Little miss Hispanic Delaware stripped of title

Funny how now Hispanics want someone to show their papers
Got to change the subject, can't fight logic.
Lib-bot regulation number 3.

I don't see the point. This was a contest for Hispanic children and this child was pretty clearly not Hispanic.

But honestly, still pretty fucking creepy.

But you embrace Nambla as core to your party!

Really? When did this happen?

Because, honestly, I've never seen the Democrats embrace NAMBLA, unless you think being gay is the same thing, which you probalby do.
Will you answer the question?

I did. Did I need to use smaller words?

Would it be racist to have a white specific contest, that was the question , yes or no answer .

Um, yeah.

But we have St. Patty Day's pagenets where the contestants are supposed to be Irish and Columbus Day pagents where the contestants are supposed to be of Italian ancestory, so that would probably be a much more ACCURATE comparison to this situation.

Not that you guys go for accuracy, that is.
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.
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Now Hispanics care about checking someone's papers?
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Tell that to Italians, Irish and Jews, moron
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Tell that to Italians, Irish and Jews, moron

One generation at a time, and it passed. Not always and forever, whites against all others.
novasteve, you do understand that whites have never been treated like garbage in this country like many other minorities have, right? Do you understand that's why their groups and pride events are different than if whites did it? They have been battered down and are rising up and taking their rightful place as equals with all other Americans. Whites have never been battered down and therefore don't need to rise up and claim their equality in this country. Is it possible for you to understand that?

White support groups that form have an entirely different motivation behind them, and I think you know it.

Tell that to Italians, Irish and Jews, moron

That is a different situation. I'm a descendant of Irish immigrants, by the way. But you wouldn't be able to pick me out from all the other white people. I blend right in.

And I'm not a moron, by the way. I suspect my IQ is quite a few points higher than yours.
If Whites treat Hispanics so badly why do millions of them risk their lives to be here?
If Whites treat Hispanics so badly why do millions of them risk their lives to be here?

Okay, are we talking about Hispanics or are we talking about illegal Mexican immigrants? Not exactly the same.

In the case of illegal Mexican immigrants, apparently they think the opportunity for a good life in America is worth the risk. Perhaps they know that all Americans won't hate them. And at least they'll have a chance to make a good life. It's about taking risks.

Look at the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Milan. :)
Has Elizabeth Warren been notified, I hear she is proud of her Latino heritage, and her Black heritage, and her Indian heritage, white heritage...not so much.

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