Live J6 Hearing...

can you go ahead and give us an example of where this happened during one of the MANY BLM riots?

i'll wait.

Let me give you just a small example of the police response to the protests in Washington, DC in the summer of 2020.
Did we see this on 1/6/2021?
That's you dude. Fucking Anti_American
I stand for the Pledge every Working Day.
When was the last time you said the Pledge? I want an answer.

Still you dude.
Again, when was the last time you said the Pledge?
You've been duped because you want to be duped, old man.

The world is changing. Keep clinging to the 1950s and hiding under your bed, loser.
Sorry, I'm not down with 'building back better' to Marxism like you are, dumbass.
Stop projecting. I don't want to know about your hero worship.
There are other sites where that is more appropriate.
No jack off, YOU are the one projecting your desire to suck off Trump. You brought it up in the first place, now you dig your own grave.
No jack off, YOU are the one projecting your desire to suck off Trump. You brought it up in the first place, now you dig your own grave.
Oooo. Little defensive there big guy. :)
Run along. I don't care what your proclivities are. I don't judge.
I'm not building back better, you low IQ rube loser.

But keep desperately rationalizing your anti-American behavior, loser.

Your grandkids will be embarrassed.
The more you deny, the more I know what you are. Pack it in, you're a loser.

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