Live J6 Hearing...

Man. You are deliberately obtuse. Why the constant insistence that the conversation hasn’t already been has many many times?

If you still don’t get it, go do some research. But I’ll give you a fucking hint. It’s been discussed right here at USMB umpteen fucking times.
Face it

Trump is a Crybaby Loser who can’t admit he lost

He created a Constitutional crisis and sent an angry mob to attack Congress while they were certifying the vote
All these credible witnesses, and you BackAgain still want to believe dishonorable trump.
The evidence of trump being a fraud is overwhelming.
You don’t know what “witness” means. The word “credible” is far beyond your grasp. And you don’t understand that “evidence” has a meaning too.

Once again for pathetic imbeciles like you: Trump may have been mistake. That’s not the question. The question here is whether there’s ANY evidence that, with regard to his concern that the election was being stolen, he was fraudulent. The answer remains “no.”
Taint. You are abnormal. You aren’t qualified to assess who’s on or not on a normal team.
Team Normal was a term thst trump appointees gave themselves to distinguish themselves from Rudy and Powell. They are self identifying to distance themselves from trump.

Mate your hero is being filleted here by his own people. Wake up.
You don’t know what “witness” means. The word “credible” is far beyond your grasp. And you don’t understand that “evidence” has a meaning too.

Once again for pathetic imbeciles like you: Trump may have been mistake. That’s not the question. The question here is whether there’s ANY evidence that, with regard to his concern that the election was being stolen, he was fraudulent. The answer remains “no.”
Overwhelmingly, the evidence is that Trump is a Crybaby Loser who preferred to throw the nation into a Constitutional crisis rather than admit he lost
Face it

Trump is a Crybaby Loser who can’t admit he lost

He created a Constitutional crisis and sent an angry mob to attack Congress while they were certifying the vote

You face things for a change. He didn’t believe he had lost. That’s not being a crybaby loser, Leftwhiner. It is recognizing that something is amiss.

He created no Constitutional crisis at all. And he sent no mob anywhere. He certainly asked nobody to attack anybody else.

Repeating your desired conclusion doesn’t establish anything other than that you remain a hack.
And while the world goes into war and the USA goes into the toilet the Libs beat their chests over Trump being a “sore loser”
This dog and pony show has nothing to do with the here and now effecting All of us.
Instead, it’s virtue signaling from vengeful 3rd graders.
Team Normal was a term thst trump appointees gave themselves to distinguish themselves from Rudy and Powell. They are self identifying to distance themselves from trump.

Mate your hero is being filleted here by his own people. Wake up.
I’m not your mate, taint. You’re an odious troll from overseas. And Trump isn’t getting filleted. 🙄

You don’t need to “wake” up. You would be better off just shutting up. Only our mindless drone libtards place any stock in your vapid musings.
I’m not your mate, taint. You’re an odious troll from overseas. And Trump isn’t getting filleted. 🙄

You don’t need to “wake” up. You would be better off just shutting up. Only our mindless drone libtards place any stock in your vapid musings.
This is the best show on TV. Trump is finished. Mr Ginberg is the top GOP lawyer and he is saying trump is full of shit.

I think it must be difficult for you to accept that you have been played over this nonsense.

How much did you give to the steal fund and what was it used for ?
Now they're detailing the results of the 60+ court cases, all of which failed, and they just did a Star Wars-style crawl of all of the quotes telling exactly why they did.
You face things for a change. He didn’t believe he had lost. That’s not being a crybaby loser, Leftwhiner. It is recognizing that something is amiss.

He created no Constitutional crisis at all. And he sent no mob anywhere. He certainly asked nobody to attack anybody else.

Repeating your desired conclusion doesn’t establish anything other than that you remain a hack.

Trump is a Crybaby Loser
He has done this act before

In 2016, he was setting up claims that he was being cheated until surprisingly, he won. Then the election became honest

In 2020, he ran the same playbook preparing to lose
He fed an angry mob with claims that he was being cheated. YOU need to Stop the Steal

That angry mob attacked our Congress and Trump sat back for hours refusing to call back the TRUMPmob
And while the world goes into war and the USA goes into the toilet the Libs beat their chests over Trump being a “sore loser”
This dog and pony show has nothing to do with the here and now effecting All of us.
Instead, it’s virtue signaling from vengeful 3rd graders.
Its important that crazy fucks like trump are kept away from the red button.
You don’t know what “witness” means. The word “credible” is far beyond your grasp. And you don’t understand that “evidence” has a meaning too.

Once again for pathetic imbeciles like you: Trump may have been mistake. That’s not the question. The question here is whether there’s ANY evidence that, with regard to his concern that the election was being stolen, he was fraudulent. The answer remains “no.”
Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself with every word you utter.
These trump appointed witnesses all have integrity. They can't do what trump does, and LIE.
These people have honor.
Trump has no honor.
Overwhelmingly, the evidence is that Trump is a Crybaby Loser who preferred to throw the nation into a Constitutional crisis rather than admit he lost
No such evidence much less “overwhelming.” You’re just a troll who continues to disseminate your own mistaken beliefs and mindless, baseless opinions.

There was no Constitutional crisis.

If you were intelligent enough to play an old-fashioned game of poker and recognized (or had good reason to believe) that an opponent had won a big pot against you by cheating, would you “admit” that you “lost?” Of course not. Well, unless you are a spineless pussy.

What you might do, instead, is challenge the alleged win.

The question of whether the other guy did cheat would need to be kept open for a while. Oh nozies. A “Constitutional crisis!” 🙄
Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself with every word you utter.
These trump appointed witnesses all have integrity. They can't do what trump does, and LIE.
These people have honor.
Trump has no honor.
I don’t take advice from an asshole like you for whom I have nothing but contempt. So, feel obligated to gfy.

While you’re at it, tell me where I claimed that anybody (say Barr) “lied.” Good luck on that search, ya hapless fucktard.

You have no honor.
Trump supporters should be watching this, if for no other reason than to hear the arguments against.
This is the best show on TV. Trump is finished. Mr Ginberg is the top GOP lawyer and he is saying trump is full of shit.

I think it must be difficult for you to accept that you have been played over this nonsense.

How much did you give to the steal fund and what was it used for ?
Zzz. What taint lacks in cred he makes up for with an oversupply of dull.

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