LIVE: Wray and Garland testify before House on politicization of the FBI Jim Jordan chairs.

What happens if you don't file the amended form?
It depends…for most Americans they end up in prison…just ask Wesley Snipes what happened when he didn’t pay.

but when you are the white son, of the current demafasict cult leader, with criminal liability, you get a sweet heart deal
Open question whether he was also working with the Biden WH on the language of the school board association letter.

CAlling me a liar? What did I lie about? Quote my words.,
Post 140 you said soccer mom's are terrorists.

That was the context of the discussion I was having so either you lied or you were not familiar with how the topic started.

If it's the latter, I apologize.
Post 140 you said soccer mom's are terrorists.

That was the context of the discussion I was having so either you lied or you were not familiar with how the topic started.

If it's the latter, I apologize.
Soccer moms aren’t terrorist

Unless of course they question the Demafasict reich’s agenda, then they are labeled one and xiden sends in the storm troopers
Bullshit. They cited one threat of violence in their letter. 14,000 school districts in the country and they offered one threat of violence. Whch was already handled by the local police.
That’s a lie. They cited many instances in the letter from page three through five. See for yourself.
Where does the DOJ or the FBI have jurisdiction for completely local matter?
And now your backpedaling.

As you can see, you’re not serious. You’re a liar.
Boy, that's left hanging out there, isn't it? Do you think the "reguests" by the administration and the other Federal Agencies are any different?

Yes, I do.

As to your false equivalence, if their is a written legal consequence for not filling out the amended form then their are consequences, if not then feel free not to do it.

What were the consequences for Twitter not removing the tweet Trump wanted them too?

None that I saw.

Nothing by the judge in his injunction claims the federal government committed censorship.
It depends…for most Americans they end up in prison…just ask Wesley Snipes what happened when he didn’t pay.

Because they violated the law.

but when you are the white son, of the current demafasict cult leader, with criminal liability, you get a sweet heart deal
Yawn, stop topic jumping. Make your own thread about your butthurt.
Post 140 you said soccer mom's are terrorists.

I was mocking the poster's bullshit about death threats coming from soccer moms.
That was the context of the discussion I was having so either you lied or you were not familiar with how the topic started.

If it's the latter, I apologize.
I saw how it was started. The original poster implied the "terrorist" language came from Garland. Although it wasn't a direct quote that is 100% the context he used to sic the FBI on parents at School Board meetings - to stifle dissent over mask mandates and CRT.
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Yes, I do.

As to your false equivalence, if their is a written legal consequence for not filling out the amended form then their are consequences, if not then feel free not to do it.

What were the consequences for Twitter not removing the tweet Trump wanted them too?

None that I saw.

Nothing by the judge in his injunction claims the federal government committed censorship.
Perhaps you should read the opinion:

"As discussed in detail in the Memorandum Ruling, all of the Defendants likely “significantly encouraged” and/or “jointly participated” with the social-media companies to engage in viewpoint-based suppression of protected free speech. Additionally, the White House Defendants9 and the Surgeon General Defendants10 were found to have likely engaged in coercion of social-media companies."

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Me nor garland ever said they were...they could be though.

The threat of violence against school board members merits an investigation.
By the FBI? My neighbor threatened me with violence. Can I get the FBI to investigate him?
I was mocking the poster's bullshit about death threats coming from soccer moms.

I saw how it was started. The original poster implied the "terrorist" language came from Garland. Although it wasn't a direct quote that is 100% the context he used to sic the FBI on parents at School Board meetings - to stifle dissent over mask mandates and CRT.
He didn't "imply" anything.

He made the exact statement.
That’s a lie. They cited many instances in the letter from page three through five. See for yourself.
Bullshit. It's clear you didn't follow a single one of those links in their letter. I followed every one, back when this bullshit came out. One allegation of violence. All the rest were simply protests.,
And now your backpedaling.
And you're tolling
As you can see, you’re not serious. You’re a liar.

I hate fucking trolls. Particularly ones that get all huffy and sanctimonious when you call them out on their bullshit.

You don't have to worry any more about me ruffling your feathers as I'm done with you. Your bullshit is simply a waste of time.

Have a blessed life.
He didn't "imply" anything.

He made the exact statement.

"Soccer moms are domestic terrorists.

Merrick Garland"

That is certainly the message Garland sent when he set up the FBI task force to monitor school board meetings in response to the School Board Association's "domestic terrorist" letter.
Bullshit. It's clear you didn't follow a single one of those links in their letter. I followed every one, back when this bullshit came out. One allegation of violence. All the rest were simply protests.,
I think you need a refresher because the links provided have many examples not just of violence but of threats and harassment.

The letter itself only provides illustrative examples. It is not claiming to be an exhaustive list of all misbehavior. It’s not really up for debate that school boards were receiving significant amounts of threats. There is ample and easy to find news stories that discuss this.

Beyond that, Merrick Garland was perfectly clear that the DoJ was intending to target harassment and threats. They were completely unambiguous.

You are distorting facts.
"Soccer moms are domestic terrorists.

Merrick Garland"

That is certainly the message Garland sent when he set up the FBI task force to monitor school board meetings in response to the School Board Association's "domestic terrorist" letter.
No here not what he said. That’s what you heard because you’re a deeply partisan hack who doesn’t care about the truth.

Garland was perfectly clear and said nothing of the sort.
Perhaps you should read the opinion:

"As discussed in detail in the Memorandum Ruling, all of the Defendants likely “significantly encouraged” and/or “jointly participated” with the social-media companies to engage in viewpoint-based suppression of protected free speech. Additionally, the White House Defendants9 and the Surgeon General Defendants10 were found to have likely engaged in coercion of social-media companies."

And when nothing happens because their was no known censorship all the Trump supporters will claim deep state. Maybe even follow it up with 7 or 8 investigations for old times sake.

We have been here before multiple times.

Quick question. Why are none of the defendant's from the prior administration? The laptop requests were done by Trump's administration, not Biden's.

Also we have seen an example of Trump's people requesting Twitter remove posts that hurt Trump's feelings.

Why isn't he listed?

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