Live J6 Hearing...


They would have been calling for the crowd to be hosed down with automatic weapons.
This is the point I make repeatedly. The largely white crowd was treated with kid gloves. One person was shot. Three more died trying to "climb that wall" when they weren't in the shape to do it.

Had this been a BLM crowd showing the same numbers and same ferocity, you would be dragging the bodies out of the Capitol for hours and sponging up the blood for days.
The filmaker just said what it was intended to be which is a "rally". That just helped prove Trump's point.
Trumptard loons killed police officers on 1/6

Yet here they are, whoring for the criminals
No police officer got killed on 1/6 you are grossly misinformed. Sicknic died of natural causes per the medical examiner. You sir, are a liar.
This is the point I make repeatedly. The largely white crowd was treated with kid gloves. One person was shot. Three more died trying to "climb that wall" when they weren't in the shape to do it.

Had this been a BLM crowd showing the same numbers and same ferocity, you would be dragging the bodies out of the Capitol for hours and sponging up the blood for days.
can you go ahead and give us an example of where this happened during one of the MANY BLM riots?

i'll wait.

This is the point I make repeatedly. The largely white crowd was treated with kid gloves. One person was shot. Three more died trying to "climb that wall" when they weren't in the shape to do it.

Had this been a BLM crowd showing the same numbers and same ferocity, you would be dragging the bodies out of the Capitol for hours and sponging up the blood for days.

And yet, here they are, the precious snowflake Trump cultists, whining about being treated differently, even though they are guilty of sedition against the COTUS.
Barr quoted was kick off video.

In the interview, Barr recalled that Trump became enraged when he told him there was no evidence that the 2020 election was fraudulent.

“I told him that all this stuff was bullshit,” Barr said. “And, you know, it was wrong to be shoveling it out the way his team was.”

Bill Barr, just another person the leftists called the devil incarnate until he said one thing that helped their side.
You morons are so phony it’s hilarious.

They would have been calling for the crowd to be hosed down with automatic weapons.

Did he get "hosed down", boomer fool?
I'm not a Marxist, you fucking stupid moron.

But keep clinging to your Orange God, anti-American loser.
Oh sorry.......Apparently you are an ignorant Marxist tool though. You have been duped, dumbass.
The crowd chanted "Hang Mike Pence" and Trump saying he deserved it. Think about that ... And people still support that disgusting piece of shit.

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