Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

In 2009, Liz Cheney came out against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and she supported the State Department's decision to extend marriage benefits to gay couples.

A few months ago, when she made her political aspirations clearer, right wing PACs began attacking her for those views.

So now she has found God and decided gay marriage is a bad thing.

she NEVER supported gay marriage

fuck, stop lying

good lord, seriously, what is it with most libs on this board and lying?
Second nature. They can't help it. It's how they live their lives...lying to themselves and others around them. Intellectual dishonesty...shall I continue?
To destroy your relationship with your sister for a longshot attempt at a Senate seat is despicable. Does the woman have no honor?

Now that's what I see.

1. that is not throwing her under the bus

2. is it your contention that if your POV differs from your family member and that difference may cause a riff, that a politician should side with the family member?

that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard if that is your belief. the family member isn't the one running for office. your weak attempt to explain how that is sacrificing her sister, which it is not, is appreciated as you're the only one to try, but i doubt you come back with a rebuttal as you now realize your logic is wholly flawed.
here is a refresher for the libs in this thread:

Throw under the bus

To throw (someone) under the bus is an idiomatic phrase in American English meaning to sacrifice another person (often a friend or ally), who is usually not deserving of such treatment, out of malice or for personal gain.

Throw under the bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They've done it plenty of times in public schools.

Children can pray anytime in school as long as they don't disturb the educational process and or disturb their school neighbors.

Several Valedictorians were disciplined for praying during their speeches or for talking about god.

Some schools have tried to ban religious clubs from having meetings on school property.

They were disciplined for straying from their agreed to speeches. You can pray when you want. Public Prayer at a public school becomes an issue
She was an out there lesbian long before Edwards' stupidity. Where is Trajan getting his information?

she may have been out to her friends, but not in the national spotlight. kerry used her homosexuality for political gain....that is throwing someone under the bus.

but you and your fellow libs won't agree because you have double standards.

I am right of center and you are a reactionary far, far to the right, so Reagan would be a lib to you, Yurt.

Yes, it was common knowledge, but if you have proof to counter, bring it.

Jake....just because you dont like someone it does not make that person Far have done this before.....only a Far Lefty and Righty do that kind of which are you?....
Liz Cheney is entitled to hold any opinion she wants to. She is as free to disagree with her sister as any other sibling is free to disagree with their own family members.

Only liberals believe group think is the law of the land.

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

should people involved in incest be allowed the same rights you do?

Incest? Why not murder or sex with dogs?

Can't answer the question, can you?

So she's against gay marriage and has a gay sister. That's not throwing someone under the bus.

It is if you feel they don't deserve the same rights as you. One wonders how deep is the "love"?

who you trying to kid Dean? hate said you were a cant change your spots just because you "claim" you now hate them...its inbred in people like you....
So, anyone who has a gay sibling has to be for gay marriage, otherwise they're throwing brother/sister under the bus?

Do you know how ridicules that sounds?

No, tell me.

What other rights she doesn't deserve? List them all.

Quite changing the subject, Deanie. Is everyone who has a gay sibling a hypocrite if they don't support gay marriage?

Depends on their affections for their gay sibling.
Liz Cheney is entitled to hold any opinion she wants to. She is as free to disagree with her sister as any other sibling is free to disagree with their own family members.

Only liberals believe group think is the law of the land.

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

should people involved in incest be allowed the same rights you do?

dont ask Dean about NAMBLA....
Can't believe that anyone could actually look their own sister in the eye and say that her relationship wasn't as important as theirs.
If Liz spoke in sppt. of gay marriage, she is a hypocrite. No doubt. (And I don't mean where in she says I sppt. as it is a state law already on the books that she has to enforce).

on another note her sister Mary, worked actively in sppt. of Bush's election/re-election...... he was not a proponent of gay marriage if I recall.....

When asked about that, she said she was not a "one issue voter". But you notice that when the Cheney family walked out on stage at the GOP convention, Mary was noticeably absent.

so? what gop convention do you refer to?

Where was Mary Cheney?

Newsday explains that Cheney's gay daughter was good enough to attend the RNC but not good enough to sit on stage with her family:
she may have been out to her friends, but not in the national spotlight. kerry used her homosexuality for political gain....that is throwing someone under the bus.

but you and your fellow libs won't agree because you have double standards.

Wrong answer. She had been the Gay Liason for Coors Beer because of the boycott long beforehand, and VP Cheney had been asked publically about gay marriage and gays because of his daughter.

But, that sure was enlightening how many on the Right (including Mrs Cheney) thought gayness was an insult. Said a lot about YOU guys. :D

and you think that is national spotlight....LOL...if that was the case, why was the media all abuzz about cheney's gay daughter after kerry's comment? oh yeah, because the vast majority of americans did not know about it.

That's a flat out lie.
I think bullied is a more apt description. The 'liberal' progressive left has become that which they supposedly abhored. Authoritarians, bullies, and judgmental.

When right wingers deny rights, it's defending liberty. When everyone else is fighting FOR those rights, it's because they are bullies. News flash, Bullies are the ones who deny rights.

According to your libturd brethren in this forum, rights are whatever the government says they are, so the phrase "fighting for your rights" is an oxymoron. If the government hasn't granted you a right, then you don't have it.

When Americans are fighting for rights, it's nearly always against conservatives and Republicans.
In 2009, Liz Cheney came out against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and she supported the State Department's decision to extend marriage benefits to gay couples.

A few months ago, when she made her political aspirations clearer, right wing PACs began attacking her for those views.

So now she has found God and decided gay marriage is a bad thing.

she NEVER supported gay marriage

fuck, stop lying

good lord, seriously, what is it with most libs on this board and lying?
Second nature. They can't help it. It's how they live their lives...lying to themselves and others around them. Intellectual dishonesty...shall I continue?

Lying? About what? Examples please.
Why the hell would anyone be interested in the difference of opinion between two daughters of a former Vice President? The current V.P. sometimes has a difference of opinion with himself.

That is so NOT true......where has a Liberal ever discouraged children praying as offensive?

Do all rw'ers make things up?

Close to all. Worse, that picture is misleading since they only love the fetus. Kids they wouldn't mind seeing starve. We know they don't want them to have insurance.

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches - Austin Economy

yea i know what you mean Dean....Brown did that out here....that heartless is ONE of the links you ran from in those 3 other can leave this one now..."Dottie" will stay and defend you.....

CA budget: big cuts to welfare, kids' health care - SFGate
here is a refresher for the libs in this thread:

Throw under the bus

To throw (someone) under the bus is an idiomatic phrase in American English meaning to sacrifice another person (often a friend or ally), who is usually not deserving of such treatment, out of malice or for personal gain.

Throw under the bus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exactly. And Liz hopes to be Senator by attacking her sister. Who would vote for someone who sees their own sister as something "less"?



Gay haters with gay sisters.

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