Live fact check of liar's SOTU

Note that your preferred fact checkers couldn't find any lies in the speech.

In the 38 months since the 2016 election, the U.S. economy has added 7.3 million jobs — an impressive feat, but certainly not unprecedented. In the 38 months before the 2016 election, the U.S. economy added 8.4 million jobs.

Lie: We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago

Fact: The U.S. economy grew 2.3% last year, matching the average annual rate over the last 10 years but well short of the 3% growth target set by President Trump and his advisers. Growth briefly accelerated to 2.9% in 2018 after passage of the GOP tax cut, but that now appears to have been a short-lived “sugar high.” Although backers of the tax cut said it would encourage more business investment, leading to a decade of 3% annual growth, business investment actually slumped for most of last year.

Lie: I moved rapidly to revive the U.S. economy

Fact: Since the Great Recession, the economy has been growing at a steady, moderate pace, rising at an annual rate of between 1.6% and 2.9%. In 2018, after President Trump signed into law the tax cuts passed by Congress, the growth rate rose to 2.9%. That is pretty good, but not great — it matched the growth rate in 2016. But growth soon subsided and last year fell back to 2.3%.

How can any bunch of idiots that are so uncertain of anything as basic as their very own genders be capable of fact checking anything? Especially when you've already checked your brains at the door.
Anti Trumpers are sure of their gender but we wonder about the Republican male members of congress. It appears they have no balls. The Republican women members of congress appear to be the only ones that have a pair of balls.
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Lol do you know the definition of socialism? Lol
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Lol do you know the definition of socialism? Lol

Do you?
What lie??
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Lol do you know the definition of socialism? Lol

Do you?
I do and a savings account isn’t socialism lol
Trump says, We will never let socialism destroy American health care.”
Right after promising to protect Medicare — which is a socialized health insurance system for the elderly — Trump had the audacity to suggest that socialism destroys health care.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Lol do you know the definition of socialism? Lol

Do you?
I do and a savings account isn’t socialism lol
But Medicare is. There are many socialized programs in our government. Public schools, military, roads and infrastructure, Social security
The discussion is of socialized programs not socialism.
Socialism, Capitalism, a free market; none work in their purest form. All governments are a blend of all.
Those who act like socialized programs are horrible, take advantage of them everyday.
People have to say there are socialist reforms within our government now. It is a question of how many we want.
It’s a social safety net it’s not socialism.. people pay In to it

It is Socialism no matter how much you don't want it to be.
Lol do you know the definition of socialism? Lol

Do you?
I do and a savings account isn’t socialism lol
But Medicare is. There are many socialized programs in our government. Public schools, military, roads and infrastructure, Social security
The discussion is of socialized programs not socialism.
Socialism, Capitalism, a free market; none work in their purest form. All governments are a blend of all.
Those who act like socialized programs are horrible, take advantage of them everyday.
People have to say there are socialist reforms within our government now. It is a question of how many we want.
Some of these are social safety nets.. we will NEVER BE a socialist country, we do have socialist areas in America.. Boston, Chicago, Detroit, san fan, Oakland, St. Louis Louisiana, Baltimore, Camden.. they are all shit holes. Flooded with welfare foreigners and rich white libs that treat them like property..
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.


Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

A wise man once told me not to pay attention to what politicians "say", TT and to simply judge them on their actions! I could care less what Trump "says" when he's sparring with the left...the only thing that matters to me are the actions that he takes to improve the country! To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time understanding who any logical person would turn over the nation to any of the Democratic candidates.

The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Trump won fair and square, Crepitus and you know what Hillary Clinton said about people not accepting the results of elections! Of course she said that when she was convinced that SHE would be winning and not Trump but let's not nit pick...shall we? :)
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.


Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

A wise man once told me not to pay attention to what politicians "say", TT and to simply judge them on their actions! I could care less what Trump "says" when he's sparring with the left...the only thing that matters to me are the actions that he takes to improve the country! To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time understanding who any logical person would turn over the nation to any of the Democratic candidates.

I can see you have a hard time with it. Yet, I completely disagree with you.

