Live J6 Hearing...

Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself with every word you utter.
These trump appointed witnesses all have integrity. They can't do what trump does, and LIE.
These people have honor.
Trump has no honor.
Honor doesn't matter to these people. Like their cult leader, they chose to believe Dripping Rudy, The Kraken Lady and the Pillow Guy over the people who worked directly for him.

Just like their cult leader, these people are now in abject denial to protect their fragile self esteem. Birds of a feather.
No such evidence much less “overwhelming.” You’re just a troll who continues to disseminate your own mistaken beliefs and mindless, baseless opinions.

There was no Constitutional crisis.

If you were intelligent enough to play an old-fashioned game of poker and recognized (or had good reason to believe) that an opponent had won a big pot against you by cheating, would you “admit” that you “lost?” Of course not. Well, unless you are a spineless pussy.

What you might do, instead, is challenge the alleged win.

The question of whether the other guy did cheat would need to be kept open for a while. Oh nozies. A “Constitutional crisis!” 🙄
Trump was setting up his insurrection even before the polls closed. Just like he did in 2016

He sent an angry mob to attack our Capitol and overturn a lawful election. He fed the TRUMPmob with lies and hate and instructed them it was their job to “Stop the Steal”

He then sat back and watched the TRUMPmob attack the Capitol and refused to stop it for hours
Honor doesn't matter to these people. Like their cult leader, they chose to believe Dripping Rudy, The Kraken Lady and the Pillow Guy over the people who worked directly for him.

Just like their cult leader, these people are now in abject denial to protect their fragile self esteem. Birds of a feather.
These guys must be outliers. Educationally sub normals.Normal Americans will get it.
Nonsense. You’ve got nothing. Barr simply didn’t grasp what Trump was alluding to. So, Barr’s mere opinion amounts to nothing. BFD.
Excuse you. Try reading the post again.

Trump vomited the Big Lie before evidence could even be found or considered.

That tells you what you need to know. And ESPECIALLY what a squealing cultist like you needs to hear: Trump had no reason or evidence. Just a lie.
Oh, I don't know about that. Americans are far more concerned with who's winning in "Survivor" or the latest lipstick influencer on TikTok.
Not one sentient adult could listen to this and still vote for Trump. Its just not possible.
I understand that they will feel cheated though.
Will the GOP kick him out ?
Not one sentient adult could listen to this and still vote for Trump. Its just not possible.
I understand that they will feel cheated though.
Will the GOP kick him out ?
He has every chance of winning in 2024. That's just where we are as a country right now.

It's taken me a few years to realize this. We're just not what I thought we were.
Not one sentient adult could listen to this and still vote for Trump. Its just not possible.
I understand that they will feel cheated though.
Will the GOP kick him out ?
Are you kidding? Regurgitating the big lie is the way Republicans plan to get elected in the midterms. The GOP and Trump are currently hard at work installing the infrastructure from the ground up to steal the 2024 election.
Trump supporters should be watching this, if for no other reason than to hear the arguments against.
Nah. We know that the allegations are. We know there is no evidence in support of the claims. So, why validate the canard by watching the show?
What is kind of hilarious is when pathetic bootlickers like kellyanne Conway trot out as their defense of trump the idea that it was okay, because he actually believed the big lie.

Of course, in reality, that doesn't matter one bit. Being delusional is not a defense, unless you are claiming mental illness.
Excuse you. Try reading the post again.

Trump vomited the Big Lie before evidence could even be found or considered.

That tells you what you need to know. And ESPECIALLY what a squealing cultist like you needs to hear: Trump had no reason or evidence. Just a lie.
Sorry you’re so retarded. One can’t be “lying” at all if one is asserting a claim that one believes to be true.

And your usual reiteration of your own dishonest pointless doesn’t change anything. You cultist lump. There was evidence. As I’ve said many times already, one can disagree with the proposition that there has ever been proof that the evidence of cheating suffices to establish that it succeeded. But that doesn’t mean that there was no evidence. Close your eyes and ears more tightly, ya pathetic bitch. 🤣
What is kind of hilarious is when pathetic bootlickers like kellyanne Conway trot out as their defense of trump the idea that it was okay, because he actually believed the big lie.

Of course, in reality, that doesn't matter one bit. Being delusional is not a defense, unless you are claiming mental illness.
Wrong again, Farty. If you are at an intersection and “see” the red car run the red light and smash into the green car, you can testify to it. And if your memory of that event is incorrect, the fact that you believe it doesn’t make you a liar. One can be mistaken without being a liar, you imbecile.

I keep telling you libtards that words have actual meaning. I know assholes like you hate that fact. But it’s still true.
One can’t be “lying” at all if one is asserting a claim that one believes to be true.
That is not a defense, sorry. It would just be determined that he is lying in his defense, given that he had all the info to know it was a lie.

Defendants can't just say they believed something delusional to get around intent, unless they claim innocence by way of insanity.

You are desperate and are embarrassing yourself. Badly.
Barr looked into trumps claim of fraud, you didn't.
Barr said he found no evidence of fraud.
Also corroborating trump's criminal intent: asking for the exact amount of votes he needed in Georgia. Not a fraud investigation. Just the votes to win.

But these poor cultists believe he actually believes the Big Lie.

Poor rubes.
That is not a defense, sorry. It would just be determined that he is lying in his defense, given that he had all the info to know it was a lie.

Defendants can't just say they believed something delusional to get around intent, unless they claim innocence by way of insanity.

You are desperate and are embarrassing yourself. Badly.
If you had a brain (obviously a contrary to fact hypothesis) you’d maybe finally grasp that it wasn’t offered as a defense to anything. It was offered as a rejoinder to your moronic complaint about Kelly Ann. What you’re busy trying to dodge is that you were wrong.

It isn’t in any way inappropriate to note that an incorrect statement isn’t a “lie.” It sounds amusing. That’s true. But if you believe something (even if you’re wrong) then your assertion is not a “lie.”

So maybe you libtarded whining sacks of dishonest shit should stop claiming that Trump lied.

By the way, your legal analysis is also wrong. There are indeed situations where a mistaken belief in an alleged “fact” won’t help you as a criminal defendant at trial. But there are other scenarios where a mistaken belief in a set of alleged “facts” can and do serve to negate “intent.”
Also corroborating trump's criminal intent: asking for the exact amount of votes he needed in Georgia. Not a fraud investigation. Just the votes to win.

But these poor cultists believe he actually believes the Big Lie.

Poor rubes.
He certainly knew the needed number. No shit Sherlock. But what he suggested was that those bites could be found (which is of course true if sufficient bogus votes were found and properly then tossed).

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