Little miss Hispanic Delaware stripped of title

If that's the case why isn't Cardozo considered the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice ?

Cardozo was a person of Hispanic descent: his family hadn't lived in Iberia for several generations or continued much of the Iberian culture.

Benjamin N. Cardozo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question of Cardozo's ethnicity[edit]

Cardozo was the second Jewish person, after Louis Brandeis, to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Since Cardozo was a member of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community, there has been recent discussion as to whether he should be considered the 'first Hispanic justice,' a notion which is controversial.[24][25][26]

In response to this controversy, Cardozo biographer Kaufman questioned the usage of the term "Hispanic" in the justice's lifetime, stating: "Well, I think he regarded himself as a Sephardic Jew whose ancestors came from the Iberian Peninsula.”[27]

It has also been asserted that Cardozo himself "confessed in 1937 that his family preserved neither the Spanish language nor Iberian cultural traditions".[28] Some advocacy groups, such as the National Association of Latino Elected Officials and the Hispanic National Bar Association consider Sonia Sotomayor to be the first Hispanic justice."
If that's the case why isn't Cardozo considered the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice ?

Cardozo was a person of Hispanic descent: his family hadn't lived in Iberia for several generations or continued much of the Iberian culture.

Benjamin N. Cardozo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question of Cardozo's ethnicity[edit]

Cardozo was the second Jewish person, after Louis Brandeis, to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

Since Cardozo was a member of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community, there has been recent discussion as to whether he should be considered the 'first Hispanic justice,' a notion which is controversial.[24][25][26]

In response to this controversy, Cardozo biographer Kaufman questioned the usage of the term "Hispanic" in the justice's lifetime, stating: "Well, I think he regarded himself as a Sephardic Jew whose ancestors came from the Iberian Peninsula.”[27]

It has also been asserted that Cardozo himself "confessed in 1937 that his family preserved neither the Spanish language nor Iberian cultural traditions".[28] Some advocacy groups, such as the National Association of Latino Elected Officials and the Hispanic National Bar Association consider Sonia Sotomayor to be the first Hispanic justice."
So if my name is Gonzalez I don't get to be Hispanic unless I assert it? Looks like they don't count Cardozo because he was Jewish. Sounds like antisemitidm to me. Jews can be Hispanic unless they speak Spanish?
In related news, most normal people think beauty pagents for 7 years olds are creepy as fuck.

I don't see the point. This was a contest for Hispanic children and this child was pretty clearly not Hispanic.

But honestly, still pretty fucking creepy.

But you embrace Nambla as core to your party!

Really? When did this happen?

Because, honestly, I've never seen the Democrats embrace NAMBLA, unless you think being gay is the same thing, which you probalby do.

Did I say that?
Nambla is a homosexual paedophile organization that seeks to legalize homosexual relationships between men and children.

Very different from gay.


And the liberal movement, it's heros and it's agents have supported, defended and accepted funding from their Nambla brothers.
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Everyone in America is equal.
More whites have and are being treated like shit in America than blacks.
The last racist murder of a black was 50 years ago.
There were probably several whites murdered this weekend, just for being white.
You would make a few jokes and gloat about it.
What happened 200 years ago has no bearing on the USA today.
Get the fuck over it.
I did. Did I need to use smaller words?

Would it be racist to have a white specific contest, that was the question , yes or no answer .

Um, yeah.

But we have St. Patty Day's pagenets where the contestants are supposed to be Irish and Columbus Day pagents where the contestants are supposed to be of Italian ancestory, so that would probably be a much more ACCURATE comparison to this situation.

Not that you guys go for accuracy, that is.

How many winners of those contests have taken back titles because the winners were not Irish enough or Italian enough?
The Roman Empire was run by blacks for 2 generations.

The west coast of Ireland was heavily settled by Africans before the ( quite possibly black ) st Patrick of Rome landed on the east coast.
Has Elizabeth Warren been notified, I hear she is proud of her Latino heritage, and her Black heritage, and her Indian heritage, white heritage...not so much.

Don't tell her!!!!
If red Betty finds out, she will force banks to deny home loans to another million first time homebuyers!!!!
It's what she calls helping them!!!!

Red Betty is so far left , she truly believes that all property is theft.
Accused of being not Hispanic enough

Winner of Little Miss Hispanic Delaware contest stripped of title over racial concerns - The Washington Post

Where's little miss white Delaware contests? Oh wait they would be racist and would get boycotted , right you I hypocritical liberals?

Shouldn't they have properly established her race before she entered the comp?

Hispanic isn't a race though!!
Neither is it a culture, rather a group of cultures.
Hispaniola, where Hispanics come from has several distinct cultures in both the D.R and Haiti.
Why you fanatics obsess about race is beyond me.
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Tell that to Italians, Irish and Jews, moron

One generation at a time, and it passed. Not always and forever, whites against all others.

That wasn't the statement, koosh, stated whites have "never" been treated like garbage. He was proven wrong, and you helped confirm it.

Absolutes are very troublesome by reactionaries.
Is the act of being white going to become a crime?
Germans are white in the first degree, Scottish/Irish white in the second degree , Italians white in the fourth degree!!!
The road to ethnic cleansing starts somewhere.
Today it's this shit and the frequent murder of whites.
Of course the fanatics deny it!!

Hey dumb ass, Scot-Irish are not second degree in any sphere. And particularly to a bunch of krauts.

Frequent murder of whites? Mostly by other whites. Same for blacks. Mostly by other blacks.
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Everyone in America is equal.
More whites have and are being treated like shit in America than blacks.
The last racist murder of a black was 50 years ago.
There were probably several whites murdered this weekend, just for being white.
You would make a few jokes and gloat about it.
What happened 200 years ago has no bearing on the USA today.
Get the fuck over it.

You lying son of a bitch.

Brandon McClelland, 24, was dragged to death beneath a truck driven by two white men in Paris, Texas last month. McClelland was black. The site of his death is about 200 miles from the location where James Byrd was murdered in a similar manner ten years ago. (Image at left: Jacqueline McClelland, Brandon's mother; photo courtesy Jesse Muhammad.)
McClelland's murder took place on September 16, 2008. Parts of his mangled body were found strewn along the highway at great distance.

First responders treated the case as a hit and run. The county district attorney's office denied the possibility of racist motivations, and said comparisons to the Byrd lynching were "preposterous."

Your pretense of 'white' victimhood absolutely stinks.
Is the act of being white going to become a crime?
Germans are white in the first degree, Scottish/Irish white in the second degree , Italians white in the fourth degree!!!
The road to ethnic cleansing starts somewhere.
Today it's this shit and the frequent murder of whites.
Of course the fanatics deny it!!

Hey dumb ass, Scot-Irish are not second degree in any sphere. And particularly to a bunch of krauts.

Frequent murder of whites? Mostly by other whites. Same for blacks. Mostly by other blacks.

Racist killings of whites by blacks in the USA is at epidemic levels, as is anti white violence by blacks.
You fanatics pretend this genocide is not happening.
It will get worse , you will be held to account for your particiption in these crimes against humanity.
Are creepy assed crackers still considered human by the fanatics of the Obamacult?

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