Live J6 Hearing...

An idiotic request. 1000s of hours of video. And you already said your mind was made up anyway. Many times. So this is weak trolling and avoidance on your part.
He will demand thousands of hours of video……then declare it fake
An idiotic request. 1000s of hours of video. And you already said your mind was made up anyway. Many times. So this is weak trolling and avoidance on your part.
Where did I say that?

I said show all video. Period.

You make up the rest for 3rd grade emotional validation.
This is the nightmare of the right wing. Having a light shined on the cockroaches will make them scurry. Unfortunately they just end up back in the dark places doing what they always do… shitting on everything and making everything they touch disgusting.
How did they get movie style footage of the protest, edited to present it as very violent with tight shots and disorienting bounciness ?. It’s a film technique . Staged and faked
Insurrectionists that are going to take control of government and try to run the USA(the ludicrous liberal main contention) probably don’t film the effort

Meanwhile this deliberate diversion does distract from record inflation, record gas prices, and empty shelves of the Joke Briben failure
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This is the nightmare of the right wing. Having a light shined on the cockroaches will make them scurry. Unfortunately they just end up back in the dark places doing what they always do… shitting on everything and making everything they touch disgusting.
The Committee needs to move passed Trump and focus on all those who supported his attempted coup
Liz Chaney calls out Trump. Reads his tweet:

January 6, 2021 23:01:04

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
Such a riot instigating statement for sure 🤪
How did they get movie style footage of the protest, edited to present it as very violent with tight shots and disorienting bounciness ?. It’s a film technique . Staged and fsked
Insurrectionists that are going to take control of government and try to run the USA(the ludicrous liberal main contention) probably don’t film the efgort

Meanwhile this deliberate diversion does distract from record inflation, record gas prices, and empty shelves of the Joke Briben failure
From a guy who was shooting a documentary on the Proud Boys at the time
When the Republicans were going after President Clinton... I was not a fan of it.
I knew this was for political theater. I knew he wouldn't actually get impeached, as in out of office.
And I also knew it was going to create a political divide amongst the two parties that is a FAAAR worse problem than what Clinton did.
And the same Democrats right here on this forum who were aghast the GOP was going after Clinton... have no problem going after Trump in the same manner.
Nothing is going to come of this other than a bunch of bouncing heads heavy breathing into Microphones.

And the increased division it is causing/going to cause is FAAR worse than what Trump supposedly did.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.
This is a mountain...


This is an anthill....


They are not the same.
This is the nightmare of the right wing. Having a light shined on the cockroaches will make them scurry. Unfortunately they just end up back in the dark places doing what they always do… shitting on everything and making everything they touch disgusting.
it’s anticlimactic
If you watched last night, you would see he was subpoenaed to testify
Don’t see how that explains why essentially they have one set of film that has high quality production values with Hollywood disorientation techniques in full play. I don’t see how the protestors end up providing what appears to be their own damnation
We are all Very Aware of bleach bit and hammers and trash cans so why did this guy blab and then dearly preserve this footage for use as “evidence”
Think it through and it equals no sense nonsense.
Feel for it and it’s just grand.

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