Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

It is a shame that Mary Cheney threw her sister, Liz under the bus by not supporting traditional marriage.
rather abusive

abusive? are you insane?

if your kid acts inappropriately and you don't approve, that means you don't love them?
thats not what is going on here.

Sure it is!

It's about love and acceptance of another family member, no matter what.
If my uncle turned out to be a serial killer, that doesn't mean I would stop loving him. Would I condone the part of him that is a killer, probably not.
Being gay is not the entire essence of a person.
How exactly did Liz Chaney throw her sister under the bus?

Rocko, go back and read. You don't get "just once more" when it has been competently answered.

how was mary sacrificed? no one, especially YOU, ever answered that.

You don't get "just once more" either, Yurt, when it has been answered.

Christie would have said, "That's family, and you don't get to ask that question. Next one."

An aside: I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage. Either you are lying now or you were lying then.
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abusive? are you insane?

if your kid acts inappropriately and you don't approve, that means you don't love them?
thats not what is going on here.

Sure it is!

It's about love and acceptance of another family member, no matter what.
If my uncle turned out to be a serial killer, that doesn't mean I would stop loving him. Would I condone the part of him that is a killer, probably not.
Being gay is not the entire essence of a person.

its love the sinner not the sin.
Uh thats a horrible example. Being gay is not akin to being a serial killer. Why would you even think that would be a good example?

Its mentally abusive and nothing less.
When asked about that, she said she was not a "one issue voter". But you notice that when the Cheney family walked out on stage at the GOP convention, Mary was noticeably absent.

so? what gop convention do you refer to?

Where was Mary Cheney?

Newsday explains that Cheney's gay daughter was good enough to attend the RNC but not good enough to sit on stage with her family:

not sure if this is another rdean lie, but i will give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just ignorant. you were talking about LIZ cheney and your link is from 2004, which had zero to do with liz.

do you have anything to support your claim about liz?
Wyoming has an effective senator, Senator Enzi. Hope she loses the primary.

Enzi is very popular and called it on obamacare three years ago. Liz Cheney will likely lose and her opinion on her sister's pretend marriage will have nothing to do with it.
I am not illegal. But again, thank you for showing us your inability to see the difference between legality and illegality.

my good lord. can you read? i have never once supported incest marriage because it is illegal. however, you and rdean are talking about people having the same rights as you and condemning those who don't agree with you.

AND you keep IGNORING the point that homosexuality was ILLEGAL until a few decades ago. stop playing stupid. or maybe you're not playing....

Poor Yurt...still doesn't see that illegality is a game stopper. You simply are unable to get that.

yes or no....despite the legal status, do they have the same rights you do?

simple yes or no, stop beating around the bush.
Rocko, go back and read. You don't get "just once more" when it has been competently answered.

how was mary sacrificed? no one, especially YOU, ever answered that.

You don't get "just once more" either, Yurt, when it has been answered.

Christie would have said, "That's family, and you don't get to ask that question. Next one."

An aside: I thought you earlier (several times) said that, as an example that you are not reactionary, that you supported same sex marriage. Either you are lying now or you were lying then.

please cite the post where it was explained how mary cheney was sacrificed.

also, please cite where i said i do not support homosexual marriage you petty little liar.

don't worry, you won't back up your claim just like you didn't here.
Funny how right wingers say they aren't phobic or racist and then all that shit spews from their mouths like that little girl Reagan (not the president).
rather abusive

How so?

I love my sister but I have a difficult time with her stance that animals are more important than humans.

Has your sister ever said "I don't think you should have the same rights as me."?

Because that's what Liz said publicly.

nope, she said she believes they should have the same rights. stop lying. i posted her comments twice. is she correct, i don't believe so, but stop lying about what she said. she is entitled to her thoughts.
Not my issue....if it becomes legal ok...but I personally am not working for its legality. See how that works?

The discussion here is about whether it should be legal.

I don't care except for the genetic issue.

wooomp, there it is. because there are potential genetic issues, you don't believe they should have the same rights as you, despite the fact that non incest babies have genetic defects.

thank you for finally admitting it.
The discussion here is about whether it should be legal.

I don't care except for the genetic issue.

wooomp, there it is. because there are potential genetic issues, you don't believe they should have the same rights as you, despite the fact that non incest babies have genetic defects.

thank you for finally admitting it.

What part of "I don't care" did you not understand. Please join Bripat in making your case for incest marriage rights. I would like to read your argument. Convince me.

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