Live J6 Hearing...

I think that as the minority party, Republicans are positioning themselves to steal future elections
All because a man lost re-election and could not admit that he lost. HIs kids say he lost, his AG said he lost. Many on his staff say he lost. But for him, damn our democratic republic. "I WON IN LANDSLIDE AND WAS CHEATED."
All because a man lost re-election and could not admit that he lost. HIs kids say he lost, his AG said he lost. Many on his staff say he lost. But for him, damn our democratic republic. "I WON IN LANDSLIDE AND WAS CHEATED."
It is the way Trump functions

When given the facts, he prefers the lie and demands those around him support it
Of course, because in only one hour it was established that your orange God knew he was lying to your dumb ass about the election being stolen.
He has been known as a serial liar who stiffs contractors for years. Lying about the election was easy for him.
Inflation, gas prices are a worldwide problem. Just what does Biden do to stop Russia from attacking an adjoining country and stifling food shipments? What does he do to bring down crude oil prices that are surging, much because of the war and our decision not to buy Russian oil?

Demand was pent up for over two years with COVID. The supply chain has been broken. The demand is booming and the supply is still lagging. That, with the pressure from the war is a recipe for inflation. And the repubs do not have an answer either. But they will drill...drill....and drill. If they convince oil companies that they won't lose money when we go electric. If the repubs have their way, the US would still be burning massive amounts of coal. trump said so himself. That is not sustainable.
yes, the world is suffering because of joey xiden
It is the way Trump functions

When given the facts, he prefers the lie and demands those around him support it
I just wonder what he thought when Ivanka said on tape that she disagreed with her dad about voter fraud. Did Donald wet his pants?

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And you don't see anything wrong with what Trump did leading up to and on Jan 6.

Because cult.
It's pretty pointless to discuss issues with someone who wont listen and applies stereotypes to you as if they are true.

You dont see anything wrong with that cause, stupid
Yes, of course they only could show clips due to time restraints,

but they also said they would put up links to full videos of what they had, so that we could spend the time to view them in full.

I haven't gone to check it out yet, I just googled and got Trump's speech from 1/6 unedited and read it I didn't need to go to their site.

now I am going to get the video of it, and watch the speech.
Show all video from all sources.

Time constraints my ass. Gtfoh with that bullshit excuse

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