Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

cite where i supported her statement. i never supported her statement you fucking idiotic senile liar.

if you find the post where i supported/agreed with her statement, i'll leave the board.

You supported the sister who attacked her sister, Yurt.

I don't have to post what we all know you did.

nope, she said she believes they should have the same rights. stop lying. i posted her comments twice. is she correct, i don't believe so, but stop lying about what she said. she is entitled to her thoughts.

proof of jake lying again. i explicitly state i don't believe liz is correct. yet the lying fake republican claims this means i agree with her statement.


poor senile jake, embarrassed by yet another lie.

and of course jake can't give a cite, so i cited where i did not support her.

poor jake

and of course a liberal thanked his post :lol:

You have the Board laughing at your wiggling.

You set up three of your posts in a row to twist both of what I and Seawytch said: that you supported the hetero sister condemning the lesbian sister.

A liberal and a mainstream Republican in your own post have condemned you.

You can never get away from what you post, Yurt.

I will always hold you to the line, son: no doubt about it.
right, because saying i don't believe she is correct is saying i agree with her...:lol:

gawd you're lame

and no, only YOU said i support her, no one else did and you're a liberal
PC has twisted it. The hetero sister attacked the lesbian sister by attacking her lifestyle.

Now each has the right to call the other out.

Jakal....the typical intolerant Liberal.

Everyone has to agree, or else.

Just hopin' that God might use him for miracle practice.

That would be a valid complaint if Liz was a devoted Homophobe.

But really, she's shown a lot of tolerance on the issue, until she decided that she wanted to be Senator from the State the murdered Matt Shephard.

that is not true, her position has remain unchanged
right, because saying i don't believe she is correct is saying i agree with her...:lol:

gawd you're lame

and no, only YOU said i support her, no one else did and you're a liberal

You said you supported the hetero gal for calling out the lesbian gal's lifestyle.

Have you gone back and changed that.

You need to be consistent, Yurt, but you lie so much no one knows what to believe when you write.
This entire thread is a libtard wet dream. Nobody cares about Liz Cheney but you morons. I guess it gives you something to talk about as Obummer drives the Democrat Party into the ditch. Have fun kids. :)
This entire thread is a libtard wet dream. Nobody cares about Liz Cheney but you morons. I guess it gives you something to talk about as Obummer drives the Democrat Party into the ditch. Have fun kids. :)

Obamacare will be just fine

It is a Republucan wet dream that it will somehow fail
This entire thread is a libtard wet dream. Nobody cares about Liz Cheney but you morons. I guess it gives you something to talk about as Obummer drives the Democrat Party into the ditch. Have fun kids. :)

Obamacare will be just fine

It is a Republucan wet dream that it will somehow fail

noun \di-ˈlü-zhən, dē-\

: a belief that is not true : a false idea

: a false idea or belief that is caused by mental illness
right, because saying i don't believe she is correct is saying i agree with her...:lol:

gawd you're lame

and no, only YOU said i support her, no one else did and you're a liberal

You said you supported the hetero gal for calling out the lesbian gal's lifestyle.

Have you gone back and changed that.

You need to be consistent, Yurt, but you lie so much no one knows what to believe when you write.

i support her right to state her opinion. how does that equal agreeing with her? you have disagreed with people, yet supported their right to their opinion.

how dishonest of you.
and yet you never said obama threw anyone under the bus

see the rank hypocrisy?

Who did Obama throw under the bus in 2008?

are you kidding me? obama said the same thing in 2008 and you don't think he threw anyone under the bus. liz says the same thing now and she is throwing her sister under the bus.

do explain how that makes any sense, because you don't have to be related to someone in order to throw them under the bus.

right, because saying i don't believe she is correct is saying i agree with her...:lol:

gawd you're lame

and no, only YOU said i support her, no one else did and you're a liberal

You said you supported the hetero gal for calling out the lesbian gal's lifestyle.

Have you gone back and changed that.

You need to be consistent, Yurt, but you lie so much no one knows what to believe when you write.

i support her right to state her opinion. how does that equal agreeing with her? you have disagreed with people, yet supported their right to their opinion.

how dishonest of you.

