Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

rather abusive

abusive? are you insane?

if your kid acts inappropriately and you don't approve, that means you don't love them?

No, but if you give him a reward for jumping on the sofa one day, and the next day you punish him for doing it, you're sending mixed signals. That's what Liz's sister got when Liz attended her wedding and wished her happiness - now she's dissing her marriage! Sad.
No that isn't mixed signals. You tell the child WHY it is inappropriate...and it doesn't mean that you don't love them...that there is acceptable behavior, and unacceptable behavior.

Mixed signals? Good God/ Hopefully? YOU aren't a parent? If you are? Then we have another screwed up soul to deal with in society.

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because we are discussing consensual relationships and acts. now please answer my question as i answered yours.

rdean? is there a reason you didn't answer this?

What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.
Close to all. Worse, that picture is misleading since they only love the fetus. Kids they wouldn't mind seeing starve. We know they don't want them to have insurance.

Republicans push bill to cut food stamps /school lunches - Austin Economy

yea i know what you mean Dean....Brown did that out here....that heartless is ONE of the links you ran from in those 3 other can leave this one now..."Dottie" will stay and defend you.....

CA budget: big cuts to welfare, kids' health care - SFGate

So, you admit that Rick Perry of Texas is a heartless bastard?

Rick Perry's Refusal to Expand Texas' Medicaid Program Could Result In Thousands of Deaths - The Texas Observer

And, Rick Scott of Florida? Rick Scott Wants To Cut Florida's Welfare Costs By Spending More On Welfare | Political Correction

And what about Gov Haslam of Tennessee? Gov unsure about medicaid expansion.

They know Medicare and the Health Care exchange are growing in California. Those children will be covered. But in the southern states? They don't care. They love the fetus but detest the child.
Several Valedictorians were disciplined for praying during their speeches or for talking about god.

Some schools have tried to ban religious clubs from having meetings on school property.

They were disciplined for straying from their agreed to speeches. You can pray when you want. Public Prayer at a public school becomes an issue
Schools exist today because churches nurtured them into existence first. Free speech means you can say what you think about God in public without fear of reprisal.

Today's schools are chasing their damn tails, and they don't know which way they're going, except they're headed straight downhill as far as I'm concerned when they take the top scholar and force him to say yammerings they can snore their way through and be mellow at the end. Movers and shakers is what valedictorians used to be. Now they're just mouthpieces for the union goons at school.

Laws of mercy.

Foreigners send their children to schools in Blue States because they feel those are the best schools in the world.

Foreign Students (F-1) in Public Schools

What would Republicans know about that? Red States are failed experiments in Krazy Kkonservatism. They think education is for snobs.
because we are discussing consensual relationships and acts. now please answer my question as i answered yours.

rdean? is there a reason you didn't answer this?

What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


no surprise you didn't answer my question, thus proving you're a hypocrite about your statement to the other poster.

the argument about genetics is none of your business. you're invading people's bedrooms. heteros have genetic problems as well, perhaps we should have a law that you can't have babies with genetic defects.

sorry rdean, you lose.
yea i know what you mean Dean....Brown did that out here....that heartless is ONE of the links you ran from in those 3 other can leave this one now..."Dottie" will stay and defend you.....

CA budget: big cuts to welfare, kids' health care - SFGate

So, you admit that Rick Perry of Texas is a heartless bastard?

Rick Perry's Refusal to Expand Texas' Medicaid Program Could Result In Thousands of Deaths - The Texas Observer

And, Rick Scott of Florida? Rick Scott Wants To Cut Florida's Welfare Costs By Spending More On Welfare | Political Correction

And what about Gov Haslam of Tennessee? Gov unsure about medicaid expansion.
Rick Perry of Texas has a huge heart. He knows that if the government keeps jumping up and down about controlling the medical profession good doctors will make a mass exodus. He's actually saving lives by keeping the good doctors in our hospitals. We have the best cancer-defeaters in the world at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston.

He aims to keep it that way.

