"Lock Him Up"?

How stupid are you? Why do you think his salary goes to charity, dummy? It’s because he’s making so much money elsewhere that he couldn’t care less about the Presidential salary that he sees as a pittance. Trump has never made $1 billion in 3 years in his entire life. If anything is costing his company money it’s the absolute mockery he is making of his name and brand.

I'm talking about a billion in REVENUE, not profit, moron. He had multiple projects in the pipeline he can't act on now because of the emoluments clause. Half the country is now boycotting his hotels because ORANGE MAN BAD. Does he need the $400K salary...of course not....could he take it anyway because he's a heartless "tyrant"? good luck selling that bullshit. The first president in my lifetime, other than Eisenhower who couldn't be bought.
Is Obama a CEO at Citigroup or Goldman Sachs yet ?

How stupid are you? Why do you think his salary goes to charity, dummy? It’s because he’s making so much money elsewhere that he couldn’t care less about the Presidential salary that he sees as a pittance. Trump has never made $1 billion in 3 years in his entire life. If anything is costing his company money it’s the absolute mockery he is making of his name and brand.

I'm talking about a billion in REVENUE, not profit, moron. He had multiple projects in the pipeline he can't act on now because of the emoluments clause. Half the country is now boycotting his hotels because ORANGE MAN BAD. Does he need the $400K salary...of course not....could he take it anyway because he's a heartless "tyrant"? good luck selling that bullshit. The first president in my lifetime, other than Eisenhower who couldn't be bought.
Yeah okay bro I’ll make a bet with you. My bet is that Trump and his companies are absolutely raking it in during his Presidency. Will you accept? Of course we can only know by seeing the tax returns Trump has spent years desperatey trying to hide from you.
Yeah okay bro I’ll make a bet with you. My bet is that Trump and his companies are absolutely raking it in during his Presidency. Will you accept? Of course we can only know by seeing the tax returns Trump has spent years desperatey trying to hide from you.

Of course they're making money....that's what business does...instead of stealing it from others....like your beloved Rat party. Are Junior and Eric the old man? please.....they're in a holding pattern in case he decides he's had enough of the bullshit and hands the Oval over to Pence....which I predict he may do shortly after he's reelected in November. Oh and BTW, his tax returns won't show you squat about his worth...his real wealth is in the equity of his properties.
What this is really about is Barr taking a long look at those who dreamed up and put the HOAX into action. They're terrified that he'll rip the bark off the plot to overthrow the President to seize power. By pissing off Barr, they're nailing their own coffins shut...now he'll be more determined than ever to send Comey/Brennan/Clapper and the rest in front of a grand jury and indict them....hopefully for treason because that's what it was. They went after Trump in the filthiest manner possible and now?

How stupid are you? Why do you think his salary goes to charity, dummy? It’s because he’s making so much money elsewhere that he couldn’t care less about the Presidential salary that he sees as a pittance. Trump has never made $1 billion in 3 years in his entire life. If anything is costing his company money it’s the absolute mockery he is making of his name and brand.
Bootlickers like WillPower are in a competition w/one another as to who can suck out their Trumpenführer's turds the quickest and most efficient.

The commies' latest spectacle is the chant to arrest and hold AG Barr until he's forced to testify in front of their moronic committee. This is coming from the clown who ate rancid day old KFC on the House floor with a plastic chicken for dramatic effect. Forget they're asking for parts of the report he can not legally give them. Forget they haven't read what he has given them.....Imagine a child in a classroom screaming "I will not read that...and you can't make me!" And then forget the DOJ ain't apt to approve of their boss being arrested by some sergeant-at-arms. Barr and Trump would race to be the one to fire anybody who acted on that order. Barr is a big guy so if they tried to grab him in front of his home? He's got armed protection and they'd have to get through them first and then deal with Barr himself....not likely. So what will they come up with next?:dunno:


if Barr is really lucky the House Democrats will investigate him 9 times like House Republicans investigated Hillary-


if he has big enough balls he will allow Congress to question him UNDER OATH for 11 hours like Hillary did ....

Or he could just be held in contempt of congress like Holder was.
Bootlickers like WillPower are in a competition w/one another as to who can suck out their Trumpenführer's turds the quickest and most efficient.


We enjoy Trump ripping your band of commie freaks a new one....any other anal references are on you, Trudy.
You cannot hold someone in Contempt of Congress when you are demanding they violate Federal Law to meet your demands?

And how ridiculous is the request to release the unredacted report, when if you have the proper security clearance, you can view it for yourself?

Nadler is becoming as big a buffoon as is Adam Schiff.

Hey Adam Shit Face.... where is That Concrete Evidence of Russian Collusion You Lied About?
Or he could just be held in contempt of congress like Holder was.

With their approval rating in the low 20's, most everybody has nothing but contempt for Congress...especially this one.
I’m impressed by the number of attorneys here.
Too bad these folks weren't as concerned when AG Holder told the House to pound sand. . . . .

And that was over something real. Someone actually died.

Someone died here too. The Democrats chance of turning America in to a Socialist Shit hole has died for at least the next 6 years.

Never mind.


Yeah that will be funny as hell in 2021.
Hopefully the majority realizes how utterly powerless they are to hold the President and his administration accountable and VOTES to try to correct that in the future before it’s too late
You and many others are happy when a D is in the office, but very unhappy when an R is in office. This is most illogical, when you consider there isn’t much of a difference between them.
Hopefully the majority realizes how utterly powerless they are to hold the President and his administration accountable and VOTES to try to correct that in the future before it’s too late
"Accountable" for what? What part of "no collusion. No obstruction" didn't you understand? You seem to believe the Dims in the House can do whatever they like to Trump simply because he's a Republican. Harassment is the only reason Dims want to drag Barr in front the Dim House inquisitors. Let them take it to the Supreme Court. They will lose there as well.
if Barr is really lucky the House Democrats will investigate him 9 times like House Republicans investigated Hillary-


if he has big enough balls he will allow Congress to question him UNDER OATH for 11 hours like Hillary did ....

The Senate cretins insulted him for 5 hours and he didn't crack..in fact he countered every charge brilliantly and ignored the rest....Crazy Mazey pretty much summed up how childish the Rats are.

he only has 6 more hours to go -
Until what?

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