Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

By publicly insinuating her sister deserves fewer rights simply because of who she loves?

So, anyone who has a gay sibling has to be for gay marriage, otherwise they're throwing brother/sister under the bus?

Do you know how ridicules that sounds?

She was supportive of gay marriage....until it became politically a liability. Ergo....there goes her sister and family under the political bus. What a charming person Liz is....just like her daddy. I hope her sister is smart enough to not go quail hunting with her.

1. bullshit

2. how is having a different POV than your family sacrificing them? fucking explain it.

why are libs too afraid to explain it...
If Liz spoke in sppt. of gay marriage, she is a hypocrite. No doubt. (And I don't mean where in she says I sppt. as it is a state law already on the books that she has to enforce).

on another note her sister Mary, worked actively in sppt. of Bush's election/re-election...... he was not a proponent of gay marriage if I recall.....

When asked about that, she said she was not a "one issue voter". But you notice that when the Cheney family walked out on stage at the GOP convention, Mary was noticeably absent.
So, anyone who has a gay sibling has to be for gay marriage, otherwise they're throwing brother/sister under the bus?

Do you know how ridicules that sounds?

She was supportive of gay marriage....until it became politically a liability. Ergo....there goes her sister and family under the political bus. What a charming person Liz is....just like her daddy. I hope her sister is smart enough to not go quail hunting with her.

1. bullshit

2. how is having a different POV than your family sacrificing them? fucking explain it.

why are libs too afraid to explain it...
Only ONE way to explain it. it doesn't fit into Bodey's world view. PERIOD. Political FODDER must be made.
How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

In 2009, Liz Cheney came out against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and she supported the State Department's decision to extend marriage benefits to gay couples.

A few months ago, when she made her political aspirations clearer, right wing PACs began attacking her for those views.

So now she has found God and decided gay marriage is a bad thing.

she NEVER supported gay marriage

fuck, stop lying

good lord, seriously, what is it with most libs on this board and lying?
News for you liberals - Liz Chaney is her own woman and entitled to her own opinions. Just because her sister happens to be gay doesn't mean Liz has to feel one way or the other about gay marriage. I can actually understand her sister being hurt and frustrated by Liz's views, but no one threw anyone under the bus. Learn to respect other people's opinions.

It is a free country. Liz is entitled to her own opinions

She is also entitled to be ridiculed for those opinions

I think bullied is a more apt description. The 'liberal' progressive left has become that which they supposedly abhored. Authoritarians, bullies, and judgmental.

When right wingers deny rights, it's defending liberty. When everyone else is fighting FOR those rights, it's because they are bullies. News flash, Bullies are the ones who deny rights.
If Liz spoke in sppt. of gay marriage, she is a hypocrite. No doubt. (And I don't mean where in she says I sppt. as it is a state law already on the books that she has to enforce).

on another note her sister Mary, worked actively in sppt. of Bush's election/re-election...... he was not a proponent of gay marriage if I recall.....

When asked about that, she said she was not a "one issue voter". But you notice that when the Cheney family walked out on stage at the GOP convention, Mary was noticeably absent.

so? what gop convention do you refer to?
Gay marriage splits Cheney sisters | TheHill

"Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 — she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. To have her now say she doesn't support our right to marry is offensive to say the least."

Way to go Liz. Throwing your sister under the bus. Telling the world she isn't as "good" as you are. I would love to be a fly on the wall at your next family Thanksgiving Dinner. Will she be regulated to the "kids" table?

What the fuck would you care,other than another pathetic stab at someone not like yourself.

You are not making sense Chickenshit.
She was an out there lesbian long before Edwards' stupidity. Where is Trajan getting his information?

she may have been out to her friends, but not in the national spotlight. kerry used her homosexuality for political gain....that is throwing someone under the bus.

but you and your fellow libs won't agree because you have double standards.

Wrong answer. She had been the Gay Liason for Coors Beer because of the boycott long beforehand, and VP Cheney had been asked publically about gay marriage and gays because of his daughter.

But, that sure was enlightening how many on the Right (including Mrs Cheney) thought gayness was an insult. Said a lot about YOU guys. :D

and you think that is national spotlight....LOL...if that was the case, why was the media all abuzz about cheney's gay daughter after kerry's comment? oh yeah, because the vast majority of americans did not know about it.
she may have been out to her friends, but not in the national spotlight. kerry used her homosexuality for political gain....that is throwing someone under the bus.

but you and your fellow libs won't agree because you have double standards.

I am right of center and you are a reactionary far, far to the right, so Reagan would be a lib to you, Yurt.

Yes, it was common knowledge, but if you have proof to counter, bring it.

cite only 3 positions of mine that make me far far right.

prediction: jake will not cite 3 positions because he knows i'm middle of the road, supporting gay marriage, expanding medicare, legalization of pot....yeah...reagan sure looks liberal compared to those positions

dumb liar

It is a free country. Liz is entitled to her own opinions

She is also entitled to be ridiculed for those opinions

I think bullied is a more apt description. The 'liberal' progressive left has become that which they supposedly abhored. Authoritarians, bullies, and judgmental.

When right wingers deny rights, it's defending liberty. When everyone else is fighting FOR those rights, it's because they are bullies. News flash, Bullies are the ones who deny rights.

According to your libturd brethren in this forum, rights are whatever the government says they are, so the phrase "fighting for your rights" is an oxymoron. If the government hasn't granted you a right, then you don't have it.
Individuals are NOT entitled to make their own decisions. They MUST support only what they are told to support.

Liz Cheney is on the right side of all historical records. No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived.

History of same-sex unions

What does ignorance feel like? Is the brain soaked in stupid? The results are tangible, is the stupid itself something you can "measure"?
That is so NOT true......where has a Liberal ever discouraged children praying as offensive?

Do all rw'ers make things up?

They've done it plenty of times in public schools.

Children can pray anytime in school as long as they don't disturb the educational process and or disturb their school neighbors.

Several Valedictorians were disciplined for praying during their speeches or for talking about god.

Some schools have tried to ban religious clubs from having meetings on school property.

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