Why would you bother to 'argue' with Rain Man? Just ignore him and let him go watch Wapner.
This entire thread is a libtard wet dream. Nobody cares about Liz Cheney but you morons. I guess it gives you something to talk about as Obummer drives the Democrat Party into the ditch. Have fun kids. :)

Obamacare will be just fine

It is a Republucan wet dream that it will somehow fail

noun \di-ˈlü-zhən, dē-\

: a belief that is not true : a false idea

: a false idea or belief that is caused by mental illness

I understand it is just wishfull thinking on the part of republicans. They have been screaming fail, fail, fail for so long that they jump at any ray of hope

But Obamacare will succeed, people will sign up and Republicans will not be able to take it away
Who did Obama throw under the bus in 2008?

are you kidding me? obama said the same thing in 2008 and you don't think he threw anyone under the bus. liz says the same thing now and she is throwing her sister under the bus.

do explain how that makes any sense, because you don't have to be related to someone in order to throw them under the bus.


How many gay people were married in 2008? How many of them were "thrown under the bus"?

Not like publicly declaring your own sisters marriage invalid
This entire thread is a libtard wet dream. Nobody cares about Liz Cheney but you morons. I guess it gives you something to talk about as Obummer drives the Democrat Party into the ditch. Have fun kids. :)

Well, that is certainly turning out to be true in Wyoming. :D
are you kidding me? obama said the same thing in 2008 and you don't think he threw anyone under the bus. liz says the same thing now and she is throwing her sister under the bus.

do explain how that makes any sense, because you don't have to be related to someone in order to throw them under the bus.


How many gay people were married in 2008? How many of them were "thrown under the bus"?

Not like publicly declaring your own sisters marriage invalid are pitiful dodger of questions. you know i'm right, hence your refusal to answer my questions.

let me break it down for you. there were thousands of married gays in 2008, see CA for starters. further, there were many gays who voted for obama and who wanted him to support their rights. you just lost your entire argument because there were in fact gays married in 2008. thus, using YOUR logic, obama threw thousands under the bus.

good job RW. no wonder you're too chickenshit to answer my questions. unfortunately for you, i see right through your hypocrisy and bullshit.
You said you supported the hetero gal for calling out the lesbian gal's lifestyle.

Have you gone back and changed that.

You need to be consistent, Yurt, but you lie so much no one knows what to believe when you write.

i support her right to state her opinion. how does that equal agreeing with her? you have disagreed with people, yet supported their right to their opinion.

how dishonest of you.

Why would you bother to 'argue' with Rain Man? Just ignore him and let him go watch Wapner.

i get bored and it is hilarious to watch himself back into a corner and lie virtually everytime
You're confused. The angels were sent to destroy the city, but Lot took them in persuasively, knowing how horrible their fate would be. The angels put out the deviant's vision to save lot, and they stayed that way, because they couldn't find the door to Lot's House. Then the Angels turned around and led Lot out of the city telling him not to look back for any reason, that they had a job to do and were sent to see exactly how bad it was from deviants gone crazy with power.

Those deviants knew it wasn't right to treat strangers poorly, and they threatened Lot's life and family to do worse to them than they intended to do with the 'strangers.' whom they did not recognize because they were so bent on evil-doing.

Ancient people knew these were bad cities, and when their loved ones were harmed there, they prayed to God about it. That's how God knows who's naughty and who's nice.

I don't think God has to rely on the prayers of people to learn when a city is sinful/wicked.
He's Omniscient, which means He knows everything. That he decided to honor the people's prayers and send the Angels to destroy those cities doesn't mean he had first learned of it through their prayers.

They were sinful cities, that's true, but nothing was mentioned about homosexuality. That the evil men wanted to do that was because they were being inhospitable with Lot's guests. There was no mention that the city was gay - just wicked and sinful, and there's lots of things that are wicked and sinful that have nothing to do with homosexuality. Gang rape is a demonstration of power, not sex. I thought everyone knew that.

Why did God destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, plus two others, Admah and Zeboyim, which were nearby? Christians who take the Bible absolutely literally will tell you that God did this because the inhabitants of these cities were all gay, or at least most of them. I am humming again my favorite tune 'It ain't necessarily so ...'

First of all, when God informs Abraham of his decision to destroy these cities, he only mentions 'wickedness' and 'great sin' plus he speaks of an outcry of the people living in the area complaining about them to God. Nowhere in the whole narrative is explicitly stated what the exact sin of Sodom was.

The only sin we can deduce from the text itself, is the sin against hospitality to strangers when the men of Sodom demand his guests from Lot so that they may 'know them' aka have sex with them. To understand the gravity of that, you need to have traveled or lived in the Middle East, or in any other part of the world where hospitality towards others is a law-like custom. This was even stronger in the past, when hospitality in those parts of the world was seen as a sacred duty and the host would have done everything, yes, including sacrificing his own daughters!, in order to fulfill his obligation towards his guests. Therefore

The sin of Sodom was NOT homosexuality, it was the breach of hospitality attempted by the inhabitants of Sodom towards Lot's guests!