I have my issues with Democrats, for sure. As a voter since I turned 18-years-old, I had plenty of gripes with the legacy of the Obama administration. I especially wasn’t a big fan once I was given the short end of the stick due to his policies regarding the short-sighted implementation of mandated government-run health insurance. I wasn’t given a choice due to a requirement by law to either participate in this scheme under penalty of taxation that I felt was completely unconstitutional. I wasn’t able to ‘keep my doctor’ under this law. This forced me to seek much more costly alternatives in the private sector to this day for myself as well as my employees.

I also believe much of his rhetoric focusing on social justice was a lynch pin that opened the door to the unprecedented political division that has now been entrenched in our current modern American society. Also, I believe his management of our spending (adding 9 Trillion dollars to the deficit) as well as foreign policy was pretty weak as well.

In contrast to this, everything about Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) sucks. Everything. I never imagined how much worse he could possibly be in comparison to his predecessor, yet, here we are. He’s the opposite of inspirational to most Americans. A walking poster boy for ill temperance, malfeasance and an allergy to accountability, especially in the sphere of politics.

History shows us that being elitist, uneducated and possessing a caustic personality underneath a thin veneer of self reflection are most likely bad traits for a leader of a world superpower. People like *pResident-non-grata is exactly the type you want to tear down, not build up or even resemble a positive example for fellow Americans to follow. An ugly creation that’s one part bad upbringing, and one part unearned privilege in an empty, ill-fitting suit. A virus infecting critical thought. An outcast among the decent and law-abiding.

So, yeah. Respectfully, I fully disagree with you.
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.


Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

A wise man once told me not to pay attention to what politicians "say", TT and to simply judge them on their actions! I could care less what Trump "says" when he's sparring with the left...the only thing that matters to me are the actions that he takes to improve the country! To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time understanding who any logical person would turn over the nation to any of the Democratic candidates.
Granted, morality standards are very low in politics but Trump has taken them lower than I ever dreamed they could go.
His actions are similar to Putin and Kim Jong Un. I thought the US was better than the strong arming dictatorships of Russia and Korea. I judge Trump on his actions, also. Both in politics and outside of politics. He disgusts me.
If you feel the ends justifies the mean. so be it. I feel the way Trump goes about getting what he wants will come back to bite The US in the butt.
Anyone who calls themself a Christian and justifies Trump's acts is a hypocrite.

The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Trump won fair and square, Crepitus and you know what Hillary Clinton said about people not accepting the results of elections! Of course she said that when she was convinced that SHE would be winning and not Trump but let's not nit pick...shall we? :)
Wrong. He had help. Ask the FBI, CIA, or any other government agency.
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?
It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.


Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

A wise man once told me not to pay attention to what politicians "say", TT and to simply judge them on their actions! I could care less what Trump "says" when he's sparring with the left...the only thing that matters to me are the actions that he takes to improve the country! To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time understanding who any logical person would turn over the nation to any of the Democratic candidates.
Granted, morality standards are very low in politics but Trump has taken them lower than I ever dreamed they could go.
His actions are similar to Putin and Kim Jong Un. I thought the US was better than the strong arming dictatorships of Russia and Korea. I judge Trump on his actions, also. Both in politics and outside of politics. He disgusts me.
If you feel the ends justifies the mean. so be it. I feel the way Trump goes about getting what he wants will come back to bite The US in the butt.
Anyone who calls themself a Christian and justifies Trump's acts is a hypocrite. embarrass yourself when you equate Trump with Putin and Kim Jong Un! They have their opposition killed...often times in quite gruesome fashion. Do you think Donald Trump will be literally feeding Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff to the dogs anytime soon? Kim Jong Un actually DOES that!

The US does not currently have a legitimate president.

Trump won fair and square, Crepitus and you know what Hillary Clinton said about people not accepting the results of elections! Of course she said that when she was convinced that SHE would be winning and not Trump but let's not nit pick...shall we? :)
Wrong. He had help. Ask the FBI, CIA, or any other government agency.

Help? People in places of power in the FBI, CIA and the IRS conspired against Trump. They're some of the same people who propagated the whole Russian collusion narrative that KNEW it was total bullshit!
Note that your preferred fact checkers couldn't find any lies in the speech.
Lol, you didn't read it.
And of course you are lying.

If you think they found any lies in the speech, then you simply lack the necessary reading comprehension skills to know that they didn't.

That's typical of you TDS afflicted morons.

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