Honey, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

What are you talking about? Controlling the Medical Profession? Government? You've been sipping the swill.
abusive? are you insane?

if your kid acts inappropriately and you don't approve, that means you don't love them?

No, but if you give him a reward for jumping on the sofa one day, and the next day you punish him for doing it, you're sending mixed signals. That's what Liz's sister got when Liz attended her wedding and wished her happiness - now she's dissing her marriage! Sad.
No that isn't mixed signals. You tell the child WHY it is inappropriate...and it doesn't mean that you don't love them...that there is acceptable behavior, and unacceptable behavior.

Mixed signals? Good God/ Hopefully? YOU aren't a parent? If you are? Then we have another screwed up soul to deal with in society.

And...what is "unacceptable behavior" about getting married and having a family?
rdean? is there a reason you didn't answer this?

What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


no surprise you didn't answer my question, thus proving you're a hypocrite about your statement to the other poster.

the argument about genetics is none of your business. you're invading people's bedrooms. heteros have genetic problems as well, perhaps we should have a law that you can't have babies with genetic defects.

sorry rdean, you lose.

Again...Yurt is showing he cannot discern the difference between consenting adults and lack of consent and illegality.
rdean? is there a reason you didn't answer this?

What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.
What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


no surprise you didn't answer my question, thus proving you're a hypocrite about your statement to the other poster.

the argument about genetics is none of your business. you're invading people's bedrooms. heteros have genetic problems as well, perhaps we should have a law that you can't have babies with genetic defects.

sorry rdean, you lose.

Again...Yurt is showing he cannot discern the difference between consenting adults and lack of consent and illegality.

brothers and sisters cannot consent?

don't forget, homosexual acts were once illegal here. please pay attention and stop being so dense.
What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

But it is illegal...except in Southern states....
It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

But it is illegal...except in Southern states....

duh. did you already forget what i said an hour or so ago? dean made a moral argument against another poster. i slammed that argument to the ground.

further, you keep MISSING the fact that homosexual acts were once illegal as well. pay attention or stop posting.
Liz Cheney is entitled to hold any opinion she wants to. She is as free to disagree with her sister as any other sibling is free to disagree with their own family members.

Only liberals believe group think is the law of the land.

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????
who you trying to kid Dean? hate said you were a cant change your spots just because you "claim" you now hate them...its inbred in people like you....

I hate gays?

I was a Republican?

When did I say that?

I admit that title was misleading. It was my first post ever. I did vote for Bush the first time he ran. I never denied it. Just voting for Bush doesn't make you a Republican but because I voted for Bush, I kind of felt like one. Then came the Deficit Creating Tax cuts, the fake war in Iraq. Katrina. The jobs moved to China. The scientists leaving government service. and all the other debacles and fiascoes.
Now my parents were both life long Republicans. Bush drove them both from the Republican Party. These two people loved Nixon. I told them he would be impeached. I was wrong. He resigned. Bush did what Nixon couldn't.

I do like this line from my post:

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

A couple of years after Kathleen Parker said that, she said the GOP has become the party of "ooga booga".
Liz Cheney is entitled to hold any opinion she wants to. She is as free to disagree with her sister as any other sibling is free to disagree with their own family members.

Only liberals believe group think is the law of the land.

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????

Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.
What's to answer? Murder victims and dogs don't "consent". Incest is illegal because of genetics. How do you think we got so many southern conservative right wingers?


It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

And it pretty much ruined his career. I remember.
It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

And it pretty much ruined his career. I remember.

What was his cousin's age?
It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

And it pretty much ruined his career. I remember.

that is because it is frowned upon and was frowned upon. and that is exactly why gays, like rock hudson, hid their homosexuality, because if he had been open, it would have ruined his career as well. you can't condemn someone over homosexual marriage and then say consenting incest marriages should be illegal. that is intellectually dishonest.

i support gay marriage because the act is no longer illegal. personally, i do not approve of gay marriage, but i support their right to marry. i don't run around condemning those who don't want incest legal.

are you getting the picture now?

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