Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

How so?

I love my sister but I have a difficult time with her stance that animals are more important than humans.

Has your sister ever said "I don't think you should have the same rights as me."?

Because that's what Liz said publicly.

nope, she said she believes they should have the same rights. stop lying. i posted her comments twice. is she correct, i don't believe so, but stop lying about what she said. she is entitled to her thoughts.

If she doesn't believe gays should be legally married, that is exactly what she is saying.
I think all involved have a right to their own opinions and should be able to freely express them without condemnation. Because you may not agree with a loved one's position on something, is part and parcel of family life. Live and let live without so much needless sensitivity, unless you are trying to score a potential agenda of your own.

[ame=]Cheney family embroiled in same-sex marriage feud - YouTube[/ame]
how was mary sacrificed? no one, especially YOU, ever answered that.

You don't get "just once more" either, Yurt, when it has been answered.

Christie would have said, "That's family, and you don't get to ask that question. Next one."

An aside: I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage. Either you are lying now or you were lying then.

please cite the post where it was explained how mary cheney was sacrificed.

also, please cite where i said i do not support homosexual marriage you petty little liar.

don't worry, you won't back up your claim just like you didn't here.

A smokescreen on the question, so no you "don't get just once more."

I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage.

You are so easy to expose as a poser and a liar.

So you are lying now, as you support the gay smear by Ms. Cheney on Ms. Cheney.
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Has your sister ever said "I don't think you should have the same rights as me."?

Because that's what Liz said publicly.

nope, she said she believes they should have the same rights. stop lying. i posted her comments twice. is she correct, i don't believe so, but stop lying about what she said. she is entitled to her thoughts.

If she doesn't believe gays should be legally married, that is exactly what she is saying.

in yours and my opinion, but she believes gays can have all the legal equal rights and that is what she wants, she just believes in the traditional definition of marriage.

why don't you read what she actually said instead of letting rdean dictate your thoughts.
You don't get "just once more" either, Yurt, when it has been answered.

Christie would have said, "That's family, and you don't get to ask that question. Next one."

An aside: I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage. Either you are lying now or you were lying then.

please cite the post where it was explained how mary cheney was sacrificed.

also, please cite where i said i do not support homosexual marriage you petty little liar.

don't worry, you won't back up your claim just like you didn't here.

A smokescreen on the question, so no you "don't get just once more."

I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage.

You are so easy to expose as a poser and a liar.
So you are lying now, as you support the gay smear by Ms. Cheney on Ms. Cheney.

nice try liar....your next sentence accused me of lying now or then, thus expressly stating i'm lying in this thread or my earlier comments about supporting gay marriage.

you're nothing but a sad joke jake. i think you lie so often you don't even realize it. this is why you 99% of the time never back up your claims, you simply can't and then you claim you already did, yet whenever anyone goes back in the thread, they can never find where you actually backed anything up.

i almost pity you, but i've dealt with you too often to have pity because you're willful and you don't even attempt to support your claims.
yea i know what you mean Dean....Brown did that out here....that heartless is ONE of the links you ran from in those 3 other can leave this one now..."Dottie" will stay and defend you.....

CA budget: big cuts to welfare, kids' health care - SFGate

So, you admit that Rick Perry of Texas is a heartless bastard?

Rick Perry's Refusal to Expand Texas' Medicaid Program Could Result In Thousands of Deaths - The Texas Observer

And, Rick Scott of Florida? Rick Scott Wants To Cut Florida's Welfare Costs By Spending More On Welfare | Political Correction

And what about Gov Haslam of Tennessee? Gov unsure about medicaid expansion.

They know Medicare and the Health Care exchange are growing in California. Those children will be covered. But in the southern states? They don't care. They love the fetus but detest the child.

Dean you said.... Kids they wouldn't mind seeing starve......and i showed you where your buddy Brown cut welfare programs that feed these poorer what does health care have to do with this?....unless you are saying after they become malnourished they will be covered when they become ill....:dunno:

I admit that title was misleading. It was my first post ever. I did vote for Bush the first time he ran. I never denied it. Just voting for Bush doesn't make you a Republican but because I voted for Bush, I kind of felt like one. Then came the Deficit Creating Tax cuts, the fake war in Iraq. Katrina. The jobs moved to China. The scientists leaving government service. and all the other debacles and fiascoes.
Now my parents were both life long Republicans. Bush drove them both from the Republican Party. These two people loved Nixon. I told them he would be impeached. I was wrong. He resigned. Bush did what Nixon couldn't.

I do like this line from my post:

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

A couple of years after Kathleen Parker said that, she said the GOP has become the party of "ooga booga".

wow even i did not vote for Bush, i felt both he and Gore were way below Clinton on the IQ scale......
Another thread that shows how close minded the far left truly is.
To destroy your relationship with your sister for a longshot attempt at a Senate seat is despicable. Does the woman have no honor?

I have two sisters, one redhead like my mother and one blonde like my dad. They are exact opposites and argue about everything. Nothing to see here.

