Little Black Children Kill A White Woman

There's a reason why a handful of British could control thousands in India and China. It's not just superior weaponry, it's superior state of mind.
The Indians were also divided against each other like Europe was, along ethnic and religious lines. This made it easy for the Brits to play one side against the other.

But also, the Brits were very patient, and when they observed one side winning a war, the Brits would throw in with the losing side and turn the war around that way and gain a great deal of conquest with minimal costs and blood shed.
Sorry you
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.

What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks

And that is driving the neo confederates insane
Bullshit. There are more black men in prison than in college. And only about 1/3rd of the black men who go to college ever graduate.
Sorry you can not see the major strides Black people have made in the last 50 years...however hating onesself can result in your ignorance...
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.

What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Sorry you
What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks

And that is driving the neo confederates insane
Bullshit. There are more black men in prison than in college. And only about 1/3rd of the black men who go to college ever graduate.
Sorry you can not see the major strides Black people have made in the last 50 years...however hating onesself can result in your ignorance...
What great strides? More incarceration, fatherless babies, government dependency, black-on-black murders and gang violence? All the while, remaining steadfastly at the bottom of all socioeconomic rankings as they are outperformed by migrants who arrive in the US without a lousy dime and don't speak the language.

Funny that you would consider those great strides. You should instead be embarresed.
And despite all your pseudo science Black people are supplanting you in all walks of life...I guess the President was right after all.
Some stupid white losers will cling to their guns as their only source of comfort.

What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Sure sonny...sure...

You stupid ass, show me an inter-racial war that whites have lost in the last 500 years.

There are damned few of them. Even in locales where the locals took the Caucasians by surprize, the Caucasians recovered then went on a bloody killing spree, quite often, afterwards.

Non-Caucasians are being stupid to continue to goad and provoke us, but then stupidity is what most of them are most known for.

If you haven't noticed the days of the southern white christians are done in America , The beating of your chest and screed is nothing more then fear. America is becoming more diverse and you and your ilk do not control the narrative anymore
America isn't getting 'more diverse' from Whites marrying negroes pal.
Very few White women like to be beaten and screwed around on.
Very few White men like the taste of hippopotamus.
Very few Latinos can stand to be in the same room as a negro.
Asians pretend negroes don't even exist.
So my little ****** lover the negro race is pretty much fucked when it comes to "assimilating" with other races.
Best you all just stick to your ghetto thug existence. The rest of us frankly have given up any hope for your race world wide.
Like Bye.
Sorry you
Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks

And that is driving the neo confederates insane
Bullshit. There are more black men in prison than in college. And only about 1/3rd of the black men who go to college ever graduate.
Sorry you can not see the major strides Black people have made in the last 50 years...however hating onesself can result in your ignorance...
What great strides? More incarceration, fatherless babies, government dependency, black-on-black murders and gang violence? All the while, remaining steadfastly at the bottom of all socioeconomic rankings as they are outperformed by migrants who arrive in the US without a lousy dime and don't speak the language.

Funny that you would consider those great strides. You should instead be embarresed.
Actually since you are so ignorant of the history of America I will forgive your stupidity.
In two generations I have witnessed many Black people attending and graduating from college, head corporations, start corporations.
Maybe you should stick to concearns that you are knowledgeable of, this isnt one.
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What fucking planet do you live on, Captain Zemo? Supplanting us? Where? I guess speaking Spanish in your view not only makes a person not white, but actually makes them black now?

Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Hence your inability to refute my posts...
Maybe your iq is so low you do not realize you are the laughing stock.
Now go fly a plane into a building somewhere.
Sure sonny...sure...

You stupid ass, show me an inter-racial war that whites have lost in the last 500 years.

There are damned few of them. Even in locales where the locals took the Caucasians by surprize, the Caucasians recovered then went on a bloody killing spree, quite often, afterwards.

Non-Caucasians are being stupid to continue to goad and provoke us, but then stupidity is what most of them are most known for.

If you haven't noticed the days of the southern white christians are done in America , The beating of your chest and screed is nothing more then fear. America is becoming more diverse and you and your ilk do not control the narrative anymore
America isn't getting 'more diverse' from Whites marrying negroes pal.
Very few White women like to be beaten and screwed around on.
Very few White men like the taste of hippopotamus.
Very few Latinos can stand to be in the same room as a negro.
Asians pretend negroes don't even exist.
So my little ****** lover the negro race is pretty much fucked when it comes to "assimilating" with other races.
Best you all just stick to your ghetto thug existence. The rest of us frankly have given up any hope for your race world wide.
Like Bye.


