risk and no help nearby???

In the movies, THIS was what filled the seats. How could the guy on whose shoulders rests accountability for this mission, be so casual?

For Barack Obama, it was a single phone call and 'I hope it works out for you guys,' and that's it?

From Barack H. Obama???

We all know his attention to detail and his love of a good story.

He should have been in constant two way communication including real time drone feeds.

Explain those two questions and I will be satisfied.

Eight times, the Kingsmen did a good job of stopping justice being done.

How many more investigations will it take to explain AT LEAST those two questions?
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Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????
The idea of a rich guy that is somehow immune to wanting more money is ludicrous.
Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????

An Audit is cursory. Trump is hiding stuff that’s why he hides taxes cause people would dig up the bodies quick .
Trumps taxes .

Donald Trump is audited EVERY YEAR, and has never been charged with any crime or violation of the tax laws. What more do you need to know?

I realize people are curious, and Democrat hacks are keen to find something - ANYTHING- that they can use to reverse the results of the 2016 election, but neither curiosity nor vengeance is justification for trampling on ANY CITIZEN'S rights to avoid intrusion into their PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.

It is interesting indeed that Democrats witness poor politicians coming to Washington and leaving as multiillionaires a few decades later (e.g., Harry Reid), and yet here we have a guy who is so rich that he CAN'T BE BOUGHT, and they fret about hotel bills in D.C. Is Trump PROFITING FROM BEING PRESIDENT?????

Where does Trump get his income from? Is he laundering money for the Russians. Who holds the mortgages on his various properties? A friend who worked on the Trump Tower in Toronto said that Trump called the shots, the Saudis signed his paychecks, and when the property went bankrupt, it was owned by a Russian.

How much money is Trump billing the government for in regards to his golfing weekends? He should not be allowed to bill the government for going to his own properties. How much is he earning from the increased innitiation fees at his east coast golf clubs? Or from foreign nations renting rooms and holding functions at his Washington Hotel?

What about the inauguration fund audit. Where did the money come from, and where did it go? It sure as hell wasn't spent on the cheesy low rent Inauguration, with the C list performers.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
You might as well add "Those damn Lizard People"
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

Explain this.

Arpaio Press Conference re: Forged Birth Certificate

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Why Adam Schiff was chumming around with Fusion GPS executives in the midst of a Congressional Committee Inquiry that he sat on in to how Fusion GPS colluded wjth Russia to obtain The Dirty Dossier for The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign.

Why Adam Schiff was not prosecuted for leaking classified intelligence information.

Why James Comey and Robert Mueller were not prosecuted for suppressing information about the Rosatom Briberu scandal souring The Uranium One Deal.

Why James Comey, Strzok, Yates and Rosenstein weren’t Prosecuted for Lying to a FISA court and filing false affidavits.

Why James Comey was not prosecuted for leaking classified intel and lying to Congress.

Why Eric Holder was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for lying to Congress, lying to The FBI, Destruction of Government Documents, Obstruction of Justice, Insider Trading, Espionage, and mishandling is Classified Intelligence.

Why John Brennan was not prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Why Andrew McCabe was not prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Why Peter Strzok was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Lois Lerner was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why John Kosiken was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Bruce and Nellie Ohr were not prosecuted for lying to FISA and Congress

Why Yates was not prosecuted of Obstruction of Justice

Why Loretta Lynch was not prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice

Why Susan Rice was not prosecuted for illegally unmasking the unintentional targets of unauthorized and illegal surveillance.

Why Susan Powers was not prosecuted for the same.

Why the entire Obama Administration is not I. Jail.

Why Adam Schiff is not under investigation for Ethics Violations.
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List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

"Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over."

Would it change your mind if you knew that someone else will use this same pathway to make it into the Oval Office because they know they can't get in honestly?

Does it make you think about why someone wouldn't qualify with full disclosure?

Does it make you wonder if Trump didn't take advantage of this same blind spot in our election process?

Does it bother you that Trump may have avoided revealing his taxes the way Obama avoided telling the truth about his birth certificate and his college situation?
Why Adam Schiff was chumming around with Fusion GPS executives in the midst of a Congressional Committee Inquiry that he sat on in to how Fusion GPS colluded wjth Russia to obtain The Dirty Dossier for The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign.

Why Adam Schiff was not prosecuted for leaking classified intelligence information.

Why James Comey and Robert Mueller were not prosecuted for suppressing information about the Rosatom Briberu scandal souring The Uranium One Deal.

Why James Comey, Strzok, Yates and Rosenstein weren’t Prosecuted for Lying to a FISA court and filing false affidavits.

Why James Comey was not prosecuted for leaking classified intel and lying to Congress.

Why Eric Holder was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for lying to Congress, lying to The FBI, Destruction of Government Documents, Obstruction of Justice, Insider Trading, Espionage, and mishandling is Classified Intelligence.

Why John Brennan was not prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Why Andrew McCabe was not prosecuted for lying to Congress.

Why Peter Strzok was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Lois Lerner was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why John Kosiken was not prosecuted for lying to Congress

Why Bruce and Nellie Ohr were not prosecuted for lying to FISA and Congress

Why Yates was not prosecuted of Obstruction of Justice

Why Loretta Lynch was not prosecuted for Obstruction of Justice

Why Susan Rice was not prosecuted for illegally unmasking the unintentional targets of unauthorized and illegal surveillance.

Why Susan Powers was not prosecuted for the same.

Why the entire Obama Administration is not I. Jail.

Why Adam Schiff is not under investigation for Ethics Violations.
Some of these are still within the scope of getting done.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.

Benghazi had 7 investigations, including several that Democrats refused to participate in, and nothing was found out in the 7th investigation that wasn't known after the first.

Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over.

The Russian Investigation, which has thus far produced over 100 charges, 6 guilty pleas, and three conspirators are currently in jail, with more headed in that direction, is continuing. The only "hoax" is Trump's initial denials of any involvement.

"Obama isn't President. Trump admitted he lied about Obama's birth certificate. It's over."

Would it change your mind if you knew that someone else will use this same pathway to make it into the Oval Office because they know they can't get in honestly?

Does it make you think about why someone wouldn't qualify with full disclosure?

Does it make you wonder if Trump didn't take advantage of this same blind spot in our election process?

Does it bother you that Trump may have avoided revealing his taxes the way Obama avoided telling the truth about his birth certificate and his college situation?

Obama told the truth about his Birth Certificate and his college situation. It was Donald Trump who was lying about it all, trying to delegitmize Obama's Presidency.

I am appalled that Trump was permitted to go all over the USA promoting these proveable lies about President Obama. I think Trump should be charged for lying and misleading the American people, on this and for many other lies he's told about his own history and that of his family.
List the Top 10 Dem or GOP unresolved issues needing investigation +/or trial

Obama's full biography
The Russia hoax

There MAY be more added later.
There’s already been 8 investigations into Benghazi. How many more you think you’re gonna need?

I agree! I really hope the OP isn't as dumb as the bizarre shit he posts.

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