Live J6 Hearing...

The Orange Groomer is in Deep Shit

The Orange Cult is reeling
Your tears are delicious.

I notice no mention of the multiple Republicans that asked Trump for a pardon. In the coming hearings when their names are exposed, the DOJ will be listening carefully.

These trumptards actually believe there is no criminal liability here. If you think they’re angry now, just wait. Sedition is a very real thing, with very serious prison sentences.

And of course they just won’t believe it.
They admit they are not news. They are entertainment. Sort of like professional wrestling. It is staged and very fake.

They change their story to fit current narrative

I don't understand what you expect to see if they showed ALL (what 14,000 hours) of video.

1. Most of it is probably empty hallways, ho hum.
2. I'm guessing you want more video of trump protesters being civil. You know, taking pictures, just chatting with each other. This certainly won't take away the hours of video showing criminal activity.
3. Cops waving people in. Ok great. That won't excuse the ones that broke windows and busted down doors and attacked the Capitol Police.

Tell me, what do you expect to see from the videos?
Nobody was watching Carlson except for the biggest losers that watch television.

You might be seeing some of his cohorts testifying though.
That applies to anyone reading your posts and believing one word of them.
How did they get movie style footage of the protest, edited to present it as very violent with tight shots and disorienting bounciness ?. It’s a film technique . Staged and faked
Insurrectionists that are going to take control of government and try to run the USA(the ludicrous liberal main contention) probably don’t film the effort

Meanwhile this deliberate diversion does distract from record inflation, record gas prices, and empty shelves of the Joke Briben failure

Had you watched the hearing, you'd know how.
Yeah just LOOK at how affordable everything is!!!!
Please provide the probative evidence that President Biden has the power to raise prices on all consumer products.

Please do, or be what I have known for a long time reading your posts, you along with other trump supporters are damn liars and hate anyone who are minorities or Democrats who believe equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all.
They are playing video that most people have never seen. There is a plethora of video already out there.
If your assertion is this was a peaceful demonstration...that's pretty much been debunked.
Yeah, like your "mostly peaceful" bullshit - ALL SUMMER LONG.

Screw you. You people are a bunch of little pansies. Pretty soon you won't be able to hide behind the law anymore.
Thesse holdouts are much like the Japs who defended pacific islands after the war who didnt realise the war was over. All they had was loyalty to their emperor and he was finished.
Their posts on all of this are the death rattles of imbeciles.

"death rant" :p

No, fucktard, if you want to kill me you actually have to get up off your big fat ass and come look me in the eye.

And I don't think you're going to do that. I think you're just a sad little blowhard who wishes he had a country worth protecting.
A made for TV piece of fiction that nobody is watching. Torn to shreds in 10 minutes by Baier and McCallum. Cheney is done (down 30 points in her primary) and this “committee” is being laughed at by real Americans who’s give not one fuck about this. High gas prices, inflation, over 1000% increase in overdose deaths, fentanyl streaming across the border, and these morons are desperate to avoid all that.
yes, the world is suffering because of joey xiden
As if these Demoshits weren't liars too.

Nancy Pelosi is complete fucking scum. If she REPRESENTS the Democrats we should boot the whole lot of them out of the elections and never allow them to vote again.
Please provide the probative evidence that President Biden has the power to raise prices on all consumer products.

Please do, or be what I have known for a long time reading your posts, you along with other trump supporters are damn liars and hate anyone who are minorities or Democrats who believe equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all.

I am not a Rumpist, I am not a Pub. You couldn't be more wrong. I support quality of opportunity, not quality of outcome. Is "probative" the word of the day from your calendar?

The inflationary cycle is primarily being driven by petroleum prices, even a student at San Francisco City College could tell you that. This is just one reason, here are many more that branch of this.

What is the Pipeline exactly?

The Keystone Pipeline already exists. What doesn’t exist fully yet is its proposed expansion, the Keystone XL Pipeline. The existing Keystone runs from oil sand fields in Alberta, Canada into the U.S., ending in Cushing, Oklahoma.

The 1,700 new miles of pipeline would offer two sections of expansion. First, a southern leg would connect Cushing, Oklahoma, where there is a current bottleneck of oil, with the Gulf Coast of Texas, where oil refineries abound. That leg went into operation in January 2014. Second, the pipeline would include a new section from Alberta to Kansas. It would pass through Bakken Shale region of eastern Montana and western North Dakota. Here, it will pass through a region where oil extraction is currently booming and take on some of this crude for transport.

The southern leg of the Keystone XL ties into the existing Keystone pipeline that already runs to Canada, bringing up to 700,000 barrels of oil a day to refineries in Texas. At peak capacity, the pipeline will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day. While the pipeline is initially carried U.S. light crude, it is expected to carry more heavy Canadian oil harvested from tar sands over the next year.


"death rant" :p

No, fucktard, if you want to kill me you actually have to get up off your big fat ass and come look me in the eye.

And I don't think you're going to do that. I think you're just a sad little blowhard who wishes he had a country worth protecting.
Its actully "death rattle" dopey.You only had to copy it and you failed.

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