Local Pennsylvania bridal shop harassed and threatened by LGBT activist after turning away same sex

Penn's PA laws don't support the bridal shop.

The callers should be arrested.

Maybe we could settle the whole thing by sending out a questionaire, and all that don't agree can just be sumarily closed....

Look Jake, I am on record with saying that the business owners that are refusing service are in a business sense acting stupidly. Turning down business is NOT in their best interests...However, I disagree with these test attempts by the gay community to place their sexuality in your face....
Gays have spent centuries “going along” with what the Christian community wants

Keep it to yourself, remain in the shadows, deny who you are

After a hard fight, they won the right to marry. They are not giving it up to appease Christian bigots

How about "No shoes, No shirts, No service" policies? Should we protest these as well?
Ask the health department

Not following you....

Oh I got it....got lost for a second....So, when a person opens a business all of the sudden he or she give up the right to provide service to whom ever they wish? So, I can force a doctor to treat me?
So, you think all Christians believe that Westboro BS?
While most will not outwardly say it........I think they believe it
Why wouldnt they?

That's ridiculous...And bigoted...
Their actions towards gays seems to indicate otherwise

Why else would they single out gays for refusal of wedding services

Let's try a little exercise shall we?

Say, I am a devout Christian, and my mission is to go into gay bars and hand out literature on how to 'pray the gay out'....And every bar I go into the owner kicks me out, should I start a movement to get him closed down?
You are harassing his customers, he has a right to tell you to stop

Ok, How about the video that I presented Coyote? I notice you avoided that like the plague....Why?
While most will not outwardly say it........I think they believe it
Why wouldnt they?

That's ridiculous...And bigoted...
Their actions towards gays seems to indicate otherwise

Why else would they single out gays for refusal of wedding services

Let's try a little exercise shall we?

Say, I am a devout Christian, and my mission is to go into gay bars and hand out literature on how to 'pray the gay out'....And every bar I go into the owner kicks me out, should I start a movement to get him closed down?
You are harassing his customers, he has a right to tell you to stop

Ok, How about the video that I presented Coyote? I notice you avoided that like the plague....Why?

I don’t watch videos...wasted too much time
If you have a point to make....just make it
In July of 2017, a local bridal shop in Pennsylvania received threatening voicemails from LGBT activists, after a same-sex couple was denied service because it violated the shop owners moral obligation to uphold Christian values. Similar organizations have fallen victim to the viciousness of the LGBT supposedly tolerant community. Posted on the Bridal shop’s Facebook page were two voicemails

Local Pennsylvania Bridal Shop Harassed and Threatened By LGBT Activists After Turning Away Same Sex Couple

CREATING hate where there was none isn't it grand. wait until it all falls down around their superior attitudes and they're all knocked back down on their asses.
The Christian godhead is not one of hatred, not one Who supports humans who reject or humans who assault others' sensitives.

The law is what it is, so follow the law.
While most will not outwardly say it........I think they believe it
Why wouldnt they?

That's ridiculous...And bigoted...
Their actions towards gays seems to indicate otherwise

Why else would they single out gays for refusal of wedding services

Let's try a little exercise shall we?

Say, I am a devout Christian, and my mission is to go into gay bars and hand out literature on how to 'pray the gay out'....And every bar I go into the owner kicks me out, should I start a movement to get him closed down?
You are harassing his customers, he has a right to tell you to stop

Ok, How about the video that I presented Coyote? I notice you avoided that like the plague....Why?
Vids are generally a waste of time.
Maybe we could settle the whole thing by sending out a questionaire, and all that don't agree can just be sumarily closed....

Look Jake, I am on record with saying that the business owners that are refusing service are in a business sense acting stupidly. Turning down business is NOT in their best interests...However, I disagree with these test attempts by the gay community to place their sexuality in your face....
Gays have spent centuries “going along” with what the Christian community wants

Keep it to yourself, remain in the shadows, deny who you are

After a hard fight, they won the right to marry. They are not giving it up to appease Christian bigots

How about "No shoes, No shirts, No service" policies? Should we protest these as well?
Ask the health department

Not following you....