Gang-Rape, like any other form of rape, has actually little to do with sexuality, as any psychologist can confirm you, but has all to do with violence, power over others and ultimately humiliating the rape victim. And, in the case of male to male rape, about establishing power over another man and emasculating him.
Sodom and Gomorrah- What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

People take their troubles to him in prayer. His answer was to test them first, and if they treated his emissaries badly enough, he'd carry through with eliminating it.

It was a story written for the enlightenment of future generations about planning a life around unacceptable deviant sex. It's against wisdom and should not be even a temptation to anyone. Accepting the behavior is the same as bringing it down on the rest of society.
There is nothing in the scripture to suggest that it was "enlightenment of future generations about planning a life around unacceptable deviant sex. Wouldn't Lot's daughters having sex with him be pointed out as deviant, if that was the case?

Not sure how that fits into the topic of the thread, but I gather you had to throw in some rhetoric.

When that happens, normal people will lose their freedoms, because people like those in the evil cities will be in charge of the banks, hankering to destroy people who don't cooperate with their deviancies and power-madness as Seawytch calls it.
We have evil people everywhere - some with guns, even, and some who defend that they have their guns. But trying to claim that homosexuality was the reason for Sodom being destroyed is a bit of a stretch.

The bible wasn't written so deviants could change the meanings. It was written so ordinary people could understand it in language that is clear and precise enough to know certain lifestyles are not acceptable. That's why. The entire scenario of deviance is defiance of the authority of the family. They'll damn and disown their own parents and deny them children before they'll change their behaviors, and shill other people into engaging in the behavior daring them with social acceptance and pity. Once in, they're trapped. They even pat themselves on the back for not bringing more people into the world by sex, which is its stated purpose historically.
And it is clear that some have decided that their understanding is the correct one and then go and ignore other scripture that would contradict their understanding, such as you have done when you claim that homosexuality was being condemned, but incest was okay.
Criminals who rape sometimes cause more people into the world, but I'm sure that is not what "God intended".
They were sinful cities, that's true, but nothing was mentioned about homosexuality.

It certainly did mention the act of homosexuality:

4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house.5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them

Your house of cards falls for missing the card that holds the others up when you deny what was written and understood by everybody else who reads it.

There's more to this issue that is biblical:

"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
It is an abomination."
(Leviticus 18:22)
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman,
both of them have committed an abomination.
They shall surely be put to death.
Their blood shall be upon them."
(Leviticus 20:13)
"Do you not know that the unrighteous
will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God"
Do not be deceived.
Neither fornicators, ...
nor adulterers,
nor homosexuals,
nor sodomites,
nor thieves, ...
will inherit the Kingdom of God.
And such were some of you. ('Repent' means 'stop' and return to God and His Word)
But you were washed (through the innocent blood of Jesus which was shed for our sins)
But you were sanctified (means "set apart" ... all who will believe in Jesus are "set apart")
But you were justified (justified means "just as if it had never happened ...")
in the Name of the Lord Jesus
and by the Spirit of our God."
(1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men . . .
For even their women exchanged the natural use
for what is against nature (lesbianism).
Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burning in their lust for one another,
men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) . . .
that those who practice these things are worthy of death (Hell),
and not only those who do the same
but also those who approve of those who practice them!"
(Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32)
(Note: Other offenses were also included which were not listed here.)

I will not join you and your thankers in approving of those who practice this specific and intentional behavior due to my beliefs.

If a young man or young woman is raped by a pedophile, he or she should report his or her rape to parents and police immediately so they can direct him or her to a medical facility for medical proof and aids prevention care and get the pedophile/rapist off the streets. Each state has a minor age in which sexual contact with a minor is considered rape. It truly should be a state issue, not a federal one.
Gay marriage splits Cheney sisters | TheHill

"Liz has been a guest in our home, has spent time and shared holidays with our children, and when Mary and I got married in 2012 — she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. To have her now say she doesn't support our right to marry is offensive to say the least."

Way to go Liz. Throwing your sister under the bus. Telling the world she isn't as "good" as you are. I would love to be a fly on the wall at your next family Thanksgiving Dinner. Will she be regulated to the "kids" table?

political desperation can indeed be an ugly thing...

C U N Toledo, Liz...

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