Liz Cheney Throws a Tantrum After January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral

like what?

I'm trying to figure out the point of all of this. The DoJ has been running their investigation longer than this 1/6 committee has existed. There hasn't been serious indictments that have come thru the committee. What supposed evidence will the committee come out with that the DoJ shouldn't already have?
As I said......these things never accomplish anything.

It all depends on what you're trying to accomplish. In this particular case the goal is to try and destroy Trump. The communist party is scared to death of this man. He's the biggest threat to them than any other candidate that ran for President in our lifetime. There is nothing to indict him on because he committed no crime. Free speech is guaranteed in our Constitution even for politicians. It's why they lie all the time. The FBI investigated 1/6 and concluded this was not an organized attack by anybody yet alone Trump. Even if they stumble on something stupid, they still can't do anything to him because the scam was conducted outside of House rules. You can't indict anybody that wasn't allowed a defense. The panel is all Democrats and two anti-Trump Republicans chosen by the head Communist herself. Acceptable to the Nazis, but not the American people or the rule of law.

So why waste all this time and money? To try and destroy him before the next two elections. It won't work of course. If anything they'll just piss more people off, but that's what they are trying to accomplish.
The Gateway Pundit!!!! What bullshit! Was it a tantrum like when Trump was told he lost the election??? Did she stomp her tiny foot????

It seems the Gateway Pundit has a tweet from Chaney herself contradicting what the chairman said in a CNN video. Sorry you don't like the source, but can you provide evidence that either the video or Liz's tweet are false?
It's over. They have nothing!
House Jan. 6 Committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) told reporters on Monday that the committee won’t be making criminal referrals against Trump or his other cronies to the Justice Department because “that’s not our job”–but that was apparently news to the other committee members.

  • The panel “has not issued a conclusion regarding potential criminal referrals,” vice chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) tweeted on Monday night.
  • Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told CNN that he and his fellow panel members “haven’t had a discussion about that” and that he thought the committee was waiting until after the investigation was over to make a final decision.
  • Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) tweeted that it is, in fact, the committee’s “responsibility” to report any criminal activity it finds in the investigation, and that it has yet to vote on the issue.
  • A committee spokesperson walked back Thompson’s comment later Monday, saying that the panel will, “if warranted,” make criminal referrals.

It's not Congresses job to indict or convict. That's the Judicial. And there is enough there to bring some serious charges. And don't forget Geogia and NY. The Fat Lady is just warming up one way or another.
Even if it was true, your Progs are of the Communist States of America. Tha tis under another constitution. We are just pretending now.
It's not Congresses job to indict or convict. That's the Judicial. And there is enough there to bring some serious charges. And don't forget Geogia and NY. The Fat Lady is just warming up one way or another.
Ya, just keep digging, maybe Dems will find Trump never turned off the light when he left a room :rolleyes:. Now, Dems is a fxxking sore loser:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Even if it was true, your Progs are of the Communist States of America. Tha tis under another constitution. We are just pretending now.

Even if they try to pull off something, the Republicans will do the same and worse to Shoemaker and Piglosi who helped encourage the planned deadly attack on Kavanaugh after our huge takeover of Congress next year.
The Chairman RULES OUT a criminal referral.

Guess that triggered you. :p

The matter hasn't been discussed yet. What part of that are YOU not hearing? No "tantrums" were thrown, but nice try at portraying a strong female leader as childish and overly emotional.

Never miss a chance to denigrate a powerful woman.
It's not Congresses job to indict or convict. That's the Judicial. And there is enough there to bring some serious charges. And don't forget Geogia and NY. The Fat Lady is just warming up one way or another.
Are you suggesting that brainless and chicken-hearted Garland go against the Congress run by his emperor Pelosi and her joker Schumer? Just another Russian hoax nonsense by the Democrats to try and save the 2022 election by distractions.
The takeaway is that a white mother fucker just beat down a severely retarded black mother fucker.... where is BLM?

Where is sharpton? Where is jesse "rent-a-riot" jackson.... wtf?
ha ha.. you didn't really expect them to care about anything but $$ and status, did u?
What's wrong Liz? did you see your future disappear when an outsider that puts America first got elected?...
i guess she adheres to the "invade foreign countries" policies of her father...

you know.. at some age in a person's life or another he or she should really look at things clear-eyed... and disagree w/ parents when that is called for

but that's... as one of my erstwhile friends would put it 'too much like right"
The judicial cannot do anything since the so-called trial was conducted illegally. The House rules require that the defense pick their own representatives, not some old commie bitch on the other side. After the show is over, they can't do anything to Trump.

Pelosi violated house rules to create the committee. There was no presumption of innocence. IF this ever reaches court, everything they have done will be thrown out.. Pelosi set this up to fail by herself. Pelosi thought she was protecting herself and her involvement in the security failure, unknowingly she opened herself up to criminal prosecution for gross negligence resulting in death. I expect those charges when a real investigation is done into why Jan 6 even happened in the first place.
I'm trying to figure out the point of all of this. The DoJ has been running their investigation longer than this 1/6 committee has existed. There hasn't been serious indictments that have come thru the committee. What supposed evidence will the committee come out with that the DoJ shouldn't already have?
The FBI and DOJ have already admitted it was not an insurrection. The Sham WOW show is just that, a political circus..

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