Liz Cheney Throws a Tantrum After January 6 Panel Chairman Bennie Thompson Rules out Trump Criminal Referral

Are you suggesting that brainless and chicken-hearted Garland go against the Congress run by his emperor Pelosi and her joker Schumer? Just another Russian hoax nonsense by the Democrats to try and save the 2022 election by distractions.

They're not trying to save anything. They lost the Congress when gasoline hit $3.00 a gallon. What they're doing now is trying to minimize the damage.

Pelosi violated house rules to create the committee. There was no presumption of innocence. IF this ever reaches court, everything they have done will be thrown out.. Pelosi set this up to fail by herself. Pelosi thought she was protecting herself and her involvement in the security failure, unknowingly she opened herself up to criminal prosecution for gross negligence resulting in death. I expect those charges when a real investigation is done into why Jan 6 even happened in the first place.

The thing is Republicans would have likely took it easy on them when they regain power, but now that they want to start major shit, the revenge will be even greater. Piglosi can retire and run home, but she'll still have to appear before the real 6/1 committee, take an oath, and forced to answer all questions correctly or face the consequences.
They're not trying to save anything. They lost the Congress when gasoline hit $3.00 a gallon. What they're doing now is trying to minimize the damage.
Oh, they are trying to save the world from Trump. Yet, the world is going downhill fast under Biden, the very same Never Trumpers wanted in office instead of Trump.
It's over. They have nothing!

Oh well..what a difference a few months make eh?

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