Live J6 Hearing...

I don't know. Maybe. What does Hillary have to do with anything?
Four years of political left wing seditious attacks attempting to usurp the power of a sitting president because Hillary lost....and everyone is surprised when a protest goes awry?
Liz disagrees with you.
And what of McCarthy's other pics on the committee?
Since 98%+ of trump supporting RWI's won't be watching the 'hearing', we can discuss without much interruption.

They will be doing this.......making excuses and calling the committee traitors.

I found it even more boring than the impeachment hearings.

You people are easily entertained.
Thesse holdouts are much like the Japs who defended pacific islands after the war who didnt realise the war was over. All they had was loyalty to their emperor and he was finished.
Their posts on all of this are the death rattles of imbeciles.
Then he failed to act when the madness was happening. He even continued to urge them on as he Tweeted negative things about Pence while secret service was trying to get him and his family to safety.

Of course you don't have any problem with that. Because cult.

Not the question. Just answer the simple question.!it’s really not that difficult.
The lengths you leftist go to lie to yourselves is pure entertainment .
What was Trumps motivation when he saw a mob, marching under his name, turn from peaceful protest to a violent mob?

Seems any leader would immediately spring into action to stop it. Trump seemed content to watch his mob on TV and ignored repeated pleas for him to put a stop to it.

Was he waiting for the mob to get Mike Pence or another Congressman?
Did he want to give the mob more time to accomplish its mission?
Did he expect them to actually be able to stop the certification if they had more time?
The hearings look very desperate....and grasping....sad state the Dems are in
Four years of political left wing seditious attacks attempting to usurp the power of a sitting president because Hillary lost....and everyone is surprised when a protest goes awry?

And what of McCarthy's other pics on the committee?

Democrats are hell bent about doing something about Jan 6 (for the American people), I think the American people would love them to have a hearing so they can figure out how to save June 10th....
Standard of living is going through a death spiral and Democrats are in denial, just figuring out what they can use to win the next election.
Then he failed to act when the madness was happening. He even continued to urge them on as he Tweeted negative things about Pence while secret service was trying to get him and his family to safety.

Of course you don't have any problem with that. Because cult.
No one imagined that a man who lost his re-election bid would:
-stand behind a podium days later and declare "massive voter fraud" with NOTHING to back that statement up
-continue to say he was cheated for months leading up to Jan 6th
-instigate an organized effort to create fake electors to send the the House
-pressure several SoS to "find votes" so that he could remain in office
-finally incite a mob to march on and attack the US Capitol building in an effort to stop a consitutually ordered process.
By their number of posts trying to deflect, it seems Conservatives care very much

Cheney was effective in not only putting the blame on Trump, but those who support him
History will judge the party that allowed our democracy to slide into autocracy. The cult characterization of MAGA is becoming more and more evident. Their devotion is based on the personality of a man who is determined to destroy our electoral system. He is lining up his troops to steal future elections...and the repubs do not care.
Do you deny they are not playing only video pieces and not the entire video?
Yes, of course they only could show clips due to time restraints,

but they also said they would put up links to full videos of what they had, so that we could spend the time to view them in full.

I haven't gone to check it out yet, I just googled and got Trump's speech from 1/6 unedited and read it I didn't need to go to their site.

now I am going to get the video of it, and watch the speech.
History will judge the party that allowed our democracy to slide into autocracy. The cult characterization of MAGA is becoming more and more evident. Their devotion is based on the personality of a man who is determined to destroy our electoral system. He is lining up his troops to steal future elections...and the repubs do not care.

I think that as the minority party, Republicans are positioning themselves to steal future elections
Democrats are hell bent about doing something about Jan 6 (for the American people), I think the American people would love them to have a hearing so they can figure out how to save June 10th....
Standard of living is going through a death spiral and Democrats are in denial, just figuring out what they can use to win the next election.
Inflation, gas prices are a worldwide problem. Just what does Biden do to stop Russia from attacking an adjoining country and stifling food shipments? What does he do to bring down crude oil prices that are surging, much because of the war and our decision not to buy Russian oil?

Demand was pent up for over two years with COVID. The supply chain has been broken. The demand is booming and the supply is still lagging. That, with the pressure from the war is a recipe for inflation. And the repubs do not have an answer either. But they will drill...drill....and drill. If they convince oil companies that they won't lose money when we go electric. If the repubs have their way, the US would still be burning massive amounts of coal. trump said so himself. That is not sustainable.

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