Frey noted, “as black-white marriages were prohibited in 16 states until 1967. The fact that nearly three in 10 new black marriages are multiracial with most of them to white spouses reflects an important shift toward blurring a long-held color line in the United States.”

As I stated in an earlier post, why are racist so stupid that they post such easily disproved drivel.
Sure, that's why the unemployment rate of young black males is so damn low.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Hence your inability to refute my posts...
Maybe your iq is so low you do not realize you are the laughing stock.
Now go fly a plane into a building somewhere.
My IQ was calculated to be 158. The odds that your IQ is within 50 points of mine very slim indeed.

You cannot even explain how you somehow came to the ridiculous conclusion that I support "shitria law".

You can't because you are not even intelligent enough to recall how you came to that conclusion in the first place. Your low mental functioning has your mind lost in a sea of perpetual confusion.
Thats why record number of Black people are college graduates, professionals, CEO, etc.
That is why more and more minoroties sign your paychecks...
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Hence your inability to refute my posts...
Maybe your iq is so low you do not realize you are the laughing stock.
Now go fly a plane into a building somewhere.
My IQ was calculated to be 158. The odds that your IQ is within 50 points of mine very slim indeed.

You cannot even explain how you somehow came to the ridiculous conclusion that I support "shitria law".

You cant because you are not even intelligent enough to recall how you came to that conclusion yourself. Your low mental functioning has your mind lost in a sea of perpetual confusion.
Sure everyone on the internet has the iq of an Einstein...yet are still stupid enough to believe women should dress like mummies and if not a desert pedophile has given you permission to beat them.
Sorry I have to go take a dump and ran out of tissue, you got your koran handy???
Actually, no black has ever signed my paycheck and never will. But over the years I have had to fire a disproportionate number of blacks. Usually due to their lack of intelligence or reliability.

If I know somebody is stupid and I let them on my jobsite it is negligence on my part if they make a stupid mistake and somebody gets injured or killed. are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Hence your inability to refute my posts...
Maybe your iq is so low you do not realize you are the laughing stock.
Now go fly a plane into a building somewhere.
My IQ was calculated to be 158. The odds that your IQ is within 50 points of mine very slim indeed.

You cannot even explain how you somehow came to the ridiculous conclusion that I support "shitria law".

You cant because you are not even intelligent enough to recall how you came to that conclusion yourself. Your low mental functioning has your mind lost in a sea of perpetual confusion.
Sure everyone on the internet has the iq of an Einstein...yet are still stupid enough to believe women should dress like mummies and if not a desert pedophile has given you permission to beat them.
Sorry I have to go take a dump and ran out of tissue, you got your koran handy???
And you are probably too stupid to explain how you came to the conclusion that I want women to dress like mummies.

What makes you think that you know what I believe, dumbass? are so stupid you believe shitria law has a place in America.
Please explain the convoluted logic that you used to come to your ridiculous conclusion so we may all get a good laugh at your profound ignorance.

The public at large has an average IQ of 100. The average IQ of a black American is a mere 85. That's borderline retarded. And I'd bet a dollar to a dime that your IQ is even lower than the average black American.
Hence your inability to refute my posts...
Maybe your iq is so low you do not realize you are the laughing stock.
Now go fly a plane into a building somewhere.
My IQ was calculated to be 158. The odds that your IQ is within 50 points of mine very slim indeed.

You cannot even explain how you somehow came to the ridiculous conclusion that I support "shitria law".

You cant because you are not even intelligent enough to recall how you came to that conclusion yourself. Your low mental functioning has your mind lost in a sea of perpetual confusion.
Sure everyone on the internet has the iq of an Einstein...yet are still stupid enough to believe women should dress like mummies and if not a desert pedophile has given you permission to beat them.
Sorry I have to go take a dump and ran out of tissue, you got your koran handy???
And you are probably too stupid to explain how you came to the conclusion that I want women to dress like mummies.

What makes you think that you know what I believe, dumbass?
Someone didnt take a close enough look at your avatar. :laugh:

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