LIVE: Wray and Garland testify before House on politicization of the FBI Jim Jordan chairs.

Then they shouldn't have threatened school board members. Duh.
Haha typical…fascist often believe questioning their party is a threat…hitler locked up people that questioned his party too labeled them terrorist
And when nothing happens because their was no known censorship all the Trump supporters will claim deep state. Maybe even follow it up with 7 or 8 investigations for old times sake.

We have been here before multiple times.

Really? WHen was the Federal gvt. sued for censorship via social media? This is a first that I'm aware of.
Quick question. Why are none of the defendant's from the prior administration? The laptop requests were done by Trump's administration, not Biden's.

Also we have seen an example of Trump's people requesting Twitter remove posts that hurt Trump's feelings.

Why isn't he listed?
The suit was filed in 2022. Trump and all his people were long gone. This is not rocket science.
Really? WHen was the Federal gvt. sued for censorship via social media? This is a first that I'm aware of.

What difference does that make? Are you saying that when someone is sued over something for the first time, they must be guilty?

The suit was filed in 2022. Trump and all his people were long gone. This is not rocket science.
Why does it matter when the alleged crimes occurred? If Biden loses the election will they have to refile the lawsuit and name the new administration as the defendents?

Why are you avoiding responding to the fact that Trump requested Twitter to remove posts that offended him?
What difference does that make? Are you saying that when someone is sued over something for the first time, they must be guilty?

??? I'm telling you, contrary to your opinion, the Judge explicitly found a patterns of censorship by the Biden administration. Read the opinion I gave to you
Why does it matter when the alleged crimes occurred? If Biden loses the election will they have to refile the lawsuit and name the new administration as the defendents?
First of all his is not a criminal matter, they are asking for injunctions, 'stop doing what you are doing.' Second, if the new administration is doing similar censoring, I assume there will be a similar lawsuit.

Why are you avoiding responding to the fact that Trump requested Twitter to remove posts that offended him?
Because it's completely and utterly irrelevant to this lawsuit.
??? I'm telling you, contrary to your opinion, the Judge explictly found a patterns of censorship by the Biden administration.

First of all his is not a criminal matter, they are asking for injuctions, stop doing what you are doing. Second, if the new administration is doing similar censoring, I assume there will be a similar lawsuit.

Because it's completely and utterly irrelevant to this lawsuit.
You are talking to a cultist…evidence doesn’t matter
Haha yes, questioning why they let boys into girls bathrooms after a girl was raped was a threat…it undermines their agenda, therefore they were labeled terrorist
They didn't question, they threatened.

You keep avoiding the distinction.
??? I'm telling you, contrary to your opinion, the Judge explicitly found a patterns of censorship by the Biden administration. Read the opinion I gave to you

No, he didn't definitely make that statement. That is what you are implying based on the injunction.

First of all his is not a criminal matter, they are asking for injunctions, 'stop doing what you are doing.' Second, if the new administration is doing similar censoring, I assume there will be a similar lawsuit.

Because it's completely and utterly irrelevant to this lawsuit.
How is Trump requesting Twitter to remove a post irrelevant to a judge saying the Biden administration asked Twitter to remove a post?
Censorship is an action or forceful removal of information.

Making a request is not censorship.

Trump and the FBI can make requests until they are blue in the face, that is not censorship.

Maybe this will help you.

Can't wait till it's turned on you, I'll tell you. There is no censoring going on.
Good point. The threats are reminiscent of brown shirts back in the 30s. Someday history may equate brown shirts with red hats.

Haha peaceful protest…isn’t that what you all called it when you sent assassins to Justices homes?
No here not what he said. That’s what you heard because you’re a deeply partisan hack who doesn’t care about the truth.

Garland was perfectly clear and said nothing of the sort.


This thread doesn't seem to be working out very well for you. :p

Garland is a 2-bit elitist punk whose best idea of national security is going after soccer mom's who care about their kids.

Democrats are low life scum.

This thread doesn't seem to be working out very well for you. :p

Garland is a 2-bit elitist punk whose best idea of national security is going after soccer mom's who care about their kids.

Democrats are low life scum.
The demafacist believe parents thinking their children are not the states is the threat

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