Live J6 Hearing...

Very true

Jan 6 was a mountain in our history
Oh... one more thing RW...

This is a woman:

This is not:


Because the guy at the bottom; you are doing as much pretending in this thread as he is wearing these clothes.
Show all video from all sources.

Time constraints my ass. Gtfoh with that bullshit excuse
I don't understand what you expect to see if they showed ALL (what 14,000 hours) of video.

1. Most of it is probably empty hallways, ho hum.
2. I'm guessing you want more video of trump protesters being civil. You know, taking pictures, just chatting with each other. This certainly won't take away the hours of video showing criminal activity.
3. Cops waving people in. Ok great. That won't excuse the ones that broke windows and busted down doors and attacked the Capitol Police.

Tell me, what do you expect to see from the videos?
I don't understand what you expect to see if they showed ALL (what 14,000 hours) of video.

1. Most of it is probably empty hallways, ho hum.
2. I'm guessing you want more video of trump protesters being civil. You know, taking pictures, just chatting with each other. This certainly won't take away the hours of video showing criminal activity.
3. Cops waving people in. Ok great. That won't excuse the ones that broke windows and busted down doors and attacked the Capitol Police.

Tell me, what do you expect to see from the videos?
Nothing much, you pretty much describe the events that took place that day.
Nothing much, you pretty much describe the events that took place that day.

I don't understand what you expect to see if they showed ALL (what 14,000 hours) of video.

1. Most of it is probably empty hallways, ho hum.
2. I'm guessing you want more video of trump protesters being civil. You know, taking pictures, just chatting with each other. This certainly won't take away the hours of video showing criminal activity.
3. Cops waving people in. Ok great. That won't excuse the ones that broke windows and busted down doors and attacked the Capitol Police.

Tell me, what do you expect to see from the videos?

Agreed, that ^^^^ all happened. Congrats.

But this happened too.

It's pretty pointless to discuss issues with someone who wont listen and applies stereotypes to you as if they are true.

You dont see anything wrong with that cause, stupid
Didn’t you say you ignored me?

Why are you still whining at me?
Don’t see how that explains why essentially they have one set of film that has high quality production values with Hollywood disorientation techniques in full play. I don’t see how the protestors end up providing what appears to be their own damnation
We are all Very Aware of bleach bit and hammers and trash cans so why did this guy blab and then dearly preserve this footage for use as “evidence”
Think it through and it equals no sense nonsense.
Feel for it and it’s just grand.
He is a documentary filmmaker
That means he uses freaking good equipment and knows how to shoot video

Why is that such a difficult concept for you?
Since 98%+ of trump supporting RWI's won't be watching the 'hearing', we can discuss without much interruption.

They will be doing this.......making excuses and calling the committee traitors.

My position on this thing is that the January 6 incident was unfortunate. But compared to the hundreds of separate Black Lives Matter riots it was really nothing. Black Lives Matter rioters actually killed innocent people we know the black police officer was killed by Black Lives Matter rioters over the 2020 summer the guy working at the pawnshop

Black Lives Matter leaders are the problem. They’ve brainwashed their supporters... blm are leaders are looting millions of dollars. Look at poor Black people they continue to struggle just like poor white people. And we all need to unite to help uplift Americans of all colors.

And we as Americans should help these young black and white people who support Black Lives Matter.... they have been brainwashed but there’s not many of them, they are very small in number but we can help them. the Black Lives Matter leader ship hates America and its history. They have no leg or argument to stand on because slavery was practiced by both Europeans and Africans. Thus the whole 400 years a slave argument is built on secretarian division it’s no good for anybody.

with the January 6 protesters they were carrying American flags many of them simply walked around the capital building doing nothing harmful. They wanted to talk with politicians. Any of them who resorted to violence must be charged with criminal acts because you know what there’s no room for violence on any side of the aisle. So the issue that a lot of Americans have is there needs to be prosecutions of violent people on the right but also the violent people on the left of Black Lives Matter leader ship.
He is a documentary filmmaker
That means he uses freaking good equipment and knows how to shoot video

Why is that such a difficult concept for you?
Because it’s highly improbable that film would be permitted to survive to only be used against them .
Try thinking. Your head may not explode.
I don't understand what you expect to see if they showed ALL (what 14,000 hours) of video.

1. Most of it is probably empty hallways, ho hum.
2. I'm guessing you want more video of trump protesters being civil. You know, taking pictures, just chatting with each other. This certainly won't take away the hours of video showing criminal activity.
3. Cops waving people in. Ok great. That won't excuse the ones that broke windows and busted down doors and attacked the Capitol Police.

Tell me, what do you expect to see from the videos?

Why is Pelosi not giving access then?

Why is Pelosi not giving access then?
They want a slick , edited, favorable dramatization to appeal to the fear factor they have created in America
We will now see if more than half of Americans are stupid and fear governed.
They want a slick , edited, favorable dramatization to appeal to the fear factor they have created in America
We will now see if more than half of Americans are stupid and fear governed.
fearmongering is all the left has left
Because it’s highly improbable that film would be permitted to survive to only be used against them .
Try thinking. Your head may not explode.
Against who?
He is an independent filmmaker doing a documentary on the Proud Boys

Are you always this thick?

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