Oh I got it....got lost for a second....So, when a person opens a business all of the sudden he or she give up the right to provide service to whom ever they wish? So, I can force a doctor to treat me?
If you are in a protected class or the state's PA says so, yes.
What these "Christians" want is to produce chaos. The adult population of the U.S. stands at around 300 million. Allowing anyone to bail out of any law because of some belief that s/he has would wreak havoc on U.S. society.

BTW: I don't think that LGBT organizations employ testing methods, although these methods have been used in the past to discover whether someone is breaking civil rights laws. The only thing that I can find out about the couple that was refused service is that they posted a comment on Facebook about their experience. No one has an obligation to maintain some unwritten code of silence. Put simply, the couple did not do anything wrong.
This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

From your language, you obviously are a member of one of these hateful "Christian" cults. I find your notion of "targeting" ridiculous. How would potential customers know of a shop-owner's specific beliefs? Do they include this in advertising? "We are members of a sect of the Christian faith that prohibits providing any materials or services for same-sex weddings." See this anywhere in advertising? Remember, all Christians are not the same when it comes to this issue.

Moreover, even sect members are required to follow the law. There is no reason for people who are not members of these sects, straight or LGBT, to mollycoddle them. You seem to expect the rest of us to obediently kow-tow to them. Sorry, we don't kick innocent people of any sexual orientation out of mainstream society just to accommodate the desires of some other group.
Of course you find the notion of targeting ridiculous. You think we're all stupid and don't understand what's really going on. The homo mafia and their tools in the media and legislatures drum up support and pass these anti discrimination laws, then target Christian businesses to test them. It's been the agenda for the last few years. These cases aren't just coincidences. You're like the cop in the movie Casablanca when told there was gambling going on in the back room....."I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you".
Maybe we could settle the whole thing by sending out a questionaire, and all that don't agree can just be sumarily closed....

Look Jake, I am on record with saying that the business owners that are refusing service are in a business sense acting stupidly. Turning down business is NOT in their best interests...However, I disagree with these test attempts by the gay community to place their sexuality in your face....
Gays have spent centuries “going along” with what the Christian community wants

Keep it to yourself, remain in the shadows, deny who you are

After a hard fight, they won the right to marry. They are not giving it up to appease Christian bigots

How about "No shoes, No shirts, No service" policies? Should we protest these as well?
Ask the health department

Not following you....

Oh I got it....got lost for a second....So, when a person opens a business all of the sudden he or she give up the right to provide service to whom ever they wish? So, I can force a doctor to treat me?
So...if one gets a business license to open a business, they don't have to follow the business laws they indicated they would follow in getting that license?
This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

From your language, you obviously are a member of one of these hateful "Christian" cults. I find your notion of "targeting" ridiculous. How would potential customers know of a shop-owner's specific beliefs? Do they include this in advertising? "We are members of a sect of the Christian faith that prohibits providing any materials or services for same-sex weddings." See this anywhere in advertising? Remember, all Christians are not the same when it comes to this issue.

Moreover, even sect members are required to follow the law. There is no reason for people who are not members of these sects, straight or LGBT, to mollycoddle them. You seem to expect the rest of us to obediently kow-tow to them. Sorry, we don't kick innocent people of any sexual orientation out of mainstream society just to accommodate the desires of some other group.
Of course you find the notion of targeting ridiculous. You think we're all stupid and don't understand what's really going on. The homo mafia and their tools in the media and legislatures drum up support and pass these anti discrimination laws, then target Christian businesses to test them. It's been the agenda for the last few years. These cases aren't just coincidences. You're like the cop in the movie Casablanca when told there was gambling going on in the back room....."I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you".

"homo mafia".....:71:
What these "Christians" want is to produce chaos. The adult population of the U.S. stands at around 300 million. Allowing anyone to bail out of any law because of some belief that s/he has would wreak havoc on U.S. society.