Liz's sister started the argument by publicly announcing that Liz isn't really from Wyoming, which is a blatant lie.

(Liz) Cheney is one of two daughters of former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Second Lady Lynne Cheney (née Vincent); Cheney attended elementary school and Junior High in Casper, Wyoming. The family split time between Casper and Washington DC in the 1970s through the '80s following her father's election to Congress.
In the video announcing her candidacy, she noted that the Cheney family first came to Wyoming in 1852. Her father served Wyoming in the House of Representatives from 1979 to 1989.

I get a real chuckle out of this when the media jumped all over this when I remember Hillary Clinton moving to New York to run for the Senate. Despicable and no honor do come to mind, since she had never lived in New York.
Individuals are NOT entitled to make their own decisions. They MUST support only what they are told to support.

Liz Cheney is on the right side of all historical records. No culture that has ever accepted normalization of same sex relationships has survived.

No culture that has accepted anything has survived. Every culture collapses eventually.

By your logic, Rome collapsed after it made Christianity the state religion and banned homosexuality. Christianity and homophobia caused the fall of Rome.

nope, she said she believes they should have the same rights. stop lying. i posted her comments twice. is she correct, i don't believe so, but stop lying about what she said. she is entitled to her thoughts.

If she doesn't believe gays should be legally married, that is exactly what she is saying.

in yours and my opinion, but she believes gays can have all the legal equal rights and that is what she wants, she just believes in the traditional definition of marriage.

why don't you read what she actually said instead of letting rdean dictate your thoughts.

I did and what she said is that she doesn't believe that her sister should have the same right to marry that she enjoys. She wasn't talking about religious marriage, but the legal, civil definition of marriage.
To destroy your relationship with your sister for a longshot attempt at a Senate seat is despicable. Does the woman have no honor?

I have two sisters, one redhead like my mother and one blonde like my dad. They are exact opposites and argue about everything. Nothing to see here.

Liz's sister started the argument by publicly announcing that Liz isn't really from Wyoming, which is a blatant lie.

(Liz) Cheney is one of two daughters of former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Second Lady Lynne Cheney (née Vincent); Cheney attended elementary school and Junior High in Casper, Wyoming. The family split time between Casper and Washington DC in the 1970s through the '80s following her father's election to Congress.
In the video announcing her candidacy, she noted that the Cheney family first came to Wyoming in 1852. Her father served Wyoming in the House of Representatives from 1979 to 1989.

I get a real chuckle out of this when the media jumped all over this when I remember Hillary Clinton moving to New York to run for the Senate. Despicable and no honor do come to mind, since she had never lived in New York.

This isn't just some sibling rivalry spat. This is one sister saying publicly that she doesn't believe her sister should have the same rights that she has. That makes for an awkward thanksgiving dinner...
How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

In 2009, Liz Cheney came out against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and she supported the State Department's decision to extend marriage benefits to gay couples.

A few months ago, when she made her political aspirations clearer, right wing PACs began attacking her for those views.

So now she has found God and decided gay marriage is a bad thing.

And the sad thing is, it isn't going to get her anything.

She's so behind Enzi right now, a guy who really hasn't done anything to deserve a primary challenge (having neither been too TeaCrazy or too RINO), that she's not going anywhere.
Would love to be at the table for the Cheney Thanksgiving!

"Is this Turkey a Gobbler or a Hen and should we be eating it?"
How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

In 2009, Liz Cheney came out against a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and she supported the State Department's decision to extend marriage benefits to gay couples.

A few months ago, when she made her political aspirations clearer, right wing PACs began attacking her for those views.

So now she has found God and decided gay marriage is a bad thing.

And the sad thing is, it isn't going to get her anything.

She's so behind Enzi right now, a guy who really hasn't done anything to deserve a primary challenge (having neither been too TeaCrazy or too RINO), that she's not going anywhere.

I hope she thinks it was worth it.
please cite the post where it was explained how mary cheney was sacrificed.

also, please cite where i said i do not support homosexual marriage you petty little liar.

don't worry, you won't back up your claim just like you didn't here.

A smokescreen on the question, so no you "don't get just once more."

I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage.

You are so easy to expose as a poser and a liar.
So you are lying now, as you support the gay smear by Ms. Cheney on Ms. Cheney.

accused me of lying now or then, thus expressly stating i'm lying in this thread or my earlier comments about supporting gay marriage.

any earlier statements of support for gay marriage contradicts the above statement supporting the sister who attacks gay marriage now
Gay marriage splits Cheney sisters | TheHill

"Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 — she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. To have her now say she doesn't support our right to marry is offensive to say the least."

Way to go Liz. Throwing your sister under the bus. Telling the world she isn't as "good" as you are. I would love to be a fly on the wall at your next family Thanksgiving Dinner. Will she be regulated to the "kids" table?

This is an example of the mental aberration known as Liberalism.

To attack her sister, who has expressed her love for her, simply because of a difference of opinion is exactly the kind of intolerance that that is the cornerstone of Liberalism.

As far as I know, no pro-life proponent has said they would no longer have a relationship with a family member who had an abortion.....


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