Liz Cheney throws her gay sister under the bus. Then drives the bus over her.

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????

Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.

so you're telling a class of people they should not have the same rights as you.

thanks for proving you and rdean are both hypocrites. because i know damn well that if homosexual acts were still illegal, you would fighting for their right to have the same rights as you. but, you don't approve of incest, so you don't want them to have the same rights, YET, you condemn those who don't support gay marriage. that is epitome of hypocrisy.
here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????

Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.

so you're telling a class of people they should not have the same rights as you.

thanks for proving you and rdean are both hypocrites. because i know damn well that if homosexual acts were still illegal, you would fighting for their right to have the same rights as you. but, you don't approve of incest, so you don't want them to have the same rights, YET, you condemn those who don't support gay marriage. that is epitome of hypocrisy.

I am not illegal. But again, thank you for showing us your inability to see the difference between legality and illegality.
It continues to amaze me everytime someone like Yurt demostrates that he cannot tell the difference between acts between consenting adults and illegal acts with victims that cannot consent.

brothers and sisters or cousins can consent. look at jerry lee lewis. in some countries it is legal for 1st cousins to marry. stop being silly.

But it is illegal...except in Southern states....

You're arguing that it should be legal everywhere.
Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.

so you're telling a class of people they should not have the same rights as you.

thanks for proving you and rdean are both hypocrites. because i know damn well that if homosexual acts were still illegal, you would fighting for their right to have the same rights as you. but, you don't approve of incest, so you don't want them to have the same rights, YET, you condemn those who don't support gay marriage. that is epitome of hypocrisy.

I am not illegal. But again, thank you for showing us your inability to see the difference between legality and illegality.

my good lord. can you read? i have never once supported incest marriage because it is illegal. however, you and rdean are talking about people having the same rights as you and condemning those who don't agree with you.

AND you keep IGNORING the point that homosexuality was ILLEGAL until a few decades ago. stop playing stupid. or maybe you're not playing....

I admit that title was misleading. It was my first post ever. I did vote for Bush the first time he ran. I never denied it. Just voting for Bush doesn't make you a Republican but because I voted for Bush, I kind of felt like one. Then came the Deficit Creating Tax cuts, the fake war in Iraq. Katrina. The jobs moved to China. The scientists leaving government service. and all the other debacles and fiascoes.
Now my parents were both life long Republicans. Bush drove them both from the Republican Party. These two people loved Nixon. I told them he would be impeached. I was wrong. He resigned. Bush did what Nixon couldn't.

I do like this line from my post:

Even Kathleen Parker, Chicago Tribune conservative columnist, a hardcore Republican for many years, now refers to the Republican Party as the Confederate Party.

A couple of years after Kathleen Parker said that, she said the GOP has become the party of "ooga booga".

The Republicans have become the party of fucking idiots. OOga booga would be an improvement. They can take a big transvaginal probe and shove it up their Jesus Keester.

Today I was reminded of why I can't stand them: I went to the NJ DMV to turn over my MA driver's license and get a Jersey license since I spend more time down here now than there.

So because of the Dick and the Bush I took a fucking folder full of ID, just not second-guessing anything.

The DMV clerk asked me if I had had a NJ license before. Yes. So she's dials me up. I'm still in the system. I give her my current passport and my valid MA driver's license.

OOOOOPS! That's only 5 out of 6 points! My face from my old NJ license is on her fucking screen but still....Not enough ID.

So I grab a bank statement out of the folder.

OOOPS! That's dated from June! Not good enough.

I grab another bank statement out of the folder. October 2013! BINGO! Ladies and gentlemen, we have solid proof that I am a U.S. citizen now!

Yea, cuz assholes telling my sister she doesn't deserve the same rights as me is just FIIIIINE!

here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????

Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.

So it should be illegal because it's illegal?

Another stunning example of libturd logic!

God, I love this forum!
btw....she was being interviewed and was asked a question you dishonest hacks

WALLACE: Some of your conservative critics and, frankly, some of the Enzi people, say that you have flipped positions on some issues to try to attract voters that you didn't previously hold. You now say that you oppose same sex marriage, but they point out that in 2009, you opposed a constitutional amendment -- I know you say it's a state issue -- a constitutional amendment that would have banned same sex marriage and they point out that you supported the State Department offering benefits to same sex partners. They say that's a flip.

CHENEY: It's not and I stand by both of those positions. I don't believe we've got to discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation. If people are in a same sex relationship and they want their partner to be able to have health benefits or be designated as a beneficiary on their life insurance, there's no reason they shouldn't do that.

I also don't support amending the constitution on this issue. I do believe it's an issue that's got to be left up to the state. I do believe in the traditional definition of marriage.

But, frankly, you know, Senator Enzi's friends and supporters are running a really scurrilous ad in Wyoming. And the senator said many times that he doesn't believe in gutter politics. He said he won't stoop to that left.

You know, I think he ought to renounce it. I think he ought to run the kind of campaign that frankly the people of Wyoming deserve, which is what I'm doing, which is to campaign based on substance and based on issues.

Liz Cheney on her run for US Senate; Can President Obama 'fix' ObamaCare? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

liberals now want you to not answer questions because a family member is gay....and answering questions is throwing someone under the bus

not even close to the definition of throwing someone under the bus, morons...she didn't sacrifice her guys are so dishonest


once again, here are her actual comments and this is why no liberal, other than rdean, has tried to explain how her sister was thrown under the bus.

just because she believes in the traditional definition of marriage, which BTW, obama did in 2008 and the libs NEVER once made a thread about it or claim he threw anyone under the bus

the hypocrisy is rank
You people constantly using homosexuals as special and poor victims

are part of the reason some people come to dislike them

It's just never ending ...they get used to beat people down..

just awful
so you're telling a class of people they should not have the same rights as you.

thanks for proving you and rdean are both hypocrites. because i know damn well that if homosexual acts were still illegal, you would fighting for their right to have the same rights as you. but, you don't approve of incest, so you don't want them to have the same rights, YET, you condemn those who don't support gay marriage. that is epitome of hypocrisy.

I am not illegal. But again, thank you for showing us your inability to see the difference between legality and illegality.

my good lord. can you read? i have never once supported incest marriage because it is illegal. however, you and rdean are talking about people having the same rights as you and condemning those who don't agree with you.

AND you keep IGNORING the point that homosexuality was ILLEGAL until a few decades ago. stop playing stupid. or maybe you're not playing....

Poor Yurt...still doesn't see that illegality is a game stopper. You simply are unable to get that.
here is the rdean quote for both of you as you both seem to have forgotten.

now, why shouldn't incest (brother sister, cousins) relationships have the same rights?????

Because, to your chagrine, it's illegal. However, cousins CAN marry in most places. BTW...adopted siblings can marry.

So it should be illegal because it's illegal?

Another stunning example of libturd logic!

God, I love this forum!

Incest is illegal.....and incest marriage is illegal because incest is illegal.

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