BTW: I don't think that LGBT organizations employ testing methods, although these methods have been used in the past to discover whether someone is breaking civil rights laws. The only thing that I can find out about the couple that was refused service is that they posted a comment on Facebook about their experience. No one has an obligation to maintain some unwritten code of silence. Put simply, the couple did not do anything wrong.
When you pass a law that violates my constitutional right to my religious beliefs, then you've crossed the line. Just because you pass a law, doesn't mean I have to follow it. You and many others don't get it. My Constitutional right to my religious beliefs is protected over your nasty bullying laws.
This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

This is what the hateful queers do. They find a Christian business owner, set them up as a target, then take them down. They demand that people leave them alone, but they can't leave others alone. They're hateful hypocritical trash.

Perhaps the "hateful queers" simply search advertising for the goods they wish to purchase. I know this is what I would do. How in the heck would anyone know from advertising that some shop owner is a member of one of those Christian sects that oppose "participating" in same-sex weddings? You can't turn this situation on its head. Did the members of these Christian sects ever include their membership and the restrictions imposed by this membership in their advertising? Why are you trying to blame this on LGBTs? They are not responsible for the situation; they were were simply shopping. How are they supposed to know about someone else's personal predilections?

Also, as the "Christian" (not ALL Christians, thank you!) bakeries argue, wedding cakes require their personal artistry. To what extent is personal artistry involved with the operations of this shop? Do the proprietors of this shop design and sew personalized gowns for each individual customer or do they merely sell pre-manufactured gowns?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. The hateful queers knew the owners were Christians and they knew what would happen. That's why they were targeted. You can play dumb all you want, but this is what activists do to test new anti discrimination laws.

From your language, you obviously are a member of one of these hateful "Christian" cults. I find your notion of "targeting" ridiculous. How would potential customers know of a shop-owner's specific beliefs? Do they include this in advertising? "We are members of a sect of the Christian faith that prohibits providing any materials or services for same-sex weddings." See this anywhere in advertising? Remember, all Christians are not the same when it comes to this issue.

Moreover, even sect members are required to follow the law. There is no reason for people who are not members of these sects, straight or LGBT, to mollycoddle them. You seem to expect the rest of us to obediently kow-tow to them. Sorry, we don't kick innocent people of any sexual orientation out of mainstream society just to accommodate the desires of some other group.
Of course you find the notion of targeting ridiculous. You think we're all stupid and don't understand what's really going on. The homo mafia and their tools in the media and legislatures drum up support and pass these anti discrimination laws, then target Christian businesses to test them. It's been the agenda for the last few years. These cases aren't just coincidences. You're like the cop in the movie Casablanca when told there was gambling going on in the back room....."I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you".

"homo mafia".....:71:
Yes. Another case of playing dumb.
What these "Christians" want is to produce chaos. The adult population of the U.S. stands at around 300 million. Allowing anyone to bail out of any law because of some belief that s/he has would wreak havoc on U.S. society.

BTW: I don't think that LGBT organizations employ testing methods, although these methods have been used in the past to discover whether someone is breaking civil rights laws. The only thing that I can find out about the couple that was refused service is that they posted a comment on Facebook about their experience. No one has an obligation to maintain some unwritten code of silence. Put simply, the couple did not do anything wrong.
When you pass a law that violates my constitutional right to my religious beliefs, then you've crossed the line. Just because you pass a law, doesn't mean I have to follow it. You and many others don't get it. My Constitutional right to my religious beliefs is protected over your nasty bullying laws.
You have the court system available to you
Penn's PA laws don't support the bridal shop.

The callers should be arrested.

Maybe we could settle the whole thing by sending out a questionaire, and all that don't agree can just be sumarily closed....

Look Jake, I am on record with saying that the business owners that are refusing service are in a business sense acting stupidly. Turning down business is NOT in their best interests...However, I disagree with these test attempts by the gay community to place their sexuality in your face....
Gays have spent centuries “going along” with what the Christian community wants

Keep it to yourself, remain in the shadows, deny who you are

After a hard fight, they won the right to marry. They are not giving it up to appease Christian bigots

How about "No shoes, No shirts, No service" policies? Should we protest these as well?
Those are for individuals...not groups of people. Surely you know that.
What these "Christians" want is to produce chaos. The adult population of the U.S. stands at around 300 million. Allowing anyone to bail out of any law because of some belief that s/he has would wreak havoc on U.S. society.

