Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Don't expect any Democrat or leftist to denounce it on here
So, I am on the left.
This isn't the "left" anymore. It's something entirely different now.

This doesn't belong in schools.

I believe also, certain books don't belong in a SCHOOL library.

Now a public library, fair game.

If I wanted to do that, I would try to prevent you from giving it to your children in your home.
Not what we're discussing.
You, OTOH, most certainly want to impose your idea of what is appropriate for children on other people's children.

But home school if 2023 triggers you too much. :)
Nope, the taliban would come into your home to be sure you're not corrupting your children. I'm simply saying leave other kids alone.
Follow your own advice and leave us alone.
Apparently, you can't handle that idea.
As Mac would say, I believe you believe that.
Odd, the guy's argument is that he doesn't want the odd occasional parent (as if only a few parents would object to this stuff) impose their world views (as if 2000 years of christian morality and decency are some fringe ideology) be imposed on others, yet THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LEFT REGULARLY DO TO OTHERS EVERY DAY! All they need is one person to object to a tee shirt, sign, slogan or logo, etc., and they are more than willing to defend the slightest minority view against the majority every day!

The very BASIS of leftwing ideology is that nothing flies so long as it offends even one person, so long as that one person is a leftist.

But let 99% of the people object to THEIR views, and it is DOA so long as it is conservative, christian, moral or decent common sense.
Attacks on free speech are bad, but under 12s should not be exposed to disturbing books like the Bible I agree. :)
Not what we're discussing.
Which is why it doesn't apply to me.
I'm sorry if that triggered you.
But home school if 2023 triggers you too much. :)

Follow your own advice and leave us alone.
So home school if you want to give your children material other parents don't want their children to have. Leave everyone else alone.
I'm sorry if that triggered you.
As Mac would say, I believe you believe that.
It's true, that's why I believe it.
Which is why it doesn't apply to me.

I'm sorry if that triggered you.

So home school if you want to give your children material other parents don't want their children to have. Leave everyone else alone.

I'm sorry if that triggered you.

It's true, that's why I believe it.
I hope you're exploring the resources you need to resolve this while leaving the children of others alone. :)
So much that he wants them raped, tortured and murdered.

Not appropriate for under 12s.
All you have to do now is show where in Bible Yeshua wants children to be raped tortured and murdered. I'll start things off by reminding you of where He said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

All you have to do now is show where in Bible Yeshua wants children to be raped tortured and murdered. I'll start things off by reminding you of where He said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."


It won't happen
All you have to do now is show where in Bible Yeshua wants children to be raped tortured and murdered.
Already cited and referenced in this very thread! :eek:

And the Bible.

And Google is a thing too.

But none so blind.
I'll start things off by reminding you of where He said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
After they're murdered, yeah.
Great song!


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