Live fact check of liar's SOTU

Trump said “I have also made an ironclad pledge to American families,” Trump claimed. “We will always protect patients with preexisting conditions.”

The bad news for people with preexisting conditions is that this “ironclad pledge” is a lie. Trump and his administration have fought hard — in all three branches of government — to strip people with preexisting health conditions of the protections they enjoy under the Affordable Care Act. Indeed, if Trump has his way, those protections will cease to exist.

Flat out lie!

You should read the actual legislation instead of posting a link from VOX which is a left wing rag.
It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

What's "crazy" is someone wasting time tallying or keeping a running count of what they arbitrarily decide are "lies"! Trump is prone to hyperbole! Get over it already! He's got the economy humming along nicely though so who cares about this other nonsense!

In the sage words of James Carville..."It's the economy, stupid!"

Why do you embrace dishonesty?

Sorry I forgot to add the sarcasm emoticon. I thought it was pretty obvious.

No worries. It's a pity what has happened to the parties. It's been a sprint straight to the bottom for three years. A good economy is nice, but when the parties have divided themselves to such petty and caustic tribal hate, it doesn't seem like it bodes well for the long run. But, who knows, maybe market success is dependent upon division in our current reality.

A wise man once told me not to pay attention to what politicians "say", TT and to simply judge them on their actions! I could care less what Trump "says" when he's sparring with the left...the only thing that matters to me are the actions that he takes to improve the country! To be quite blunt...I'm having a hard time understanding who any logical person would turn over the nation to any of the Democratic candidates.
Granted, morality standards are very low in politics but Trump has taken them lower than I ever dreamed they could go.
His actions are similar to Putin and Kim Jong Un. I thought the US was better than the strong arming dictatorships of Russia and Korea. I judge Trump on his actions, also. Both in politics and outside of politics. He disgusts me.
If you feel the ends justifies the mean. so be it. I feel the way Trump goes about getting what he wants will come back to bite The US in the butt.
Anyone who calls themself a Christian and justifies Trump's acts is a hypocrite. embarrass yourself when you equate Trump with Putin and Kim Jong Un! They have their opposition killed...often times in quite gruesome fashion. Do you think Donald Trump will be literally feeding Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff to the dogs anytime soon? Kim Jong Un actually DOES that!

I don't doubt he would if he thought he could get away with it.
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.
Right we don’t expect you to understand the concept of fact checking.
Do you really not grasp how silly "fact checking" someone who's kicking your ass time and time again becomes at a certain point, Billy? While you're fact checking Trump...he's winning. Do you understand THAT concept?
who's kicking your ass time and time again

That's a funny definition of lying.

While you're fact checking Trump...he's winning. Do you understand THAT concept?

I understand it's just more lying. What's the matter with you?

You don't think Trump is winning, TT? You on the left just spent four years throwing everything at him that you possibly could...including an impeachment and his poll numbers are the best of his Presidency! That's the very DEFINITION of getting your ass kicked!
who's kicking your ass time and time again

That's a funny definition of lying.

While you're fact checking Trump...he's winning. Do you understand THAT concept?

I understand it's just more lying. What's the matter with you?

You don't think Trump is winning, TT? You on the left just spent four years throwing everything at him that you possibly could...including an impeachment and his poll numbers are the best of his Presidency! That's the very DEFINITION of getting your ass kicked!

I'm not responsible for impeaching the *pResident. Seems you can't make an argument unless you make it about me personally. You lose.
Too funny. A left-wing bias is fact-checking Trump and people buy into it.

Tell me, did NPR get all the information for the metrics that Trump used when he made his statements?

You see, you don't get to say, "You can't look at the problem that way" and then claim the statements are lies because the same metrics you want were not used.
A left-wing bias is fact-checking Trump and people buy into it.

Where as the right wing bias buys anything Trump tells them

so who's the sheep here?

A left-wing bias is fact-checking Trump and people buy into it.

Where as the right wing bias buys anything Trump tells them

so who's the sheep here?

I'm not going to score both Obama's SOTU and Trump's SOTU speeches to see which was more true, but Trump's "exaggerations" were not "whoppers" like Obama's "save us $2,500 a year with Obamacare" when it actually cost us up to $10,000 a year in new deductibles. So IMHO Trump's SOTUs are better than Obama's, especially financially.
Fact-checking the 2020 State of the Union - CNNPolitics
Our beloved Pres.Trump is giving a wonderful SOTU speech!! ... :thup:

Only haters, commies, and miscreants would disagree. .. :cuckoo:

I am not a Commie damn you!

As for his Speech, well I would have ripped it up had I been the Speaker of the House, oh wait she did do it!!

Anyhoo, never call me a Commie again because I am just a simple minded Stalinist, wait a minute!!!
Right because every President before Trump told the absolute truth in every speech they ever gave. Sheesh.

In great detail starting from George Washington prove that any President before Trump lied to the American Public and if you use Bill Clinton then I will take my balls and go home and never ask you again to prove me wrong again!
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.

It is pretty crazy anyone would expect a politician to tell the truth in a speech.

I believe every word of every President just like I believe your name is Golfing Gator!!!

( I know and back in the corner with my dunce hat on )
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.
Right we don’t expect you to understand the concept of fact checking.

And you kind lady only fact check when it is a Republican but when it is a Democrat you just laugh and proclaim it was a slip of the tongue!
Well as a man, I know that republicans are, on average, much more wrong than democrats are.

Well my dear Lady the fact is your opinion is based on blind hatred for anyone that disagree with you, so the reality is both Democrats and Republicans lie in their speeches and Trump was a known liar before he became President and those that voted for him and will vote again for him do not care...
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.
Right we don’t expect you to understand the concept of fact checking.

And you kind lady only fact check when it is a Republican but when it is a Democrat you just laugh and proclaim it was a slip of the tongue!
Well as a man, I know that republicans are, on average, much more wrong than democrats are.

Well my dear Lady the fact is your opinion is based on blind hatred for anyone that disagree with you, so the reality is both Democrats and Republicans lie in their speeches and Trump was a known liar before he became President and those that voted for him and will vote again for him do not care...
I’ve probably said the following so many times on this board: I don’t hate independent conservatives. It’s republicans and Trump supporters I despise. Lol it’s not like your dumbass is less biased than i am.
Back to fact checking his speeches? You guys get more pathetic by the week.
Right we don’t expect you to understand the concept of fact checking.

And you kind lady only fact check when it is a Republican but when it is a Democrat you just laugh and proclaim it was a slip of the tongue!
Well as a man, I know that republicans are, on average, much more wrong than democrats are.

Well my dear Lady the fact is your opinion is based on blind hatred for anyone that disagree with you, so the reality is both Democrats and Republicans lie in their speeches and Trump was a known liar before he became President and those that voted for him and will vote again for him do not care...
I’ve probably said the following so many times on this board: I don’t hate independent conservatives. It’s republicans and Trump supporters I despise. Lol it’s not like your dumbass is less biased than i am.

I never wrote I was not biased at all kind lady...

I do not sell myself as being unbiased like you try to sell yourself as being an open minded individual my kind lady.

In the end every politician lies and it is your choice to accept their lies as what you want to hear but to act like either political party is better than the other is telling me you are as close minded as can be...

Also you hated the GOP before Trump, so stop lying like Trump...
Trump is still in office even though the Dimms have been trying to throw him out since his inauguration.

Can someone fact check that for me, please?

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