BTW: I don't think that LGBT organizations employ testing methods, although these methods have been used in the past to discover whether someone is breaking civil rights laws. The only thing that I can find out about the couple that was refused service is that they posted a comment on Facebook about their experience. No one has an obligation to maintain some unwritten code of silence. Put simply, the couple did not do anything wrong.
When you pass a law that violates my constitutional right to my religious beliefs, then you've crossed the line. Just because you pass a law, doesn't mean I have to follow it. You and many others don't get it. My Constitutional right to my religious beliefs is protected over your nasty bullying laws.
You have the court system available to you
Yep, and we're using it. That's why its so crucial to appoint judges with common sense and that follow the Constitution instead of activists that follow the latest queer fad.
A bakery in Bakersfield CA just won a lawsuit against them recently for the same thing.

Excellent news. Maybe a useful precedent
Feb 5 2018

According to court documents from the ruling in favor of Tastries Bakery:

"A wedding cake is not just cake in Free Speech analysis. It is an artistic expression by the person making it that is to be used traditionally as centerpiece in the celebration of marriage.

There could not be greater form of expressive conduct. Here... They plan celebration to declare the validity of their marital union and their enduring love for one another.

The State asks this court to compel Miller against her will and religion to allow her artistic expression in celebration of marriage to be co-opted to promote the message desired by same-sex marital partners, and with which Miller disagrees.

Identifying the interests here as implicating First Amendment protections does not end the inquiry...

Furthermore, here the state minimizes the fact that Miller has provided for an alternative means for potential customers to receive the product they desire through the services of another talent" -- Miller recommended her competitor to the same-sex couple after refusing to design them a cake.

The ruling goes on to say that "the fact that Rodriguez-Del Rios feel they will suffer indignity from Miller’s choice is not sufficient to deny constitutional protection."

It could also be argued that the shop owner will suffer indignity if she were forced to engage in an activity that would make her uncomfortable and violates her religious beliefs.

I'm not sure what the answer is to the question as to whether or not these people have the right to deny service they feel goes against their religious beliefs. On one hand you could argue that it is discrimination but on the other hand, you could argue for religious freedom.

The point I've been trying to make in this discussion (apparently unsuccessfully) is that everything, including cases like this, occur in a much larger, complicated context. It's not always as simple as saying the shop owners are bigots. There are always other things to consider, such as their religious beliefs. But too often people are too lazy to consider the bigger picture. It's much easier to just say "Screw 'em, they're just bigots. Sue them at the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and force them to into practices that would cause them indignity and emotional stress."
Actually I agree with your point in that it is a complex issue...but I also think their religion can be used to justify bigotry. I dont agree with people who deliberately try to bait people into refusing service and then sue them and destroy their business. But if a couple came into a wedding store with out any idea they would not be served like any other couple, and were told no they would neef to go elsewhete that is not right either.

Just wondering if you feel the same way about this incident...

You know they were harassing the customers, right?
A bakery in Bakersfield CA just won a lawsuit against them recently for the same thing.

Excellent news. Maybe a useful precedent
Feb 5 2018

According to court documents from the ruling in favor of Tastries Bakery:

"A wedding cake is not just cake in Free Speech analysis. It is an artistic expression by the person making it that is to be used traditionally as centerpiece in the celebration of marriage.

There could not be greater form of expressive conduct. Here... They plan celebration to declare the validity of their marital union and their enduring love for one another.

The State asks this court to compel Miller against her will and religion to allow her artistic expression in celebration of marriage to be co-opted to promote the message desired by same-sex marital partners, and with which Miller disagrees.

Identifying the interests here as implicating First Amendment protections does not end the inquiry...

Furthermore, here the state minimizes the fact that Miller has provided for an alternative means for potential customers to receive the product they desire through the services of another talent" -- Miller recommended her competitor to the same-sex couple after refusing to design them a cake.

The ruling goes on to say that "the fact that Rodriguez-Del Rios feel they will suffer indignity from Miller’s choice is not sufficient to deny constitutional protection."

