Liz Cheney: Trump was watching Jan 6 riot on TV, could have stopped it, he is unfit to serve,i agree with Hillary about end of democracy if Trump wins

It’s easy to frustrate people when you can’t stay on topic and shift the conversations to trolling insults. But whatever gets your rocks off buddy
You are simply not in my debate weight class, hone your skills in the minors a bit longer.
You are simply not in my debate weight class, hone your skills in the minors a bit longer.
Try me without running from the topic and see how you fair. You were the one after all that abandoned this debate to insult and brag about owning Libs. Pathetic
2 that I know who I have talked to concerning. Pretty hard for you to understand that. I bet you know more who live there. Maybe you should talk to them, but maybe they won't talk to you. Get the point?
LOL...Is there anything else people talk about today other than politics, and what a horrible job Biden is doing?
Just checked it and she definitely did not say that at :58

Yes CHOP was absolutely an insurrection
What was she saying then when she spoke about going on tv and telling them to stop? Or are you going to now play the semantics game where it must be exact?

So, CHOP was an insurrection, I am glad we agree...What in your mind made that so?
What was she saying then when she spoke about going on tv and telling them to stop? Or are you going to now play the semantics game where it must be exact?

So, CHOP was an insurrection, I am glad we agree...What in your mind made that so?
It’s not a game it’s just simple English comprehension. She didn’t say what you said she said. She did say he should have gone on TV and told them to stop as soon as he saw it happening. Thats a no brainer. That’s the leader of our country making an effort to stop an attack on our capital. Instead he sat on his fat ass and watched it on TV. WTF?!
It’s not a game it’s just simple English comprehension. She didn’t say what you said she said. She did say he should have gone on TV and told them to stop as soon as he saw it happening. Thats a no brainer. That’s the leader of our country making an effort to stop an attack on our capital. Instead he sat on his fat ass and watched it on TV. WTF?!
You made the statement to theHawk that Cheney didn't say that Trump should have stopped the idiots storming the Capital on Jan 6. You said:

"She never claimed he could control an entire crowd"

Now, at time starting at :58 in the interview she said:

"He (Trump) could have taken those very few steps to the next room, went on live TV and told them to stop."

Now, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here but it is silly.
we are headed for civil unrest at best, civil war at worst

(stolen) elections have consequences
One of the last real Republicans.

She is a Marxist. All Marxists lie. She thi KS lying will endear her to other Marxists. There aren't that many Marxists in Wyoming.
Liz Cheney was hailed as a Conservative who was for guns, against abortions, for Jesus Christ, etc.

She goes against the fuhrer and overnight she becomes a Marxist! Funny how that works.

Lucky for her, Rump is no longer in charge otherwise she would have been hauled off to the nearest concentration camp.
The anniversary of 01/06/2021 erection is coming up. Things are heating up well by the elite, this is big news. I saw a report just yesterday how the anniversary is the biggest news for 2022, as spoken by a left-informational source.

Here's how the story goes, with facts too....
Some crazies, anarchists and those who call themselves patriots rioted, with of course great timing for the Democrats. Reminds me of the Russia scandal immediately after Trump's election, and COVID that ensued immediately after the left's first attempt to remove Trump.

The theme being the rioters struck the Capitol under what's supposed to be by Trump's command, which of course wasn't, but that's an important element. The rioters were in the hundreds at most. Of course it's being sold much more,, they can't say & won't, and they won't even offer a number for how many marched marched Washington that day. Apparently, only a few hundred got Trump's message to attack I guess. Who knew the left would sell a second straight "attacked our democracy".

While Trump was speaking perhaps a few thousand? marched to the Capitol. The left likes the idea they were all rioters, but of course that's wishful thinking sponsored by Carl's Jr. and those controlling Pelosi types.

So sometime later Trump Tweets knock that shit off. Nobody listened of course. I guess they figure everyone is like common leftists stuck on their smart phones. Since when are conservatives such followers anyway? After all, Trump says take the COVID shot and you know, COVID is now the Republicans fault because they're unvaccinated.

Sometime after that Trump goes on TV and says knock it off. By then it would seem the riot was already under control or close however, and after all, the mission had been accomplished.

Now the story goes how Ivanka PLEADED with her dad to go on TV or some shit, which could be why he did, eventually. What's relevant are two things.

1. You have to assume it was Trump's fault to begin with. In other terms, the guy who called it on is the same guy who calls it off. Then you have to assume the rioters would give a shit.

2. And here's the kicker, Biden was more than President elect at the time, he was being certified, did he call it off? Let's say he did, how'd that work out?

Nothing will come of this Trump, it's just another witch hunt that will come up dry, you'd think a guy would have learned by now after everything the left’s done, especially since Trump’s election.

Pay attention man, everything the left does is for appearances. Know one reason why Hollywood sucks now? They don't care, they've "progressed" to bring their talents
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Liz Chaney was part of the U.S. Government. As a U.S. senator she had the power and responsibility to take charge of the apparent leaderless and directionless capital police and stop the violence that erupted after a peaceful demonstration but she did nothing except run and whine and blame the former president.
Liz Chaney was part of the U.S. Government. As a U.S. senator she had the power and responsibility to take charge of the apparent leaderless and directionless capital police and stop the violence that erupted after a peaceful demonstration but she did nothing except run and whine and blame the former president.
Cheney is NOT and never has been a US Senator. Please try to pay attention or it cheapens the debate.
i have now posted the full interview

Raises an interesting question. For her to know that, means she has gotten testimony from someone who was in the room at the time.

So who was the insider that gave up the goods?




Keith Kellogg, Pence's national security advisor with Trump all day. Maybe him?

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