Little Black Children Kill A White Woman

Lock'em up for 40 years and then execute them.
Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

^ Malignant degenerate.
Lock'em up for 40 years and then execute them.
Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

^ Malignant degenerate.
The "degenerates" are the subhuman negro animals who committed the murder.
I do not consider them human beings. Anyone who would behave they way they did are pure evil and have no use in this world except to feed pigs.
If I had my way I'd line up everyone who commits a murder on an innocent and is convicted of the crime and shoot them.
Clear out the fucking rat's nest prisons of these vermin.
Why are negro's so violent? ....... :dunno:
They can't help it. Their rage at historic injustice overpowers their reason and self control and they're so angry at whites it forces them to hurt other black people and loot black businesses and burn down black neighborhoods. It's Whitey's fault.
They can't help what they do. Their IQ's are barely above that of Bonobos.
They are living in a world so intellectually advanced they haven't a hope.
I wonder if this would have been a big story if it was white children killing a black woman?

The left would be creaming their pants at a chance to bash whitey....
Since it's black on white crime which happens about every 3 seconds in this country it's
no big deal....

Just whitey getting what they got coming.
Why are negro's so violent? ....... :dunno:
They can't help it. Their rage at historic injustice overpowers their reason and self control and they're so angry at whites it forces them to hurt other black people and loot black businesses and burn down black neighborhoods. It's Whitey's fault.
They can't help what they do. Their IQ's are barely above that of Bonobos.
They are living in a world so intellectually advanced they haven't a hope.

The "degenerates" are the subhuman negro animals who committed the murder.
I do not consider them human beings. Anyone who would behave they way they did are pure evil and have no use in this world except to feed pigs.
If I had my way I'd line up everyone who commits a murder on an innocent and is convicted of the crime and shoot them.
Clear out the fucking rat's nest prisons of these vermin.

They can't help what they do. Their IQ's are barely above that of Bonobos.
They are living in a world so intellectually advanced they haven't a hope.

Oh the irony!
Sure sonny...sure...
Yes it is you have an excuse to start your race war.

There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Spoken like a typical ignorant anti-white racist.
Lock'em up for 40 years and then execute them.
Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

^ Malignant degenerate.
I do not understand why some want their family members to eat people...
Sure sonny...sure...
Yes it is you have an excuse to start your race war.

There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Spoken like a typical ignorant anti-white racist.
Sounds like one of the jealous ones I have left to be one.
Sure sonny...sure...
There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Spoken like a typical ignorant anti-white racist.
Sounds like one of the jealous ones I have left to be one.
Nobody is jealous of you.
Sure sonny...sure...
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Spoken like a typical ignorant anti-white racist.
Sounds like one of the jealous ones I have left to be one.
Nobody is jealous of you.
Sure sonny...sure.
Lock'em up for 40 years and then execute them.
Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

Public lashing then throw the live sub humans into a pen full of starving pigs. All live on CNN.
Pull the sub human's teeth though. They are hard on a pig's digestive system.

^ Malignant degenerate.
I do not understand why some want their family members to eat people...

Poor impulse and gratification control.
Sure sonny...sure...
There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.
Negroes are tribal by nature. They must have their 'crew' around them at all times.
Get one alone and he's a fucking whining coward.
99.9999% of negroes with guns, which are 99.999% illegal have one clip.
When......if the rounds are fired that's it. No more fucking gun.
Here's some interesting bedtime reading:
The negro race is a failing world wide.
The average IQ of a negro in the US hovers in the low eighties.
This is the number one explanation why the negro race has to be constantly helped along.
In the hyper-competitive world we live in now less and less non-whites have the time/money or inclination to keep reaching back and dragging the negro race along any longer.
The US dumped over a trillion dollars to try everything/anything anyone could think of the help the negro race at least keep up. Didn't work.
I didn't create 'Darwinism'. The laws of nature did.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.
Spoken like a typical ignorant anti-white racist.
Sounds like one of the jealous ones I have left to be one.

Maybe not jealous but lost.
Why are negro's so violent? ....... :dunno:
low impulse control, poor future/time orientation and an inability to deter gratification urges

No one knows that better than you no doubt given your swift reactions to base stimuli.

that's fascinating!
unfortunately we aren't talking about me or your impressions of me.

Lacking any refutation or meaningful input from you, it's resolved that the reason negroes are disproportionately violent is low impulse control, poor future/time orientation and an inability to deter gratification urges.
I understand that it makes you uncomfortable and makes you want to try to change the subject, but it isn't working... no one is fooled or distracted..
Sure sonny...sure...

You stupid ass, show me an inter-racial war that whites have lost in the last 500 years.

There are damned few of them. Even in locales where the locals took the Caucasians by surprize, the Caucasians recovered then went on a bloody killing spree, quite often, afterwards.

Non-Caucasians are being stupid to continue to goad and provoke us, but then stupidity is what most of them are most known for.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.

What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Yes it is you have an excuse to start your race war.

There are no conservatives wanting to START a race war.

We will be the ones to end it though.

Yes we can see you are getting all ready!!!


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