It could also be argued that the shop owner will suffer indignity if she were forced to engage in an activity that would make her uncomfortable and violates her religious beliefs.

I'm not sure what the answer is to the question as to whether or not these people have the right to deny service they feel goes against their religious beliefs. On one hand you could argue that it is discrimination but on the other hand, you could argue for religious freedom.

The point I've been trying to make in this discussion (apparently unsuccessfully) is that everything, including cases like this, occur in a much larger, complicated context. It's not always as simple as saying the shop owners are bigots. There are always other things to consider, such as their religious beliefs. But too often people are too lazy to consider the bigger picture. It's much easier to just say "Screw 'em, they're just bigots. Sue them at the tune of tens of thousands of dollars and force them to into practices that would cause them indignity and emotional stress."
Actually I agree with your point in that it is a complex issue...but I also think their religion can be used to justify bigotry. I dont agree with people who deliberately try to bait people into refusing service and then sue them and destroy their business. But if a couple came into a wedding store with out any idea they would not be served like any other couple, and were told no they would neef to go elsewhete that is not right either.

Just wondering if you feel the same way about this incident...

You know they were harassing the customers, right?

A business can tell you to stop distributing literature regardless of the subject

You can do it on a public street but not a private business
What these "Christians" want is to produce chaos. The adult population of the U.S. stands at around 300 million. Allowing anyone to bail out of any law because of some belief that s/he has would wreak havoc on U.S. society.

BTW: I don't think that LGBT organizations employ testing methods, although these methods have been used in the past to discover whether someone is breaking civil rights laws. The only thing that I can find out about the couple that was refused service is that they posted a comment on Facebook about their experience. No one has an obligation to maintain some unwritten code of silence. Put simply, the couple did not do anything wrong.
When you pass a law that violates my constitutional right to my religious beliefs, then you've crossed the line. Just because you pass a law, doesn't mean I have to follow it. You and many others don't get it. My Constitutional right to my religious beliefs is protected over your nasty bullying laws.
The law does not violate the constitutional rights of the anti-homo mafia, of which you are a member.
Yes, it does. It violates the right of a Christian business owner and their belief that marriage is a male and female. You twits will get in line just like lemmings and follow anything and anyone that comes up with the latest queer fad.
I’m not sure if this document has any clout, or of it’s not worth the paper it’s written on as it’s guidance from the AG (no comments on him personally please) that can maybe simply be ignored, but I found some useful interesting sections:

2. The free exercise of religion includes the right to act or abstain from action in accordance with one's religious beliefs.

The Free Exercise Clause protects not just the right to believe or the right to worship; it protects the right to perform or abstain from performing certain physical acts in accordance with one's beliefs. Federal statutes, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 ("RFRA"), support that protection, broadly defining the exercise of religion to encompass all aspects of observance and practice, whether or not central to, or required by, a particular religious faith.

3. The freedom of religion extends to persons and organizations.

The Free Exercise Clause protects not just persons, but persons collectively exercising their religion through churches or other religious denominations, religious organizations, schools, private associations, and even businesses.

12. RFRA does not permit the federal government to second-guess the reasonableness of a religious belief.

RFRA applies to all sincerely held religious beliefs, whether or not central to, or mandated by, a particular religious organization or tradition. Religious adherents will often be required to draw lines in the application of their religious beliefs, and government is not competent to assess the reasonablenessofsuchlinesdrawn,
norwoulditbeappropriateforgovernmenttodoso. Thus, for example, a government agency may not second-guess the determination of a factory worker that, consistent with his religious precepts, he can work on a line producing steel that might someday make its way into armaments but cannot work on a line producing the armaments themselves. Nor may the Department of Health and Human Services second-guess the determination of a religious employer that providing contraceptive coverage to its employees would make the employer complicit in wrongdoing in violation of the organization's religious precepts.


Also, I believe that health workers in the US, for example nurses, are permitted to abstain from participating in procedures that they conscientiously object to, for example sex reassignment surgery, abortion etc.
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The left has no hesitation to force Christians to violate their religious beliefs when it comes to accommodating their protected class of perverts. It's all about votes. They're fascists in the truest definition.

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