Live fact check of liar's SOTU

Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.


Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.
No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

The divide is done by design and is mostly make believe at the national level among the actual people in DC.

As long as those in power have us fighting each other they can get away with just about anything. That is why we are divided today.
No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

The divide is done by design and is mostly make believe at the national level among the actual people in DC.

As long as those in power have us fighting each other they can get away with just about anything. That is why we are divided today.

I get that. I'm more than convinced the criminals are in charge right now, and many, many people are angry about it. Unfortunately, that anger is displaced and diluted because so many in this country vote against their own best interests. The deception on the scale we're seeing currently is very powerful. It's nothing to be proud of, for sure.

Not really interested, since "fact checking" is just euphemism. All "fact checking" sites are lefty run propaganda.
Maybe in tRump world.

Many iof the rest iof us would like to know the truth.
No you wouldn't. Truth is like kriptonite with libs.
How would you know? You don't even know what it is.
I've watched demoncraps for years lie. Liars all scum Dems.
You don't know.
Not really interested, since "fact checking" is just euphemism. All "fact checking" sites are lefty run propaganda.
Maybe in tRump world.

Many iof the rest iof us would like to know the truth.
No you wouldn't. Truth is like kriptonite with libs.
How would you know? You don't even know what it is.
I've watched demoncraps for years lie. Liars all scum Dems.
You don't know.
Probably more than you.
No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

The divide is done by design and is mostly make believe at the national level among the actual people in DC.

As long as those in power have us fighting each other they can get away with just about anything. That is why we are divided today.
Nancy did not have to go there. She okayed the impeachment. Looking at her face the whole time was embarrassing. Spoiled c*nt!
Maybe in tRump world.

Many iof the rest iof us would like to know the truth.
No you wouldn't. Truth is like kriptonite with libs.
How would you know? You don't even know what it is.
I've watched demoncraps for years lie. Liars all scum Dems.
You don't know.
Probably more than you.
Lol, no.

You're just another slobbering tRumpkin.

You know nothing except the lies you parrot.

You have nothing, not even your own opinions.

You are nothing without a leader to tell you who to hate.

Each and every one of you is nothing more than a waste of resources.

The US does not currently have a legitimate president.
Yeah we do, despite you idiots delusions.
Yep. More legitimate than the previous idiot. Keep talking, you're stupidity is very entertaining.
That clown is an expert at misrepresenting facts.

So what are the top three “lies”? All we hear is how much he lies, yet no leftwinger can come up with any examples.
Trump said “I have also made an ironclad pledge to American families,” Trump claimed. “We will always protect patients with preexisting conditions.”

The bad news for people with preexisting conditions is that this “ironclad pledge” is a lie. Trump and his administration have fought hard — in all three branches of government — to strip people with preexisting health conditions of the protections they enjoy under the Affordable Care Act. Indeed, if Trump has his way, those protections will cease to exist.
That clown is an expert at misrepresenting facts.

So what are the top three “lies”? All we hear is how much he lies, yet no leftwinger can come up with any examples.
Trump said, Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the #1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far.”
“The US became #1 in 2012, under Obama.”
That clown is an expert at misrepresenting facts.

So what are the top three “lies”? All we hear is how much he lies, yet no leftwinger can come up with any examples.
Trump said, We will always protect your Medicare, and we will always protect your Social Security.”
Trump recently suggested that cuts to entitlements will be on the table in his second term, though he tried to walk that back. And Trump’s previous budgets have already pushed for cuts to the programs.
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.

I know he is my President. But when you have a child and they continually misbehave, you try to change their bad behavior. They are still your child.
My family is grown. Thank goodness I never had a child that was a bad actor like Donald Trump. He is closer to a child than a mature adult.
But like a child he gets his way when he throws a tantrum. You mess with Trump the tantrum comes.
The spineless Republican congress is scared to death of his tantrums.

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